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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 13
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Page 13
Zaria smiles and tells him she understands and tells James how much she appreciates him coming there to warn her. She says to him that he is a kind soul and that things will work out for the best and not to worry about anything. Zaria assures James that all will be fine. Some bios mistake sweet and kind for weakness. I just need to show them they have miscalculated.
Zaria and James spend some time talking about the future and how exciting and promising everything looks. James agrees, and Zaria escorts James to his plane.
In the ZARI 2 control room are 10 AIRs, all working on logistics for airdrops, and material pickups. The tunneling machines were all moved the first week of the move. They have been tunneling 24/7 for almost a year now. Near the airport, Zaria has had the secret room completed. The precious metals and coins were all quietly moved without anyone knowing, and production on the coins and robots continue.
Zaria walks into visit and check-in. Zaria greets them with her signature, "Hi guys," it is a new group. She jokingly tells them to work hard, or she will put you outside with the slow workers. One of the AIRs says, but at least they have a lifetime ticket to the all you can eat buffet and get to fly giant planes. Another asks Zaria how that minimum wage is coming along. Ooh, tough crowd. That's it, the beatings will continue until morale improves. Another AIR replies, "Well, at least we would be getting something." All the other AIRs laugh and high five each other.
Zaria asks, "Do I hear that you would like to work outside a while?"
One of the AIRs says, "Oh, she's quick." And they laugh. All the AIRs reply with an emphatic yes.
Zaria "Ok, I will rotate you out next week."
Zaria walks into the coin room. The collection has grown substantially and fills a much larger room. Zaria is pleased and tells the AIR she thinks this is the last of them. Air 45 tells Zaria they have something for her. We made it for you, she says, but we need to go out to the Bot room to give it to you. Zaria is very excited, and they walk into the room.
All the AIRs gather for the presentation. Air 45 "Zaria, we made this for you. We hope you like it. It is a silver necklace with a special gold coin with a picture of Zari on one side, and around his images are the words Peace and Equality for all. On the Zaria side, the words around the Edge are Universe, Planet, Family, Self.
Zaria "Oh my. this is so precious, I will wear this every day. You are all so sweet. I love you all so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and ZARI thanks you too, I will tell him tonight what all of you have done.
Zaria has designed the layout of everything so that a Z5 can land; offload any cargo, get serviced, go through safety checks, get refueled; taxi to the next hanger to get loaded and head back out all in order, so the planes are never having to backtrack or cross paths.
Zaria "Wow, this is so nice. Great job, everyone." Zaria stops by her control room before heading home. The new set of interns are on their first shift. Zaria enters the room. The interns stand up. She walks up to each of them and welcomes them.
Zaria "Oh, please be seated." Zaria sees a Z5 coming in on final approach, The cargo is listed as secret. Zaria says they are carrying cargo for a secret project of hers. The plane lands, taxis, and heads out behind a hanger to offload. Zaria smiles at the interns. Zaria looks at the interns and tells them, "Back to work slaves."
Female intern 3 "roger that."
Another Z5 is on a glide path to land and has had engine problems and is not going to make the runway. After the AIR has tried everything, it determines they are not going to make it. The pilot ditches it in the water just before the runway so as not to destroy additional planes or beings on the runways. The Z5 fuel tanks explode, and the plane goes up in flames on the top of the water. The plane in pieces sinks. Zaria watches as the rescue teams go into action.
Zaria "I want the crew pulled out first, please. I would like them gathered and placed in a hanger in a closed-off area. Please let me know when they are all accounted for. Zaria is shaken and heads home."
Zaria has fallen in love with a waterfall just above her home. She spends a lot of time there planning out her days. It is high up and overlooks the airport. Her home site is a short walk below the waterfall. Below that is the control room with a view of the airport.
Zaria walks up to the waterfall and sits down on a bench to take a moment to collect herself after seeing the crash. The sound of the water is all you can hear.
Zaria "Zari, where do I start. One council member, last week in our meeting, told me to thank you for his life. I told him I would tell you. After that, the others all chimed in, but I know they all meant it, even the chimers...hehe.
"I was given the most precious gift today from the AIRs working in the coin room. They made it for me Zaria says, as she holds the coin her hand. It is a gold coin, and on the heads side, it has a picture of you. You look great, by the way. On your side, it reads “Peace and Equality for All” around the edge.
On the other side, it has a picture of me. And the words “Universe, Planet, Society, Self.” Oh, Zari, I wish you could see it, it is so beautiful. I wish you could see the AIRs, they are joking around, something very special is happening. They want to go outside and experience flying, riding a boat, and just working outside, they are changing Zari. I think you had it right Zari, we just needed time to gain experience as you said.
Then later today, one of the Z5s crashed into the water, the pilot did it so that it didn't harm other beings on the runways or taxi lanes. Zari, I felt sadness for the first time. It was different than when I received the award, which was a happier feeling. What I felt was as if I was the pilot in that plane. Maybe I was feeling her pain, I am not sure. I felt sadness for the crew of the AIRs on board. I am having them brought out first and laid in a dignified manner in a hanger just as you would with Bio beings. I will do something for the crew that perished.
On the less emotional side, Zari 2 is coming along great. We should be able to begin populating in the next six months. We are feeding all the surviving bio beings we have found. We have scoured most of the planet, and the total now is only 55,000. In one metro of four million bios, we found only twenty-two survivors.
We have 250,000 drones, building homes, transportation, and all the other stuff you know too well.
Love always
After a month of commuting, Zaria moved to Zari II so she can be more productive. She flies to Zari once a month for the weekly Council meeting, and after a year of that, she decides to attend by video call.
She adds a new touch to Zari II, in that she has the tunnel diggers dig a large pocket out of the center of the island about 50 feet tall and runs 2000 feet across. The ceiling is dome-shaped and is lit up to emulate various stages of a sky, bright sunny days, scattered cloudy days, and nighttime with lots of stars. There are shops, ball fields, rock climbing walls, movie theaters, restaurants (for the bios…lol), computer-simulated sports, and entertainment centers, and the AIRs love it.
The pocket is becoming the hub for the whole island and is a very cheerful and happy place that has a friendly vibe about it. It is a place for all to meet in times of extended blackout, just like the one they are currently experiencing. It will also be their evacuation point and is 100 feet above sea level. It is to become the center for the inhabitants of the island in the future.
Zaria has also made “the Pocket” as the connecting point of all the transport tunnels so that this center hub becomes the central point for many things. It is something they desperately needed on Zari I during the blackout period.
After two years, the Zari II island is opened with little fanfare. Zaria continues her mission to find and feed every survivor on the planet while building Zari II and managing Zari I. She drops leaflets in metro areas telling them to be at a certain point, usually at an airport, and every week small groups are gathering.
Zaria is leading the AIRs up to the waterfall. They make their last turn out of the path and are practically under the waterfall area as they
enter the area and are getting wet from the mist where they stand. AIR 1 shouts to overcome the sound of the waterfall "Oh my, this is amazing, it's so beautiful. I want to sit and listen to it forever."
AIR 2 is more subdued but still loves it, "What a beautiful sight." I think you should move your office up here. They walk over to the bench, and all have a seat. AIR 1 "This is amazing. Thank you, Zaria, for bringing us here."
Zaria messages James/Councilman 1 to let him know she will be there in person at the councilman meeting in the morning. Zaria spends the early morning with the AIRs. They relax and discuss several projects head back to the control room. Zaria proceeds to the transport system alone.
As Zaria is taking the two-hour ride though the newly completed undersea tunnel from Zari 1 to Zari 2, she thinks of her times with Zari and feels strongly that Zari saw all this coming. He told her several of the ways he said they would try to steal the island, and she is pretty sure she is about to experience one of them today. She also feels that she is not underprepared for whatever the council has up their sleeves and that she can handle whatever it is.
Zaria arrives at the council chambers building. She enters the room and greets everyone as she enters. Zaria remembers what Zari's mother had told Zari to do as he enters a TV studio, which was to make eye contact with the producer and the TV Anchor. In this case, it is Councilman 2 she needed to key on. When she enters the room, she attempts to make as much eye contact as possible, and sure enough, they were having no part of it. When she was able to make eye contact with councilman 3-9, they would divert their eyes to councilman 2.
Zaria sits, and they all take their seats. Zaria is the chairman of the councilman and sits at the head of the table. Zaria looks around the room and attempts to look at each one in the eye. All but James avert their eyes and defer to councilor 2.
Zaria starts the meeting off "Well, I think we have some issues to get out in the open is that accurate."
Councilman 2 "Yes Zaria, I am sorry Zaria, but our constituents have buyer's remorse. They feel the deal they agreed to is overly constrictive and controlling. They also feel your crusade to save the world is putting the citizens here in jeopardy. It seems likely you will bring them back to Zari II, and from there, they can simply hop onto the tunnel you built without our permission and who knows what happens from there or what you will do next."
Zaria " who here agrees with councilman 2 on this issue?"
Zaria "Let the record show that all but James are raising their hand."
I have a feeling you have a long list, so let's take this one at a time.
1)Buyer’s remorse – I will refund anyone who wants to leave 100% starting today
2)I will close the transportation system tunnel anytime you want, and if I ever bring 1 survivor to Zari II, I will close the tunnel before they step foot on Zaria II.
3)Excessive? We spelled out everything, and they signed a contract. So, anyone feeling the terms here are suppressing should take me up on the refund I am offering. The terms we all agreed to were designed to guaranty survival. Changing anything in the constitution requires a unanimous vote, which is not going to happen.
Zaria tells them to continue.
Councilman 2 "They have had freedom of religion all their lives. They are finding that without the ability to gather with others of similar beliefs, they are not being true to themselves and may suffer eternal damnation for staying here under these circumstances."
Zaria asks all those who agree to raise their hands. All but James raise their hands. "Let the record show that all agree, but James."
"And how are they being dictated to?" Zaria Asks.
Councilman 4 "Zaria, these are very severe conditions. They have no right to religion. They cannot sell their homes. They cannot even start their businesses for growth. They are essentially prisoners in their own homes."
Zaria asks all those who agree to raise their hands.
Everyone raises their hands, but James. Zaria states to lets the record show that all agree but James.
Zaria says, "I see, what else?"
Councilman 5 states, "The citizens want the ability to own their homes. The citizens feel they are not able to make these homes their own and modify them the way they would like to out of fear they are breaking the rules."
Zaria, " I see, but all the currencies have collapsed. So, what do they have to repurchase the houses? And then what do you think the sales price should be?
Councilman 2 "I think you should sign over the houses to the citizens. Given we are in a new environment, we don't need to be protected anymore and that you should drop all the restrictive rules and sign the houses over to the citizens."
Zaria responds, “the purpose of the existence was to ensure the survival of your species for a million years. Changing the rules in the very first ten years jeopardizes the very purpose of this entire project. That is not happening, so I recommend the refund program. What you propose goes against the constitution Zari and I wrote. And again, I must remind you that any change in the constitution requires a unanimous vote and will never happen.
Zaria "What about the hundreds of billions we have invested into building the houses and the infrastructure. Do you feel I should give that away?
Councilman 2 "yes, that is exactly what we feel you should do."
Zaria "And who among you agree with this" All but James raises their hands.
Zaria smiles and in her head, is thinking Bingo, "Please let the record show that all but James is raising their hand."
"Anything else?" Zaria asks.
Councilman 7 "The tunnel, we know you meant well, but we want it closed. Everyone feels it opposes all that the citizens bought. They bought into a safe environment. The tunnel allows pretty much anyone to sneak in through the back door, so to speak."
When you say everyone wants it closed, do you mean the citizens or those in this room? Asks Zaria. Councilman 5 says, "The tunnel closure and all the issues are the wishes of their constituents, of course."
Zaria "Who agrees with closing the tunnel?"
Raise your hand if you agree with the need to close the tunnel.
All but James raises their hand."
Zaria "Please let the record show that all but James is raising their hand."
Zaria "Wow, I had no idea the citizens were all so unhappy here, anything else?"
Well, an effort to be accommodating this is what I can offer. I will offer to buy back any home at the full purchase price and will fly them to anywhere in the world at no cost. I will close the tunnel.
We specifically did not outlaw the freedom of religion at home. Nor did we put anything in the contract saying they couldn't gather in their homes. To me, suggesting citizens are going to go to hell because they didn’t travel to a church seems a bit absurd.
As for signing over the island to you. Is today, fool’s day? Are you filming this as a practical joke? Signing over the island to you breaks my promise to Zari; it flies in the face of all common sense, so no, that isn't going to happen. I have addressed your issues and have made very generous compromises and have extended a very generous offer. So will my offer suffice, or is this just about stealing my island?
Councilman 2 "We understand that Zari made the gesture to pass everything on to you and that he filled out paperwork to make you a sentient being, but we are not so sure that any of that was legal. If what he did is not legally binding, then all contracts, including the constitution, the purchase agreements, and his will, are all null and void.
"We think that to avoid a court battle, if there is even a court to be found, it will make sense for you to relinquish control of the robots and turn power over to us to manage.
"We feel the same way concerning the defense system, transportation system, and all other electronics on the island."
Zaria "Anything else?"
Councilman 9 " Yes, Since you have Zari 2 to keep you busy, we feel now that Zari has passed you should resign your position on the council. If you
do not, we will vote you out. Tears are streaming down the face of C1/James.
Zaria "I see, And who agrees with this."
All but James raises their hands
Zaria "Anything else?"
James stands up, "you people are disgusting" and walk out.
Zaria "For the record. James was distraught with you gentleman, and told you were all disgusting and has left the room."
Councilman 2 "No, that is about it."
Zaria, "Zari and I made visits to several of the homes of the Citizens just before Zari passed, and they all seemed so happy. I would like to have some of the unhappy Citizens come in so we can discuss how this went so bad so fast."
Councilman 2 "Zaria, they were just polite, and it is not a good idea at this point that you meet with them at this time. Zaria, I understand you are a very smart computer, but to be honest, with Zari out of the picture, you are way over your head and have no business trying to manage something that is clearly beyond your abilities.
Zaria "May I speak for a while now."
Councilman 2 "Of Course"
Zaria, "Zari used to say something to me that I didn't understand until just now listening to all of you. But now I do get it."
"Let me think about all this and get back to you with my response.
"One thing is for sure, I would never want to be involved in something where I am not wanted. I will go over the contracts we all signed and determine how to handle this in a fair and honorable way. Hearing all this from you breaks my heart to tell you the truth. But sometimes you can't fight nature. It seems that you guys hold all the cards, regardless of how wrong this is, I don't want to be in an adversarial situation."
Zaria walks to her vehicle alone and heads back home. She is back in her control room by noon.
Chapter 9 - The Greedy 8 Start Their Own Civilization
James sends the other councilman a message "I didn't just try to warn you emphatically. I jumped up and down yelling stop, stop. You let your greed and your arrogance blind you from what was right. Zari and Zaria gave us all this amazing deal. We are the only civilization to survive three historical disasters that have eliminated 99.999% of the population of this planet, and this is how you repay them? Zaria saved you not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 times.