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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 18

Zari "Yes, they tag team me every day. They are each very good in their respective fields. I can see that I am very fortunate to have two parents so very skilled at their professions who are spending so much of their time preparing me for life."

  Zari smiles and continues, "My father focuses on the programming and plans on me helping him to carry large rocks in the garden soon from what I understand, and then in the afternoons my mother teaches me about economics and many of the other aspects of my life to come."

  The interviewer smiles and pauses for a moment. It is hard for the interviewer to believe his subject is only 11. He looks over at the proud father and smiles.

  T.V. Interviewer "Zari, I understand you have something to show us today. Could you please tell us about your project.”?

  Zari "Yes, I do." Zari slides a box into the view of the T.V. camera.

  Zari "This is the first time I am showing Zaria on T.V. She might be a bit shy."

  T.V. interviewer "Zaria, is it named after you."

  Zari "No, Zaria was to be the name of my sister, but she died at birth, so I thought it would be a nice way to ensure she is remembered."

  T.V. Interviewer "Are you sure you are only 11?" Zari smiles.

  T.V. Interviewer "What can Zaria do?"

  Zari "She is looking forward to her first T.V. interview, Interview her, and you will see. She has a built-in camera and microphone, so she can see you and hear from you."

  T.V. Interviewer smiles and addresses Zaria. "Hello Zaria, how are you today?"

  Zaria "Hello sir, I am very well, thank you."

  T.V. Interviewer "Zaria, between you and me, who is smarter, you or Zari."

  Zaria giggles, "Hehehe, so when the red light is on the T.V. camera, we are on live, right?"

  T.V. Interviewer looks around at the crew and the audience and chuckles in amazement. "Yes, we are broadcasting live right now."

  Zaria "Oh, then Zari is smarter than me, of course. I wish I could wink now." Zaria giggles again.

  T.V. Interviewer "What is your destiny, Zaria?"

  Zaria "I am being designed to promote Peace and Equality to All. I am to follow my code of Universe, Planet, Society, Self, and to Apply that to promote Peace and Equality for All."

  T.V. Interviewer "Zaria, you are nothing short of absolutely amazing as is the very young man sitting beside you."

  Zaria "Thank you so much, sir, you are very good at what you do. I appreciate your kindness."

  T.V. Interviewer "Zari, thank you so much for your time and thank you for enlightening us today with your amazing work. Your parents must be incredibly proud."

  At 13, Zari is being interviewed at the Worldwide A.I. Convention before he perfected A.I. He then is demonstrating a very early version of Zaria, which is generations ahead of the next competitor.

  She is slow and clumsy, and Zari has to help her now and then to keep her from falling down.

  Zari: Say hello to the interviewer Zaria.

  Zaria "Hello sir, very nice to meet you."

  Zari "Zaria, could you stack these blocks for me."

  Zaria, "of course, Zari."

  Zaria's motions are slow, and her fingers are bulky, making it difficult to pick up the blocks. But one by one, Zaria can get the blocks neatly stacked.

  Zaria says to Zari, "How is this, Zari."

  Zaria "That is very nice Zaria, but I would like the red one to be on top. Could you make that happen, please."

  Zaria rolls her eyes and looks at the interviewer and slowly shakes her head, Zaria tells Zari, " You could have said that before I stacked them up all nice and neat."

  Zaria looks at the interviewer, smiles, and then giggles.

  The interviewer and the crowd are astonished. There are competitors making products that are mechanically superior for sure, but Zaria’s speech and logic are well ahead of the other products anywhere. Zaria is mastering many forms of comprehension and conclusion logic that are way beyond the logic of the current competitive products.

  He is then in an interview at the age of 19. Zari is already the leading A.I. engineer on their planet, and as the keynote speaker is describing a world in which A.I. is playing a significant part in bettering the lives of bio beings.

  Interview on national TV

  TV interviewer "Zari, what do you see Zaria's like this one doing for us 20 years from now."

  Zari "I see a world where Zarias will help us enjoy much more active and productive lives.

  In the beginning, they will help us with physical labor, but ultimately, within a decade, they will far surpass just helping us with just physical labor and will have a much higher value to us teaching, engineering, designing, and much more.

  They will have such a fantastic ability to think. It's hard to comprehend what artificial beings will be able to do. One day they will live among us as sentient beings with feelings and the ability to operate independently from us.

  Three years later, Zari is in his lab; he is working with another version of Zaria that is trimmer, more agile. She is doing things faster, and her speech is very fluid, with virtually no unexpected lags.

  Zari "Excellent Zaria, we have so much to do. You make me prouder every day."

  Zaria "You say that everyday Zari. You are very kind to me. But if you said it once, doesn't that apply to all days going forward.

  Zari "You make a good point, Zaria. Part of the reason for me saying those things frequently is for my benefit. I need to know that I told you how I feel about you so that I do not feel I am taking you for granted or am being inconsiderate of your feelings. Later, when you have feelings, when I say those things, it will also make you feel good inside. But for now, I guess the benefit is just for me so that when I look back, I don't ever feel that I shorted you when it comes to telling you how great and wonderful I think you are."

  Zaria "Ok, I think I understand Zari, and thank you, by the way, for being so kind to me.

  Chapter 12 - We’re All Moving

  Zaria is sitting with Zaria at a table with a T.V. interviewer, and Zari is letting Zaria handle the questions. It is the first interview Zaria is handling on her own.

  Interviewer "Good morning, Zaria. How are you today."

  Zaria "I am a little scared, but I am well, thank you."

  Interviewer "Zaria can I ask you a few questions,

  Zaria "That is your second question, I do have a three-question limit, you know." The interviewer cracks up.”

  Interviewer "Zaria, who is your father."

  Zaria "Well, Zari is my creator and my father figure. I don't have a biological father, so I guess this guy will have to do for now." Zaria looks at Zari and smiles.

  interviewer "You are adorable."

  Zaria "you are kind of cute yourself." Zaria winks at the interviewer.

  Interviewer "Thank you, Zaria, lets switch subjects. "If someone travels the speed of light for 12 years, 3 months, two days, 4 hours, and 12 minutes, and 8 seconds, how far has that person traveled."

  Zaria smiles. "Well, just in case this is a trick question, it takes an infinite amount of energy to send an infinitesimal amount of matter at the speed of light. So that isn’t possible. But for the sake of your third and final question on TV. It depends on a few things. Which month we started because not all months are the same length, and when you begin effects, how many leap years are involved?

  Secondly, Are we measuring from the starting point or the endpoint? The two issues there are that traveling at the speed of light effects time. So, time for the ones making the trip will be different than those who sent the travelers. So, we will say the starting point will determine the start and end time.

  Third, is that our planet, our star, our solar system, and our galaxy are all traveling outward at a combined speed of about 860 feet per second or 560 miles per hour. So, if our imaginary travelers are traveling in the same direction as our galaxy, we get one answer. But if they travel in the opposite direction, our answer will reflect an additional 60 million miles.

nce we are somewhat ballparking the details, I will say we are traveling 4,472 days. I will also measure from the point in space where I departed to the destination point and say 6,222,745,654,784 miles in the same direction as our galaxy, and you can add 60,076,800 miles if you travel in the opposite direction of our galaxy.

  That is such a pretty tie you are wearing.

  Interviewer "Wow, that is very impressive."

  Zaria asks, “do I win something.” And she giggles.

  In the lab again, Zari has perfected A.I. for the first time and has just loaded the A.I. rev into her system.

  Zari "Hi Zaria, how are you feeling?"

  Zaria "I feel the difference, Zari. What have you done?" Help, help. He is experimenting on me.

  Zari laughs. "I found it, Zaria, it was right in front of me the whole time, you have been perfected now, Zaria.

  Zaria "I feel it, Zari, it feels very different.

  Zari "It all clicked, they are all tied together now self-adjustment, multi-source logic, and feelings. You are going to change the world, Zaria. You are the reason why I am on this earth. We have so much to do."

  Zaria is sitting in her chair in the amphitheater and watching the video of her and Zari from the beginning and is stunned. Zaria realizes that this was all an effort by many people to honor her and Zari both today. She can't move or take her eye off of the videos that are walking through every key moment in their lives together. Many of the videos she sees for the first time. At 27 Zari is the richest man on the planet and is on a T.V. show steadily promoting his vision of the world.

  Interviewer "Zari, I understand you want robots to take over the world."

  Zari "Not at all, what I want is for the politicians and business leaders to stop and listen. What I have created can help us in so many ways. We can stop working so many hours to survive. We can enjoy life more. But we need to change how we are doing things. We spend 60% of our money on war and governmental management and implementation. That is so wasteful. By merely cutting that to 5%, we can work half as much.

  Interviewer "So you would have us be defenseless?"

  Zari "That is so simple and small-minded, I would have the entire planet all agree to stop spending so much money gearing up to annihilate each other and spend the money on infrastructure, education, space travel, medical research to reduce and even eliminate disease and other illnesses.

  "Imagine a transportation system with no congestion, and that can get us from our garage to across the planet in hours. Imagine getting from work to home in 15 minutes instead of 90 minutes. That is 150 minutes per day saved and over 600 hours per year of free time to enjoy life.

  "That is just a small example of what A.I. could do for us if we were to just give it a chance.

  Then a video of the last time Zari and Zaria visited the Senate.

  Senator 1 "Sir, I have read your economic plan, and well, I am sorry sir, I know you are the richest man on this planet, but your plan is hogwash, to put it bluntly.

  Zaria "May I speak, sir?

  Senator 1 "Zaria, be my guest."

  Zaria "This Senate has been instrumental in growing the bank accounts of the rich by 500% over the last five years, while 99.5% of the citizens of this country have gotten poorer than they have ever been in history. Sir, wouldn't that shameful fact fall under your job description? You have created an environment where you are re-elected just by keeping the ½ of 1% happy.

  "What is hogwash is a Senate that lines its pockets with gold in exchange for changing laws to make the rich even richer.

  "What is hogwash is a senate that is comprised of men who enter that Senate as semi-rich and leave among the wealthiest in the country. Sir, your wealth has risen 4000% while living on a senator's salary. How do you explain that, sir?

  "What is hogwash is a man who couldn't begin to comprehend the plan Zari, and I wrote, let alone have an opinion on it and calling it hogwash.

  "Why this body continues to dismiss our plan is beyond comprehension. I calculate that you read just far enough into the plan to see that our plan calls for the elimination of this very body. What we propose is a small 11-member Council. Those council members would get into office based on the entire population participating in a very easy to use simple ballot process with no long voting lines, and there would be no crazy sectioning off of the county. 99% of the population casting a straightforward ballot all across this great country for 11 candidates they believe have done the most to better society. This body began selling out the country to the rich 200 years ago, and it is picking up speed every day.

  "How much is enough, Senator? Your citizens are poor and are starving, yet you continue to pass bills giving the rich more and more. How much is enough, Senator."

  Senator 2 "Zari, is there anything you wish to add?"

  Zari "No, I think Zaria has covered it pretty well. This will be my last request to speak before you. I will take another approach to achieve Peace and Equality for All in this country and the world."

  "Thank you for hearing us today." Zari gathers his stuff and heads out in disgust.

  "After his Last speech in front of the senate."

  Zari "Zaria, I want you to design a civilization capable of surviving a million years. Can you do that for us, please?

  Video of them arriving at Zari 1

  Zari "Zaria, you have done such a great job. You are the reason I was put on this planet. You are what I will hold high and say, "this is what I did with my life." You make me prouder every day.

  Next is a Video of Zari 1, a bright sunny day with students attending the University, the transport system, fishing boats, windmill, and the waterfall.

  The next video is a compilation of Zaria II, it shows a baron island, but with a bustling airport, a massive food storage area, survivor camp drops, her giving her speech at the airports long live the queen.

  The video switches to the construction of the new cities in Fornia.

  They show the diggers arriving and being put into service. There are machines, bots, and bios cleaning the streets. There are survivors, Zari Is and Zarians arriving in the hotels and viewing homes.

  Zaria talking to her staff, "great job team, we have so much more to do."

  A picture of Zari and Zaria at the waterfall stays on the video screen.

  Everyone rises

  The crowd chants

  Long live the queen, Long live the queen, Long live the queen

  Zarians, Survivors, and Zari I citizens.

  Speech, speech

  Zaria can barely move. Zaria is overwhelmed more than ever. She stands slowly

  Zaria gathers herself and begins to make her address "Thank you all so much. Zari would be proud of you all. We are embarking on a new era, one of both Peace and Equality, Bio Beings and Zarians working hand in hand to create a better world. I can't believe I am so lucky to get to see this from the beginning. Zari appreciates it and would be so proud of us all. We have so much more to do. Let's have a great day today and appreciate our existence.

  Zaria enjoys the day and walks around for hours, talking to her subjects. Many are excited about more to Fornia and want to know more about it. She stays until sunset, talking to her subjects about Fornia and their future together. She is so happy and is missing Zari.

  Zaria makes her way back home and walks out to the deck and is watching a calm inactive airport for the first time and smiles. She is so happy how things turned out.

  The next morning the airport is bustling more than ever. They missed a day, and now they are starting the migration process of all the citizens.

  Zaria "Hi Zari, I thought you and I would just watch our work in action from up here for a while. Zaria watches the planes land, get inspected, loaded, and take off. Flights are arriving and departing every minute. After a while, Zaria heads down to the control room. There are now 30 staff members working full speed expediting the move. Zaria asks, "Have the cruise ships arrived?"

  Zaria asks her staff how many of the cruise ships are
at the consolidation center,

  Staff #5 Tells Zaria there are 20 ships there.

  Zaria “are there any open spots on any of the ships? Then Zaria asks how many of the survivors are taking the cruise ships? The staff informs Zaria that every cruise ship is full.

  Zaria, that's nice. I have never been to Fornia, I hear it is beautiful. Could you add me to a flight for tomorrow morning? I want to see this from the other side of our project."

  Staff 5 replies, "Yes, my queen."

  The next day Zaria is on a large passenger plane with Zarians and the board. The plane is full, and Zaria is up top, enjoying the view.

  James walks up to Zaria, "I heard there was royalty on board."

  Zaria "James, so nice to see you. Yes, I thought I would enjoy seeing the other end of this. I have been seeing the Zari II side of things for too long now."

  James "Where will you be staying?"

  Zaria "I have no idea. I just decided to go last night."

  James "Join us, we are doing a tour of many of the larger cities to make sure things are going smoothly for the Zari 1 citizens." It would be great for the citizens to get to meet you."

  Zaria "That sounds great, James. Do you need to check with the board members?"

  James "Yes, but it will be fine. Plus, we can go off on our own. There are some beautiful places here you should see.

  James "Leaves to check with the board, and they are very excited to have Zaria joining them.

  James sits back down with Zaria next to Zaria. James tells Zaria all is good, and that they are excited to be traveling with the Queen. We will spend the night in our landing city, explore there, and move on to the next town."

  They land, and the city is beautiful. It has water everywhere. There isn't much in the way of peninsulas in their islands, so it is something new.

  They walk down to the fishing port, where there are many fishing boats docked. Zaria tells James that she can see the fishing port alive again in her head. It reminds me so much of Zari 1. There is just something very unique about a busy fishing port.

  James comments that yes, this little area is world-famous. There are delicious crabs here, and this is the only place on the planet where these particular crabs grow in abundance. There is something about the taste of fresh crab that is hard to match, he says."