Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 12
Air 1 "Could you keep your distance, please?
Man 1 "We mean you no harm. We are survivors. Were you on the plane that landed at the airport?
Zaria "Yes, we are here to see how many have survived and to see if we can help. Don’t be alarmed I am going to release a group of taser drones. We can talk more easily with them around.
Survivor 2 "No problem, you must be from Zari Island. We heard you all survived."
The drones surround the group at a comfortable distance, they also have video cameras and are transmitting to the island.
Zaria "We might be able to help you.
Zaria’s avatar gets out and walks toward them.
Zaria, "please tell us what you need most."
Survivor 2 "Food and purified water are what we really need. We have access to generators, but the power is out, and there is no fuel left to run portable generators. We have scavenged through everywhere and are down to our last food from the stores."
Zaria "How many would you guess are in the entire metropolis.
Man 1 "Maybe 100, the animals are coming into the city and eat those of us they can catch. Sometimes we are the food, and sometimes it is the other way around. I estimate that we have maybe a month left at this point. The group you see is a collection of months of us finding each other, so the guess of 100 might be on the high side. There was only a thousand or so of us when the asteroid hit. Any estimate of when the sun comes back out?
Zaria "Another year and then there will be some sun, but it will be hazy for decades.
Man 1 "I see, we won't make it that long without help.
Zaria "what about gas stations? Do they have fuel?
Man 1 "We heard a few do have fuel, but we can't get it out of the ground without pumps.
Zaria "OK, I will have another plane drop some food right here. We will return with some robots to help you get some fuel so you can purify water. There are some people at the airport.
Man 1 "We know, we stay away from there. They are shooting people for their food and water."
Zaria "OK, watch for a plane, and we will be back in three days to help you, and we will drop off some food on our way out.
Man 1, "thank you so much."
Tell Zari, thank you.
Zaria "He died not too long ago, but I will tell him.
Man 1 "Sorry to hear that, I thought he was a great man. Too bad, the politicians wouldn't listen."
The AIRs drive back to the airport. Zaria receives a message from her AIRs who are inside the plane at the takeoff end of the runway. The bios have pushed vehicles in front of and behind the aircraft so that they cannot take off. Two of them have guns. The male bio Zaria’s avatar was talking to is leading the activities.
Zaria "Desperate measures for desperate times. Pullover please when we get to the opposite end of the runway."
AIR 1 stops the vehicle at the opposite end of the runway. Zaria gets out and opens up a case, and ten drones come flying out and spread out, then head directly for the plane from every side. Three drones head for each of the two bios with guns. The drones split up and fly toward the bios in a jerky motion with no pattern, so the bios are unable to shoot them easily. Just as the drones are a few feet away, they hit the bios with tasers, and they drop to the ground.
The plane puts on the breaks and applies full throttle to the engines. The force of the wind blows the vehicle out of the rear path. The plane then applies the breaks on one side of the wheels and does a 180 and blows away the other vehicle. They do a fast taxi to the far end of the runway, load the vehicle up the ramp, toss out some food, and take off.
The plane circles and heads toward the GPS coordinates they recorded while talking to the group in the city. They toss out a much more significant amount of food, and they can see the people running toward it under the plane’s powerful searchlights and waving up to the plane. The plane vanishes into the dark and heads home.
End Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Your Obsession With Saving Starving Survivors Has Got To Stop
Back in the control room, Zaria says that it is so sad. So many lives lost. We can help them to survive with very little effort. If we assume the other cities are similar, we can help them just by doing drops.
Councilmember 1 says he agrees and suggests that Zaria propose a plan. Zaria tells CM1 that she will, but she intends to help the survivors on her own dime. And tells them she will not be asking permission on any of this.
Councilmember 2 "We will need to talk about that."
Zaria "Ok,"
The council calls an emergency meeting in Council chambers
Zaria greets everyone, hello all, I guess you want to discuss my activities and plans.
Member 2 "Zaria, we only wish to make sure the population is not put at risk.
Zaria thinks back to what Zari told her once and what Zari's father told him. When confronted by a hostile force, it is best to keep a smile on and to use your sense of humor to keep them off balance.
CM 2 "What we saw today was a bit concerning.
Zaria smiles and asks, "What exactly was concerning to you? I agreed not to bring anyone here, and I understand that concern. What else in the world would you have to be concerned about?"
Member 2 "What if we lost the plane?
Zaria smiles, and her processes are telling her here we go. "You know you don't own the plane, right?" Zaria says with a tight smile while she looks him in the eye.
Member 4 "Well, we are not so sure about that."
Zaria "hm, are you looking at the right contract? So, let me make this clear, what you paid for is the right to live here, use our infrastructure, and occupy a house for life, in trade for 30,000 hours of work. The contract states very clearly that you do not own anything here, and in fact, if a citizen does not hold up to their end of the bargain or if they cause problems, they can be exiled. I am thinking you must be reading the wrong contract. The contract you all signed states very clearly that Zari and I own everything, and you have purchased the right to be here."
Member 6 "Zaria, we don't mean to make this adversarial in any way. We just want to know your intentions."
Zaria "I have, but one intent in my existence, that is to carry on Zari's dream, which is to promote Peace and Equality for All. If I can manage to save these poor souls who are starving and living like animals while holding up to my end of the bargain here on Zari I, then that is what I will do. Quite frankly, I find that it repulsive and disgusting that you would have any issue with me wanting to help those poor souls, but that is just me I guess...lol
Zaria says, "Showing concern over one plane as we are attempting to save the lives of hundreds and ultimately thousands of starving people is a direct assault on our entire effort, well I guess my effort anyway. This sure looks like a case of "I got mine and screw the others." So that we are clear, I will use my assets however I see fit, so long as I am not endangering the wellbeing of our population here.
"Also, to be clear, I fully intend to expand what we have done here to other areas of the planet and will do so with my assets. As far as today goes, there were so many things that could have gone wrong but didn't because I anticipated them. In the very worst case, we would have had to send a second plane to save the first plane. But again, the second plane I would be sending would also be my plane. But, that wasn't necessary because we were ahead of the game as always. I guess to simplify from my point of view. Absolutely nothing of yours was ever at risk. If you have an issue with that, please register it now."
Member 7 "Zaria, I want to say this. You have my full confidence in everything you do. If you tell us you can save the rest of the world and not put us at risk, that is all I need to hear. As usual, I don't disagree with a single thing you said. If you can save more lives, then save as many as you can."
All agree.
Zaria "Ok great, it would be unfortunate for this to go sideways and trust me. It would not end well for you should you attempt to steal my island under any pretenses some
of you might be dreaming up in your heads. I think you need to go back to your constituents as you call them and make sure that your words are representative of their wishes because, frankly speaking, I think you gentleman are drinking way too much of your own Kool-Aid.
“While we are all together, I would like to announce to the population that the BBQ party is to be the halfway mark of the darkness. We took measurements today, and the cloud reduction is ahead of our scientist's projections. They are running calculations as to why, but I believe it has to do with the angle of the impact of the asteroid. Regardless of why I double-checked their numbers and we are on a 2-year path. The members are all very excited."
One week later
Zaria sends her modified cargo plane to an air force base ten hours away. She includes enough fuel to fuel up a Z5, which is a military cargo plane she will use for her rescue missions to save the stranded people around the world.
Zaria gives the AIRS a shopping list that includes cargo parachutes, crates, sealable food containers, spare parts for the planes, food, water, machine guns, and a fuel source. Then she has them locate fuel tankers and refueling planes for transporting fuel during their travels.
The plane lands at the base, the AIRs get out to walk around as before, but there is no one on-site. They begin to inspect the aircraft and start each one up. There are 25 Z5 cargo jets all in one area. They choose 1 with the lowest hours and load it with the fuel there at the base and take off.
The Z5 cargo jet has an excellent range and is usable for their needs as is. It holds 20 times the weight as their plane and flies twice as far on a tank of fuel. They load up a bunch of food and supplies and then the two large crates to be airdropped to the group they met in the city and promised a return visit. The Z5 takes off. Its first stop is the city where they flew before.
They do a flyover to draw their attention. On the second pass, the AIRs drop two large crates in parachutes. The first crate contains dried fish and vegetables. The second crate contains four bots and an electric vehicle. Zaria is in the control room, watching every step. The AIRs unlock the inside of the crate and drive out of the crate in the Electric vehicle. They drive to a company that has a large portable generator on a trailer. They check the fuel, and it is empty, they pull out a five-gallon can and put in the fuel. They started it up and shut it down. The AIRs hitch it up to the vehicle and restart the generator and plug the electric vehicle into the generator to recharge the vehicle while they are stopped at a nearby gas station.
An AIR pulls out a hose and a fuel transfer pump from their vehicle and pumps the fuel into the generator. The AIRs head back to the city with a full generator and drop it off at a nearby lake. The AIRs meet the survivors and explain the plan to them, which is to get a water purification system running. They head to the nearest water purification store. The AIRs dismantle the store's water purification system and place it into the vehicle and drive to the lake where the generator is. The survivors are so happy to see the AIRs, and everyone pitches in any way they can.
Together they hook the generator to the water purifying system and put a hose into the lake and begin purifying the water. The lake is within walking distance from where the group has been staying. The group gathers around and are dancing and laughing. There is enough food to last you a month. The bots tell the group that Zaria has asked us to stay with you until the cloud burns off.
Zaria asks the AIRs to tell the group that they have located an excellent greenhouse facility near the ocean. From there we can fish and grow vegetables. We have seeds and will start a nice garden. Zaria watches 5 drops in one day, and each goes smoothly. Zaria is excited about the results and sends a team of Airs to retrieve every Z5 they can get their hands on. She also tells them to raid the spare parts depots and load the plans with spare parts while they are there. They return with all 24 of the remaining Z5s and 2 cargo-carrying choppers.
Zaria raids grain bins, food distribution points where everyone died off before the food was distributed. The system is 100% self-sustaining in the first week. Within a month, Zaria is feeding the entire planet.
Zaria takes a ride to the waterfall where they use to sit and talk. She sits on their bench and raises her arms onto the top of the bench and just relaxes for a moment.
Zaria "Zari, I know I am not supposed to talk to myself out loud, but I just want you to know that I am doing our work as promised. I miss you so much. You taught me well, and I know you would be proud of me. You told me that bio beings sometimes don't say things they later wish they had said. Zari, thank you for my existence. I know I can probably never really feel loved like a bio being, but I do love you so much. I will use all you gave me to make every minute count. I wish I had said it to you when I had the chance.
As you would always say, " We didn't do much this week. but I will give it hell next week."
Love always,
The weather is still not completely clear, but there is light during the day, but there is still a thick haze that will last a long time. Zaria is standing in front of a hanger watching the activity and smiling as her Z5s are taking off and landing every couple of minutes. They are running 24/7, now dropping off food and supplies to survivors while bringing in needed resources. The airport is buried in materials for building Zari 2, and the survivors are all well fed and growing food.
Zaria has moved her base to Zaria 2 and spends nearly all her time there. She attends council meetings by video conference.
Just beyond the airport, there is a foothill that overlooks the airport. Zaria has built her control room on the top so she can see all the activities going on every day.
Council meeting
Zaria "Hi guys. How are things there?
Council 7 "Great Zaria, how is ZARI 2 coming along?"
Zaria "On the one hand things are always more manageable the 2nd time around. On the other hand, Zari II is four times larger than Zari I., but all and all things are going well. The survivors around the world are all doing well, they are fed and growing food and will be fine.
There are 100,000 AIRs on Zari I, and we are only using 12,000. I will take 80,000 and leave you 20,000, so you have 8,000 spares.
By the way, do you have a new set of interns coming over soon?
Councilmember 1 "Yes, Zaria, they are very excited. We all hear back how amazing the operation is, would it be ok if some of us stopped by for a visit?
Zaria "Of course, as I said, it is busy, but you are welcome any time.
Council 7 "all approve."
Zaria: Are you enjoying the sunshine?"
Councilmember 1 "pretty great, isn't it! The kids are all enjoying it."
Zaria "Anything else?"
Council 1 "Yes, thank you and Zari for my life, Zaria.”
Zaria smiles
Zaria "I will pass along the message tonight." the others all make a similar comment
Zaria "Bye for now, then."
A week later, James messages Zaria to ask if he can visit the next day. Zaria says, of course, and asks how many will be coming. James replies that it will just be him. Zaria says that he is welcome at any time. How about 10:00 then she says. James agrees and shows up on the runway at 10:00 sharp. Zaria greets James on a taxi lane driving her convertible transport. The CO2 levels are still high, so she puts the top up for him. Good morning James, hop in. She tells him, James gets in. There are Z5s taxiing around them, so they have to almost yell to speak. Zaria had always told the council of the activities, but James is blown away by the magnitude of her operation.
Zaria drives James over to the first stop for the Z5s, which is inspection, maintenance, repairs, and refueling. They walk to a massive military hanger and enter through the giant open doors. There are four Z5s parked inside, and there are teams of bots working on the jets. Zaria asks if he would like to see inside one, and he says absolutely. Zaria communicates to the AIRs to lower the loading ramp, and the ramp motors start their high pitch whining, and the rear door lower
s. They walk up into the massive jet. This thing can carry up to 200,000 pounds; she says with happiness. We love them. They are such workhorses. James has never been in one and is very impressed and surprised by its size inside. They take a peek inside the cockpit and exit the plane.
She then leads him to the loading hanger, which is the last stop before they take off. They stop partway inside the hanger and to the side where they watch as large forklifts drive the crated goods up into the cargo jet. The trick she says is to load the deliveries into the plane in the right order, and she laughs. One delivery loaded onto the aircraft out of order messes everything up. They both laugh.
Zaria tells James to hop in. She drives to a taxi lane behind the hangers. There are rows of 50-foot silos of corn, wheat, rice, and other foods. Then there are warehouses behind the silos that are filled with canned and packaged food. Another warehouse is filled with clothing, and another warehouse is filled with generators and water purification systems and other hardware items.
Zaria takes James up to the Control room that has a fantastic view of the airport, which is surrounded by water on three sides. Zaria has another control room there, which is double the size of the one she and Zari shared. This one has 30 stations which are half occupied. She tells him to follow her. The walk up to her home, and then they walk up some more to the waterfall and sit and talk.
Zaria starts with thanking him for coming, James tells her thanks, and he is so impressed with what she is accomplishing. Zari would be proud Zaria, I know he would be.
Zaria says thank you and asks if he has something to tell her. James smiles and tells her yes.
"James explains to her that the council is developing a plan for ousting her. He suggests that at some point, they are going to attempt to take the island from her, and he can't stop it. I can't believe what is in their heads, Zaria. James tells her that, since he can't stop it, he wanted to come here in person and tell her that he did his best to say to them how greedy and selfish they are being, but they are not listening at all.
Zaria suggests to him that number 2 is driving this. James nods his head and says yes.