Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online

Page 10

  Secretary of Defense responds with "2 more minutes, Mr. President.”

  The President’s Press Secretary enters the room "Mr. President, Zari has a live satellite feed showing our missiles, warships, and bombers heading for his island, and he is speaking live to the world now.

  Zaria tells Zari quietly, "I think they want to bypass the application process and join Zari Island on some kind of fast-track program."

  Zari grins and shakes his head, amazed at her sense of humor and composure. Only the two of them could have any sense of humor about them because they know that what is coming at them is no match for their defense system.

  Zaria addresses the attack commander "To the commander of the combat vessels and aircraft approaching Zari Island. You are in our Territorial waters. We order you to turn back immediately. If you refuse, we will consider this an act of aggression, and you will force us to defend ourselves."

  The missiles are now eight minutes away.

  Zari has the council on the phone “the missiles are now eight minutes away, and we have a multitude of carriers, bombers, and submarines heading straight at us.

  Councilmember 1 "Are we covered."

  Zaria "Yes, the original plus the 100% of upgrades are all operational. We can handle up to 1,000 targets per second. Given the situation, I don't expect them to respond or back down. They think we are an easy target. I believe that, in their minds, this is pretty much a do or die situation for them."

  Councilman 1 "yay or nay guys."

  Councilman 2 "I think we should negotiate. I am sorry, but this is the most powerful military force on the planet coming at us. The other councilmen are quiet except for Councilmember one.

  Councilman 1 “Gentleman, I don’t get how you cannot see what is happening. The president of Ustar has already launched 22 ICBMs at us and has their warships and warplanes baring down on us and are about to kill all of us so he can populate our island to save a million or two of his selected people.

  Zari "gentleman, Do you think those missiles are going to stop in mid-air if we stop broadcasting? We don't have time to debate this or, even worse, remain silent. They are saying they will negotiate if we stop transmitting to the world. That has to tell you their intentions.

  Zari "The robots are assisting with the evacuation.

  Zaria "To the ships and drones that have now crossed into our waters, please turn away immediately. We do not wish to harm you, but we must defend our citizens with all force necessary.

  Enemy Commander "Or what? Surrender your island immediately, or you will be destroyed. Stop your broadcasting immediately, and we can negotiate what happens to your citizens.

  Zaria "Please identify yourselves and state your reason for attacking us."

  Enemy Commander, "We have proof that Zari has been plotting an attack on our country, we are going to neutralize your ability to commit acts of war.

  Zari "My own country is here to. us."

  Zari "We are an island of peace and implore you to reconsider."

  Zaria "The 15 carriers are splitting up to increase their angles of attack. And to increase the degree of difficulty for their enemy to defend itself. "

  The ETA of the first of the missiles is now at 4 minutes and is blinking bright red.

  A message comes up on the screen and is blinking. "Evacuation complete."

  Zari, "Please reconsider, we do not wish to harm you, but we will defend ourselves."

  Enemy Commander "Good luck with that. We are the most powerful force on the planet. We will take you by force then. You should have invested a few of those trillions on defense. Did you really think a few missiles were going to protect you??

  The carriers are now 40 miles out, and the bombers are about to pass over them.

  Zari asks Zaria what her plan is, Zaria tells Zari that the attacker's first move will be to launch all their rockets and missiles. We will take out rockets and missiles first, planes and flying drones next and then the ships. Once we have everything that flies eliminated, the carriers will turn back. As each carrier turns, we will have a great shot at their fuel tanks. I studied the schematics of their carriers, and their fuel tanks are most easily hit from the side. As soon as they are turned, we will knock out their bridges, rendering them immobile. We will then hit their fuel tanks, causing them to explode and most likely igniting their munitions, and then they will sink.

  Zari asks the council, what would you say to that, and they all agree but Councilman 2.

  Just then, alarms go off on the Zari system identifying rockets and missiles and rockets are being launched from carriers, bombers, subs, and more from Zari's homeland.

  Councilman " Time is up, fire Zaria."

  Now the missiles launched by the submarines have the shortest ETA’s. The Zari system hits every one of the sub missiles before they clear the water. Many of the submarines were so overconfident they surfaced to launch their missiles. Video cameras and the satellite view show massive explosions occurring all around the island.

  All the submarines that had surfaced to launch are either blow up by the explosions of their own missiles exploding just above them or are taken out directly by the Zari System.

  The ETA on the ICBM’s is at 3 minutes. Zaria’s system knocks them out over the ocean around them. A few of them are coming at the island, passing directly over a couple of the carriers. The Zari Defense system hits them right as the passing over the carriers not destroying the carriers, but the impact wave is enough to disrupt the operation of the ship. There are massive explosions just a hundred miles away over the oceans.

  The Secretary of Defense, "Mr. President, we believe there is a country assisting Zari. Something knocked down all of our ICBMs, and we don’t see anything being launched from the island that would be capable of taking out ICBMs in the air.”

  The president responds, "We have 1 million politicians, corporate executives, and the wealthiest beings in our country that are going to die if we don't take that island, do what needs to be done. Find who is helping them and destroy them.

  Next, in the priority list are the missiles that have been launched by the warplanes. Zaria’s summary screen shows there are 285 missiles en route. The defense system begins knocking those out as well. At the same time, the Zari system is knocking out the bombers. The system is targeting any missiles that are still attached to the wings. The explosions of the rockets and missiles still attached the planes are so big, the explosions destroy the aircraft they are attached to as well as several jets around them in some cases. The entire world is watching all of this "live" on TV and online. Everyone is cheering for the little island that is making short work of the big-bad world power.

  On the defense system summary page, a real-time summary show targets destroyed and hit on their island. After 2 minutes, the total targets destroyed reads 141,256 targets destroyed, and 0 hits on the island. Most of the targets hit are smaller drones the ships are launching. At two minutes and forty seconds, all missiles and aircraft are destroyed. The warships are in a very vulnerable position in that they have no air support. They launch everything they have and start turning around. Each of the warships launches their missiles and their remaining drones. The missiles are an easy target for the system, and the Zari system is detonating them less than 20 meters above their warships. The system is hitting the drones within a few meters of when they are clearing the holes in the ship where they exit from the ship. The ships are now turning away since they know they are in trouble. While some of the weapons are focused on the missiles and drones, the majority of the laser guns focus on knocking out the controls in the bridges of the battleships and carriers.

  The Zari System hits the carrier's bridges, which knocks out the controls, and the ships go adrift. The Zari system then begins focusing on the side panels of the carriers, causing them to heat up until the beams penetrate the hull. Once the lasers break through the hull of the ship, the beams hit the fuel tank. The fuel tanks are constructed from much lighter steel, and the
fuel tanks explode after just a few bursts. In nearly every carrier, the fuel tank explosion ignites the munitions stored below, and the entire ship explodes and sinks. One by one, the carriers explode, each creating a giant red ball that turns black in seconds. Inside 3 minutes, the little island has wiped out every weapon the enormous military complex had to throw at it.

  Zari broadcasts to the world, "What you have just seen is a president and its government officials of a vast country attacking its own citizens to secure safe harbor, not for its average citizens, but themselves, their politicians and their wealthy buddies.

  The President is furious and is yelling at his advisors, Generals, and cabinet members. “how in the world did we not know Zari had some superweapon. The world is going to put us up on charges for attacking a small and peaceful country. At the very least, this is going to cost us all our jobs, and now we are all going to have to figure out how we are going to survive the impact.

  Zari is addressing the world “I accuse the President and his government of committing war crimes against a small peaceful country. They did so without cause or provocation, and I recommend to the league of nations that the leaders of this country be prosecuted for war crimes and attempted murder.

  And finally, to the other governments of our planet. We just destroyed 22 ICBMs, 15 carriers loaded with 75,000 drones, squadrons of bombers loaded with missiles, drones, and neutron rockets and bombs, a multitude of submarines firing over 175 state-of-the-art missiles, and we destroyed them all within 3 minutes. Do not attempt to attack us, or you will suffer the same fate. We will defend our citizens by all means necessary.

  Zari "Citizens of Zari Island, our attackers, have been defeated. I want to request that you remain where you are for 1 hour until we are positive there are no other pending threats.

  GNN, this is some of the most incredible footage I believe we have ever seen live or otherwise. Experts are already calling it the 3-minute war. A tiny island founded by Zari, formerly the only trillionaire in the history of the planet, has just defended itself against an all-out attack by his own country. It is now obvious the aggressors were attacking them to take the island, and it’s well-known survival systems for itself. What we have just seen has to be the most shameless and cowardly act I have ever witnessed, and I hope that our government is held accountable for its despicable actions.

  The President of Ustar is depressed and is having to answer calls from the thousands of friends, millionaires, and buddies who were expecting to be relocated to the island.

  5 days before the asteroid’s impact, Zari addresses his citizens.

  Zari "For 520 households of the population who need to relocate to a higher elevation, you all have your transport times. Please follow your schedule, and all will go smoothly. Anyone arriving before their time will be turned away, and you will be processed last. All of you will be in your evacuation points 3 days before impact, so there is no reason for panic."

  The day before impact day - Zari "To my fellow citizens, all are accounted for, and we must now wait. For those who wish to view the impact, there are satellite and drone cameras that will record and play the strike live. Please, however, be respectful of those who do not wish to be exposed to the impact footage. I am sure there will be some disturbing scenes during the impact.

  "My hope, for now, is that we all survive the impact and the imminent tsunamis to follow.

  Peace and good health to all."

  Asteroid Impact

  GNN (Global News Network) Anchor Desk "Ladies and gentlemen you are watching live from a side angle satellite view. We will follow the Asteroid into the atmosphere and will cover the impact live.

  "You can now see the large dark object beyond the atmosphere that is tumbling toward us. It is traveling at approximately 66,000 mph. Our planet's atmosphere ends only 300 miles above the planet’s surface, so it is only going to take 16 seconds for the asteroid to crash into our planet’s surface once it hits the outer edge of our atmosphere.

  “It is now entering into the planet's atmosphere. Oh my, the asteroid has instantly burst into a massive ball of flames. I am 500 miles away, and the fire is filling most of the sky in that direction,

  “The sound is incredible. The view switches to the next Satellite. The next satellite is closer to the asteroid's path and is viewing the asteroid from where it just passed. It is now looking down on the asteroid, which is now a giant fireball heading toward our planet. You can now see pieces of the asteroid breaking off and are also on fire. I am told they are just small fragments that are being torn loose by the drag of the atmosphere.

  “The massive ball of rock has just slammed into the metropolis where over 12,000,000 have evacuated. We are broadcasting from a chopper, and nearly every building is collapsing. The sensors near the impact are registering quakes of a magnitude 16.0 on the scale.

  “You can see the incredible size of the crater created by the impact of this view coming from our helicopter. The asteroid has struck the earth at about a 20-degree angle slanting away from us. Due to the angle of the impact, there is a massive fiery cloud sweeping across the land traveling at over 5,000 miles per hour and is destroying everything in its path.

  Ladies and gentlemen, this is by far more destructive than our government leaders had predicted. It is obvious at this point, just by seeing the crater that the Zari Island scientists were very accurate in their estimate. How the scientists of our own country could be this far off is inexplicable. The fact that our government attacked Zari Island apparently for themselves would indicate to me that they knew they had grossly underreported the size of the asteroid.

  Now there is a massive cloud surging upward toward the atmosphere. The cloud has already blocked the view from the satellite we used to show the impact. That cloud is now spreading outward as it reaches the upper limits of the atmosphere. Had we been broadcasting in the path of the firestorm, we would already have been consumed by the massive firestorm.

  The view switches to another satellite miles to the side of the impact point show the rising cloud consumes the view of the last satellite. Oh, this is unbelievable. The size and thickness of the cloud are unlike anything you could imagine. I would guess that near the top of the atmosphere, the cloud is 2,000 miles across and is so thick that the planet's surface area below it immediately turns to pitch dark.

  We switch now to a drone that is ahead of the firestorm traveling across the ground. We recommend you watch this with discretion as the firestorm is crossing densely populated land. Everything in the path of the firestorm is consumed and incinerated in seconds. The firestorm rages forward and spreads wider as it goes. It has now gone more than 3,000 miles in just under an hour. Now it has a width of 3,000 miles and is changing from white to red to solid black. I was just handed a paper that estimates the fire cloud has already wiped out more than 5% of the world's population in the first 60 minutes. Much of the Centor metropolis population had moved to the areas that are now in the direct path of the fire wave.

  We are receiving reports that the asteroid was heard and felt around the world. Local accounts said that as it entered the atmosphere, it was as if 1,000 jets were landing on their streets followed by an impact that shook the entire planet, causing the equivalent of an 11.0 Quake 2,000 miles away, Every building within 3,000 miles of the impact collapsed instantly as the whole ground bounced over a foot high.

  The rising black cloud has gained momentum as it continues to fill the top of the atmosphere and then spreads across the top of our atmosphere, turning day into night as it travels. One by one, the view from each satellite turns black. Ladies and gentlemen, I am told that this is the last day of sunshine any of us will see for the next several years.

  The view changes to cameras mounted to high-flying drones, which show the atmosphere filling in and the planet growing darker by the minute.

  We take you now to the video being sent live from a drone following the path of a 100-foot high tsunami traveling southwestward. It is heading
directly toward the Menno Island, and you can see from here given the size of the tsunami relative to the tiny islands that the Islands are going to be entirely engulfed by the tsunami. For those watching, please watch with discretion. You may see things that would be very disturbing to many. Our research tells us over 2 million citizens were on the islands before the virus and that now there are only maybe 500,000 left that are living on those Islands. We can only hope that they have some way to survive what is about to occur.

  The wave is engulfing the first three islands now. Many boats have been taken out to sea and away from the island., Most are rising with the height of the tsunami wave. Ladies and gentlemen, the first three islands are now completely underwater. My guess that the islands are at least 50 feet underwater. How very sad. There is debris everywhere in the tsunami's path. It is likely that in a matter of just a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of beings have perished. The Tsunami is now covering the rest of the 200 islands in the group. You can see from the shot that every island is going to be completely underwater.

  Within 20 hours of the impact, the entire planet is pitch dark as it would be on a cloudy night with no moon. Oh, how our government has failed us. Maybe if we were told the truth, at least some of these poor souls could have survived.

  Zari Island holds an emergency meeting and addresses the citizens of Zari Island.

  Zari, "We are going to stay with you until the tsunamis have lost their steam. We have survived the initial impact, and now our main concern is tsunamis. The governments have all agreed to make all sensors and cameras publicly accessible. We are tracking water levels all around the world.

  Zaria "We are tracking several tsunamis now. The most concerning is one traveling through our ocean from 8,000 miles away, it is currently 90 feet high and traveling 500 mph, which will strike us in 16 hours.

  "It does have several landmasses to pass through as well as some of the deepest ocean channels in the world, which will help reduce the size of the tsunami before reaching us. I am currently projecting the tsunami to be 40 feet high when it hits us."