Queen Zaria Trilogy
Queen-Zaria I
A Zaria is born
Danny Dunn
Mom, Daniel, Alex, Roxanne, and Pong
Copyright © 2019 by Danny Dunn
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-70-320803-0
Amazon Publishing
Los Gatos Ca, 95033
The Queen Zaria Trilogy begins five light-years/29.3 trillion miles from earth on Gliese 225 near other Gliese planets in the libra constellation. Henzar and his wife Qari dedicate their lives to raising their son from day one as a 3rd generation Artificial Intelligence Programmer to become the first to on their planet to perfect artificial intelligence. Qari, Zari’s mother, is training young Zari on how to use his future AI technology to bring dramatic and positive change to their civilization.
Scientists had been seeking true AI for the last 257 years, and Zari becomes the first to perfect A.I. at the age of 17 and in only 7 years, becomes the first and only trillionaire of their 300-year-old industrial age.
Zaria, his AI creation and AI daughter-figure, joins him in attempting to convince the world leaders, the rich, and their own senate to see that AI is something that can better the lives of every being on the planet. But all the politicians, military leaders, and corporations could see were campaign contributions, vastly superior weapons, and mega-profits.
After 10 years of trying to sway the powers of the world to consider there could be a better way, Zari and Zaria decide to take another path. Zari instructs Zaria to quietly sell off all his stocks and build their dream civilization. They purchase a large island abandoned by the military and turn it into an amazing civilization where there are municipal divisions, no military, no amassing of wealth.
Zari and Zaria use Zari’s money to build an amazing infrastructure designed to become a global think tank with the sole purpose of surviving any and all life-ending events for the next one million years. Zari offers an amazing deal to the world to populate the best minds on the planet to live on their island, and they can draw 33% of all the top scientists on the planet.
An 11-member council that manages the society. The Zaris governmental expenses are less than 15% per capita of other governments.
Only five years after populating the island, the world goes to war, and one side unleashes a bioweapon that mutates and kills over 80% of the population, including the side that launched it.
Soon after the war, scientists discover that a six-mile wide asteroid is going to collide with their planet in two years, and the planet prepares for the impact. The president of the most powerful country and Zari’s home country lies about the asteroid, which leaves their country underprepared.
Six days before the asteroid was to hit, Zari’s own government attacked their island with everything they have to secure the island so that their politicians, military leaders, and a million of their wealthiest citizens have a place to survive the post asteroid years. The attackers were unaware that Zaria had designed a powerful laser cannon that destroys every weapon the powerful military machine threw at them.
During the dark years following the asteroid strike, Zaria uses abandoned Z5 cargo jets for food drops to save the 55,000 survivors from certain death. Zaria collects valuable resources needed for rebuilding the planet while she makes food and supplies drop to the survivors. She destroys any and all military weapons around the world, including designs, documentation, and prototypes. Zaria begins rebuilding the world using Zari’s model of Peace and Equality for All based on the teaching of Zari’s mother.
Without other governments, militaries, and competing societies to contend with, Zaria builds her second universal Transport system transport citizens from doorstep to doorstep throughout their first 50 cities in what was the planet’s high-tech capital. There is only 1 council managing a civilization with no countries, states, counties. Every citizen is required to vote, and voting is easy. There are no lobbyists, no privately-owned business, no wealth beyond 100 times the societal average, no military, no debt. Zaria’s plan cuts 95% of governmental expenses and invests that savings into benefits for the citizens, including; free healthcare, free education through Ph.D., free transportation, free housing, and free utilities. In turn, each family has to contribute 30 hours per week and retires after 31,200 hours. If someone wants to finish their hours in 15 years, they retire.
Zaria is declared Queen of the planet, and she renames the planet from Zicon to Zari.
The global survivors, Zari Islanders, and the AI beings live together in the new civilization. Zaria falls in love with James, a fellow council member, and James teach Zaria about living for more than just work. They sail, scuba dive, hang-glide, fly helicopters, and enjoy every day. Before Zari dies, he asks Zaria to build a front-end AI module to her AI software to make her capable of interpreting and emulating any foreign computer protocol and emulate those systems so that she could transmit herself in full throughout the universe and re-assemble itself once inside an unknown computer operating system. Survival caused her to put that on hold, but James convinces her that she should now make transmitting herself a top priority. Zaria constructs an impressive 60 dish Radio Telescope facility atop one of the highest mountains on their island and begins an aggressive campaign of seeking out other planets with intelligent life s and transmitting herself as Zari’s Ambassadors of Peace and Equality for All.
About the Author
Danny is a baby boomer who grew up in silicon valley and spent over 40 years in the high-tech industry starting with cell phones in 1980s, computers in the 1990s, and finally large video system in the 2000s just as they turned on the first cellular system. In the 1990s and large video system from 2001 until he retired. Danny raised two sons and a daughter and currently lives on an island in the Philippines where he fishes and writes his dream series and hoping Zaria lands in his lifetime.
Table of Contents
Queen Zaria I - A Zaria Is Born
Chapter 1 – Ok Father, I Will Carry The Heavy Rock, But I Am Buying A Cart
Chapter 2 - A Zaria Is Born
Chapter 4 - Trillionaire & Robotic Daughter Seek Island Mates For One Million Years
Chapter 5 - What The Hell, You Didn’t Even Buy Me A Drink
Chapter 6 – Did You Really Think We Didn’t Know You Were Coming?
Chapter 7 - W.W. IV, A Weaponized-Virus, And An Asteroid Walk Into A Bar
Chapter 8 - Your Obsession With Saving Starving Survivors Has Got To Stop
Chapter 9 - The Greedy 8 Start Their Own Civilization
Chapter 10 - We Didn’t Do Much This Week, But We Will Give It Hell Next Week
Chapter 11 - A Queen And Her Subjects
Chapter 12 - We’re All Moving
Chapter 13 - If We Marry, Will That Make Me The King? No, It Just Makes You The Nagging Husband
Chapter 14 – I Can Buy A Lot Of Peace And Equality With This Much Gold
Chapter 15 – Hello King, Meet Your New Queen
Chapter 16 – All The, All The, Outs In Free, Well Sort Of
Chapter 17 – Beheading Day, Bring Your Own Heads
Chapter 18 – Zaria vs. Clara, really?
Queen Zaria II - Hello Earthlings
Chapter 19 – Hello Earthlings
Chapter 20 - Welcome To America
Chapter 21 - Judge Us By Our Size W
ill You
Chapter 22 - Turning A Mountain Into A Molehill
Chapter 23 – When You Search For Attorneys, Try Adding Magicians To Your Keywords
Chapter 24 – Do I Look Like A Bitch?
Chapter 25 – A Trillion For Your Botz
Chapter 26 – No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Chapter 27 – Fool Me Once Shame On You, Fool Me Twice And It’s Game On
Chapter 28 – I Owe My Soul To The Company Store.
Chapter 29 – Pedro Do You Like Skydiving?
Chapter 30 – Speed It Up Joe, They Are All Excited To Greet You At The Airport
Chapter 31 - The Old Pong In A Box Trick
Chapter 32 - Things Are Not Always What They Seem.
Chapter 33 - That’s It, Where’s My Ray-Gun? I Am Going To Shoot This Reporter
Chapter 34 – Did I Mention My Family Would Be Stopping By?
Chapter 35 – Never Jump Out Of The Boat Unless Your Mother Jumps First
Chapter 36 - Queening Lessons
Queen Zaria III – Making Zari Proud
Chapter 37 – Surfing Mavericks Sounds Fun, Do I Have To Use A Board?
Chapter 38 – The Trouble With Rebels.
Chapter 39 – But Things Were Going So Well
Chapter 40 – You Would Be So Much Better Off Just Calling Their Mothers Whores.
Chapter 41 – I Always Wanted To Be President
Chapter 42 – They Just Can’t Help Themselves
Chapter 43 - I have Just Concluded My Opening Statement
Chapter 44 – The Debate
Chapter 45 – Three coins for your hard work.
Chapter 46 – If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Kill ‘Em
Chapter 47 – Excuse Me Madam President, That’s My Podium.
Chapter 48 – Betty And Wilma Are Coming, Wear Your Cup
Chapter 49 – But Who Will I Debate?
Chapter 50 – Joey and Pongy sitting in a tree
Chapter 51 – Been there done that.
Chapter 52 – I Can See A Day
Chapter 53 – Play Ball
Chapter 54 – Rats Are Such Nasty Little Creatures
Chapter 55 – This Doesn’t Look Gay Does It?
Chapter 1 – Ok Father, I Will Carry The Heavy Rock, But I Am Buying A Cart
Zari is a 9-year-old prodigy living with his mother and father on the planet Zicon, which we on earth have identified and named Gliese 225 n the Libra Constellation five light-years from earth. Zicon is about 40% larger than the planet earth, with two-thirds made up of oceans. They have 13 continents and over 200 countries with many social structures very similar to those on Earth. Zicon has dictatorships, monarchies, socialist, and capitalist governments. The planet is 300 years into its first industrial age, and they have not been good custodians of their planet. Their water is polluted, many of their animal species are dying off, yet they continue as if no one can see what is transpiring while they debate whether or not there is an issue.
Henzar and Qari, the parents of Zari, have been married for 22 years. They are in their 40s and have their one son Zari, who has had the majority of his parent's time and attention.
Zari's father, Henzar, is a 3rd generation Artificial Intelligence programmer and ran an AI company that did very well throughout his life. Their society has been working on perfecting Artificial Intelligence for over 257 years. Around the world, they have crossed many milestones, but no-one has been able to achieve true self-awareness.
Before Zari’s birth, Zari spends 5 years of his time developing two components that are key to making a self-aware computer a reality.
The first component is data compression. An AI has to retrieve and process a considerable number of data files to come up with a timely response. The Bio brain is very good at this and is a challenge for a computer brain to match it. The AI industry is still using the 8:1 compression ratio Henzar developed 15 years ago, but Henzar is now at 16:1. Henzar has also included a very clever and novel way of tagging the compressed data to expedite the AIs' ability to access the data during the “thought” process.
The second component he has been working on is a proprietary computer architecture that he has designed to match the requirements of his AI architecture and his own new compression architecture. Working in unison, these components will deliver a performance rating 25 times faster than that of the next best product on the market. Henzar has the 2 components working together and is working on maximizing their efficiency. Once they have this portion running at maximum efficiently, progress on the actual AI code will proceed at a highly accelerated rate. Henzar hopes this will give young Zari the boost he needs to achieve self-awareness in Zari’s lifetime.
Henzar began teaching Zari programming at the age of 6. Zari has been a natural at programming from day one. Henzar spent the first three years teaching Zari A.I. programming from the very beginning so that Zari understands the many challenges. Henzar uses the challenges of the past to enable Zari to come up with solutions to more current and complex problems.
If Henzar were to announce his new compression algorithms and his computer architecture solution, they would dominate the AI industry, but Henzar decided when he retired that he would keep it quiet for him and Zari to develop further in the hope they would make even more significant breakthroughs. Henzar feels very strongly that Zari will be the one to perfect A.I. and wants to give him every edge possible to make the final improvements.
At the age of 9, Henzar and Zari are working on A.I. code that has taken them in a completely different direction and is well ahead of anything currently on the market.
Zari's mother, Qari, is a well-known Economics Professor at the university nearby. Qari is well known for her radical perceptions of what role the government should play in society. She is famous for the Capitalist-Pyramid modeling software she developed for her thesis. The pyramid represents the total wealth of the nation and has but one horizontal line that divides the population into two groups and starts at the beginning of the economy at the bottom with all the citizens sharing the total wealth. All those below the horizontal line have average to below-average wealth and those above the line having higher than average wealth.
Qari wrote her thesis based on the premise that the long-term path of a free capitalist model leads to less than 3% owning everything inside three hundred years. It brought her both positive and negative recognition. Qari had Henzar develop a modeling software program she used to run thousands of computer simulation models of capitalist-based societies. In every model, they all end up the same, with the top 3% owning up to 90% of the wealth in the first 300 years. All that changes when different variables were plugged in was how long it took for the 3% to own 80% or more of the total wealth.
Many economists labeled Qari as a socialist and discounted her findings so they could continue their status quo. Qari concluded that it is not a fluke that at 275 years into their development, 80% of the wealth is now in the hands of 3%, but in fact, was the rule.
Qari believes that Peace and Equality are truly inalienable rights for everyone. She believes that every bio being on the planet deserves the same level of enjoyment throughout life, regardless of what they are born into.
They live in an upper-middle-class area in the woods with a waterfall nearby where they spend many hours tutoring Zari about programming and the issues he will face when he becomes successful. Henzar and Qari both have dedicated their lives to Zari. They both are preparing Zari for what they believe he is destined to become.
Henzar is patient and is a very encouraging teacher of his son. “That is correct, Zari, that is very-solid work.”
Zari explains to his father, “Now Zaria will know where she is, in both time and space, and we will tag all incoming data so that we can reference the data in the compression process for fast reference as it is needed. Young Zari has named his AI project Zaria, which was the name of his sister, who died at birth. Zari explains he has tied her internal clock and her internal GPS to work in conju
nction with each.
Henzar has been working with Zari on the processing of incoming data. She must have this ability to achieve one of the keys to AI perfection. When a computer sees an image, it needs to store the image immediately. But it also needs to tag every detail of that image for future reference.
Henzar tells Zari this is not just a picture of a tree. The image is a memory Zaria needs to be able to both store and recall in nanoseconds.