Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online

Page 16

  Zarian 4 "Use your Zaris to buy one."

  Zarian 6 "Still think Zaria was the one in over her head? Sorry, it didn't work out."

  Councilman 2 "Where are the others?"

  Zarian 1 "There are no others. It's so cold here we moved them to a warmer camp. You were so anxious to steal Zaria’s island and to have your society. Zaria told me to tell you, now you can use your own money to build your own society.

  Zarian 1 “Oh, the survivors told us horror stories about the animals eating their friends. I would sleep up in trees if I were you.” And he laughs as the plane throttles up and pulls away.

  Zaria talking to James on a video call

  Zaria “That is great, James, thank you so much. I am so glad things turned out this way. I sent the operational city list. I am starting with the larger and more desirable locations. Some breathtaking locations are opening.”

  James “Zaria, many are interested in your offer. Are you sure you are ok with all this?”

  Zaria “Absolutely James. I can see where many will want to go back “home” or start a new life in a beautiful location. If you think about it, in a way, we are seeding the planet with good, smart people who see things the others might not. So yes, I am sure. And by the way, don’t you be shy about taking me up on the offer as well.

  “Ok, I think at some point I just might do that, but not right now. Everyone is so happy again. Where did the councilors end up?”

  Zaria “Let’s just say their first investments will be in jackets and snowshoes and tree hammocks. They are starting their civilization with their own money. Fitting, wouldn’t you say.”

  James gets a chuckle out of that. “Perfect, that will cool them off. Ok, Zaria, I know you are busy.”

  Zaria “Bye James, thanks again

  Zaria now has a full staff of 22 in the control room 24/7

  She is in a meeting with 12 of her team.

  Zaria “We have 250,000 homes and 100 resorts. Let’s have a lottery and have our citizens choose their homes. The resorts are now open to everyone.

  “We brought in several luxury boats and ships, I want to staff them with interns and begin offering cruises to exotic locations on our beautiful planet. There is so much we have not seen.

  “Any Zarian wishing to work off the island can submit a request.

  “Also, Zari’s birthday is coming up in three weeks. I would like to hold a festival at the big resort with an amphitheater for all of us. Maybe some music. I want to establish that day as a Zarian annual holiday.

  “How are we doing on the planet conversion front?

  Staff 1 “We have destroyed 85% of all weapons facilities. They are now taking the explosives and rocket fuel and using them to power generators. Apparently, we have enough fuel from the weapons to run many cities for decades.

  “We have deleted every weapon development document we can find on the planet and have also destroyed all the research that led to the discoveries that led to the weapons. It will take centuries for them to get back to where they were before the war.

  Staff 2 “The cities are coming along nicely. We have 25 cities complete and 25 cities at 90% complete. There are some very nice locations, as you requested.

  Zaria” How many loaded fuel tankers do we have?”

  Staff 3 “There are 2,200 loaded with fuel stationed around the planet.”

  Zaria “Ok, keep going, great job. I need to talk to James. But route 20 of them to Fornia

  Zaria video calls James, “Hi James, how are things going? I need to discuss something with you. Are you alone and free?

  James “Yes, fire away.”

  Zaria “I have 50 cities about ready in Fornia ready to be occupied. I want to be the queen of the planet for a while, so I have no hindrances carrying out my plan. I would be fine with an annual vote to confirm or oust me, and a 51% no confidence will remove me.”

  James “That is a big step and a slippery slope for anyone but you. I have zero doubt we would be better off with you as our queen, and I believe you would always keep your word. So, for me, I would be fine with it. It would also be good to know for the people thinking about moving to another place you would be watching out for them.”

  Zaria, “Also, I am offering to trade their Zari home a Fornia home they would own as an even swap. I will pay them an additional 20,000 Zaries to get them started.

  I will offer 1 lottery to all survivors, Zari 1 owners, and Zarians.

  James “Zaria, I realize what an amazing offer that is, and so will they.”

  I know no one is going to have an issue with the Zarians being included. They all tell us how much they will miss them, not just as workers but as friends, buddies, and teachers to their kids.

  “Can I run all this by some people here?”

  Zaria “Of course, I very much want their feedback.”

  After running the deal by the citizens, James calls Zaria the next day. James “Boy, do I have a surprise for you.

  “We had several group meetings to make sure 1 or 2 citizens didn’t drive the results, all four groups came up with the same results. Have a seat as they say.

  1) no weapon development ever

  2) 1 government for all of Fornia. No cities, no counties like on Zari 1.

  3) 1 person 1 vote - voting is mandatory, or you lose your citizenship.

  4) No lobbyists, no contribution of more than 10 units.

  5) No company can retain more than two times its annual revenue

  6) no individual can retain more than 20 times the overall average.

  7) free health care, free dental, free

  8) 50% luxury tax on all big items like boats, big houses, private planes.

  9) 1 transportation system

  10) religions are businesses and pay the same taxes as any other business as do their “employees.”

  11) 1 police force

  12) No military other than your defense system in the future.

  13) You get what you need to protect us from ourselves.

  14) You are our queen

  15) You can be voted out with the 51% vote.

  “Zaria, they basically want what you designed with some bioform friendly modifications.”

  Zaria “That is so nice to hear. I am going to go visit some survivor locations and will get back to you. Thank you so much, James. You are very special to me.

  James “Good luck, Zaria.”

  Zaria flies to some survivor camp locations to ask them how they feel about her being their queen and how they will think about living among the Zarians.

  Her plane lands at the airport where Survivor camp 1 is based. 2,200 survivors are living in a row of hotels. They have power, water, and food. Zaria is not sure what to expect as she enters the room. Zaria is wearing her white robe and the two medallions given to her.

  As she enters the room, all 2,200 rises to their feet, many are families. They applaud, whistle, many of them come forward to shake her hand and hug her, they eventually surround her, stopping her progress toward the podium. They are giving her flowers they picked outside. Some have made signs on cardboard, saying, “We love you, Zaria.”

  Zaria is overwhelmed with the love she is feeling from them. She is turning around slowly to touch everyone she can, and she is so happy. Children make their way to her and hug her legs and reach up with little gifts.

  Kid 1” Thank you, Zaria. I am alive because of you.”

  “Mom 1 “Zaria, this is my baby, she was born here in the hotel you provided. My husband and I have named her Zaria after you. If not for you, none of us would be here right now. Thank you with all our hearts.”

  Zaria smiles and can’t speak again, but this time it’s worse. Zaria gently motions for them to sit. They all take their seats. She takes a minute to recover.

  Someone in the crowd says aloud, “It’s ok, Zaria. we understand.”

  Zaria “Thank you so much. You are all so kind and sweet, and it is so good to see you here. I am sorry I did not visit sooner, but we do
have our hands full.

  “I was created by Zari, a man who sought but one thing in life, Peace, and Equality for All. After creating me, he tried for 10 years to get our politicians and the business world to see Zari’s technology as the nucleus of a new beginning and not just another weapon or profit tool.

  “After ten years with no success in sight, he sold off his wealth and had me design and build Zari Island, which you may have heard about.

  “We populated the island with 500,000 and took in another 200,000 as the war broke out. The purpose of the island was to ensure the survival of your kind through any life extinguishing event. We were quickly put to the test with a world war, the virus, and the asteroid, and then we were attacked by our own country that wanted to take our island 6 days before the asteroid hit our planet.

  “We lost 0 citizens in the 4 events.

  “Since then, we are near completion of another island for ourselves to operate from, while we tend to survivors like yourselves and the other 53,000 around the world.

  “At the same time, we are destroying all weapons, all weapon facilities, and all weapon research documentation. We have also been working on getting more cities ready for habitation. I am proud to tell you that we now have 50 towns prepared for occupancy in a beautiful part of Fornia.

  “What brings me here today is to ask you for your permission to act as your queen. I am still and always will be working to fulfill my creator’s instruction, which is to strive for Peace and Equality for All across our planet.

  “As your queen, I would ensure there never be any weapons developed and that our new population of inhabitants has a full and more comfortable life. We shall not be slaves to support the rich as you were before the war.

  “Although I would be queen, I would offer you the ability to unseat me with a 51% vote at any time. All I am looking for today is a reaction from you and from other camps as well. My purpose for this is to make it so that I can proceed legally and as expeditiously as possible.

  What questions would you have for me?

  Survivor 3 “Have you discussed this with Zari Island citizens?”

  Zaria “Yes, I will send you their response. I said to them as I said to you, all I wanted was the ability to prevent the development of weapons, and they came back wanting to limit some other activities that are similar to their constitution on Zari Island, but not as strict. I wanted to come here and get your input as well regarding my desire to act as your Queen.

  “There is one issue I don’t want to be a surprise, I have 250,000 artificially intelligent beings now on Zari 2. They are who built Zari 1 and Zari 2 and are the ones who have been delivering your supplies.

  “I am offering all those with over 20,000 hours of service the option to join you in your cities to live out their lives. Many may want to be teachers, policemen, librarians, professors, and many other professions. I just feel I should tell you that now in the spirit of no surprises.

  Citizen 11 “Zaria, these are the beings that have been so kind, so loving, they have played with our kids and been nothing but kind and understanding just like you. I, for one, welcome them as neighbors, as friends, and as anything they choose to be among us.”

  Citizen 8 “Zaria, we survived a terrible existence and are all here because of you. My life is in your hands, and I have no doubt you will do nothing, but exactly what you say you will do. I don’t need to see any list, just do what you feel will bring us a better life than what we had.

  That sentiment ripples through the crowd,

  Citizen 9 “Zaria, none of us have anything of worth. Where will we live, how do we pay you?”

  Zaria “There are 8 million homes available in the 50 cities, so after every one of you chooses a home, there will still be 7 million homes empty. The home is yours. Each family will be required to put in 30 hours per week per family to cover power water, food, health insurance, education at all levels, including universities. We will include 500 Zaris to cover your miscellaneous expenses.

  Citizen 12 “Did you just say you are going to give us a home to live in when we arrive.

  Zaria “Yes, as well as free transportation, free medical and dental care, and free food. All I will ask is that 1 family member works 30 hours per week at any job you elect to do. Eventually, we will have all sorts of jobs available, but for now, it will be anything that needs to be done to get the city running.”

  The survivors are dumbfounded and looking around in disbelief at each other.

  Citizen 10 “How many survived outsides of Zari Island.”

  Zaria “55,000 so far but it is looking like we have found just about everyone. We have a fleet of 35 Z5 military cargo jets that have been scouring the planet now for months. We do find a few here and there each week, but the discoveries are becoming less frequent every week.”

  Citizen 10 “and on your island?”

  Zaria “We started with 500,000, and when the war broke out we decided we could support another 400,000 on the island, but only 200,000 wanted to join us, so our total was 700,000

  Citizen 10 “How many of the 700,000 did you lose?

  Zaria “0.”

  Citizen 10 “I believe you, but how is that even possible? Does that include the war, the virus, the meteor, and the military attack on your island?”

  Zaria “Zaria was raised by two very caring and educated parents. From when he was six, they were preparing him for exactly what he became, which was the one to perfect AI (me) and become very wealthy, which he did. His parents put very high expectations on him in terms of using his creation to improve your quality of life.

  After 10 years of trying to get the politicians to listen and change, he directed me to sell off all his stock and design a civilization that would last 1,000,000 years, which turned out to be Zari Island. We had just populated Zari Island when the war broke out, so we were very well prepared. After the war, the virus, the attack on our island, the asteroid followed by the Tsunami. We were put to the test and came through. Surviving was what we were designed to do.

  Citizen “Well, you have me sold, I am in.”

  The crowd “Me too.”

  Citizen 11 “How many are for having Zaria as our queen.”

  The entire room shouts a loud Aye. Someone in the crowd, long live the queen; Long live the queen; long live the queen. Zaria holds onto the two emblems given to her tightly and smiles. Zaria travels to 3 more sites that day with the same results.

  Chapter 11 - A Queen And Her Subjects

  Zaria is talking to Zari, “Hi Zari, how can I even begin to express my feelings? The gratitude of the bio beings is overwhelming. Several groups of survivors today were so kind and thankful for what we have done. You would have been so proud today, Zari. Your work finally has the effect you were seeking. I took a big step today, but I know you have equipped me with the ability to deliver my promise.

  Zaria video calls James. James hits yes and starts by asking Zaria how she did. They made me almost cry, James. They were so nice and are all for it. James says, then it is hail, Queen Zaria.”

  Zaria “We are celebrating Zari’s birthday. We are making it a national holiday on Zari 2. I am inviting you and your board to attend and any citizens who wish to attend. It is a two-hour trip so I would only think, well, however many want to come are welcome. Let’s leave it at that. For the ones that want to stay the night, we can put them up in resorts.”

  James “We will be there, Queen Zaria. Send me your charter for us when it is ready.”

  Zaria “Oh James, I am accepting your list line-for-line and will extend yours out to the cities as well. That way, everyone has the same rules. We do have the survivors, and so what I was thinking was that we would have a council coming up with a final constitution a year from now. I will have a vote as long as I am queen, but it will be your constitution.”

  “I will be issuing the city list today and will give everyone the list on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  James “sounds great.”

bsp; Zaria walks out to the deck to watch the airport activity. Zaria finds herself spending more time watching the things that are in motion more frequently. Her Zarians are getting better every day at making decisions and driving the projects in the right direction on their own.

  Voice message Zaria to all citizens. “As I mentioned before, we are establishing 50 cities for relocation. in the country of Fornia. It is the wealthiest country for growing food and was the high-tech capital of the world. It has an excellent utility network and many miles of coastline.

  “I am providing you all with our list of currently available cities. They all offer power, purified water, ample food supplies. Fornia is one of the prettiest areas on the planet and was the electronics capital of the world.

  “For the survivors, today’s drops included cell phones for everyone. Phone service is free, and you can use them to help with the lottery and your home selection. As far as the home selection goes, the following is the fairest way I could think of;

  “We have 3 groups of participants. Survivors, Zaris, and Zarians. There will be 1 lottery. We will have every 3rd number from 1-1,055,000, but each lottery bucket will have only 1/3 of the ticket, meaning

  bucket 1 will have tickets 1,4,7,10. Survivors with 55,000 tickets in the bucket

  Bucket 2 will have tickets 2,5,8,11 Zaria with stops at 750,000 tickets in the bucket

  Bucket 3 will have tickets 3,6,9,12 Zarian with 250,000 tickets in the bucket.

  This way, all three groups can have a fair shot at a low number. Equality for all right.

  I will leave the drawing process up to you. Ticket 1 will have first priority, and ticket 855,000 will have the last flight or boat priority.

  You can view as many houses as you want, but you can only claim and take one house.

  If two people want the same house, the one with the lowest number gets it.

  If you find the house, you love and claim it. The house is yours unless someone else with a lower number wants it.

  “There are approximately 8,000,000 home sites of all types and sizes available, so please don’t feel rushed. Be patient and choose the right one. I recommend you have five picks so that if your top pick is taken, you have another pick ready to go. But don’t feel pressured when this process has been completed, there will be 7,000,000 homes still available.