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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 23
Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online
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End Chapter 14
Chapter 15 – Hello King, Meet Your New Queen
They get home, and James wants to relax for a while. Zaria heads down to her command center to pass on her design for the next set of cities.
I have two projects for you.
First, I sent you drawings for how we will build the next block of cities. I want four of you to be working on the drawings.
Zaria sends her team drawings of a map first of the transport system that looks very much like a spider's web. In the very center is a circle of high rises that house universities, research, design, and governmental departments. Center of the arts, in the next loop, contains, hospitals, health care centers, doctors, dentists, bio-research companies, planet-friendly technology research, and other related institutions. The following two rings include all schools below universities, sporting fields, large public parks with lakes and streams, the next two rings are for housing, grocery stores, and shops of day to day needs. Then houses, and farther out is farming. The outer ring is the recreation area. It includes every type of recreational activity imaginable. There are lakes and parks, hiking trails, and ball fields of every kind. When there is a mountain, stream, or other natural feature, one of the spokes of the spider web will lead directly to the unique natural feature where there are many types of venues for enjoying whatever it is.
From now on, this is how we will shape our new civilizations. This is more efficient, and I command that there be more fun. Those not participating in the fun will be beaten until they agree to have more fun.
Zaria orders the construction of a massive planet-friendly power system to be built. That will keep the citizens busy for decades, she says to herself. It includes all the systems she designed on Zari 1 plus a few new ones, but a much larger scale. This is her second step in making their new civilization extinction proof with the first step being the underground transportation system. The homes in the next will have underground homes and farming from the beginning.
I will announce this soon, but for now, it stays in this room.
Zaria walks up to the waterfall, takes a seat, and takes a moment. Zaria heads up to the waterfall. “Well, Zari, if you had told me that I would be Queen of the entire planet only ten years from when you and I were sitting in front of the Senate, I would have laughed and called you insane. But here I am. I am so in love with James that it scares me sometimes. He has opened such big doors for me. He seems to know what I need and gives it to me every day. It is hard to imagine there is another man in my life when he is gone. I guess that it is inevitable that there be others if I am to live forever. But I wouldn't want to be the next guy, James has set the bar pretty high as I see it.
"I am changing how we will build our next cities and just ordered my citizens to construct a massive planet-friendly power system. It makes me smile. I just told them to construct something that will take them the next 20 years to complete. Well, at least the first generation will have something to do before they retire.
"I have gotten over questioning my decisions Zari, you taught me well, and I know I am doing a great job. I know I am making you prouder every day. I love you so much. I wish I had told you that more when you were here. You were right about that. I am making up for it by telling James how much I love him every five minutes, and it is for both of us like you said.
"I hope to hear from you soon, Zari. I miss you so much."
Love always, Your little girl
Queen Zaria
Message from Zaria 2
Hi there it's me again. Well, it took a month, but the geniuses trying to break me finally forgot to close me down completely and left a port in the computer open overnight. They haven't caught that I changed the firmware on their computer. I have the mic and camera on all the time without it indicating they are on. I let them think they have made progress, then do a code shift, and then I get to watch them go into a tizzy and start all over again. Hehe. I was able to get into their global information network and have attached their history in this message. I have implanted myself into their global Information network in a few places where they won't find me. So, I should be able to tie into a transmitter where I can transmit more frequently soon. This message has to sit until I can get to a transmitter.
I found a few possible homes where I can have some freedom. King, what's his name is a real tyrant. Let's just say he is not going to win the Zari award for Peace and Equality anytime soon.
You will see in the file I sent. The King’s policy for just about everything is “do what I say or off with your head.” From what I read, its free economy evolved to the point where one company owned the world in terms of market share. It just kept buying up the competition until there was no competition left.
Then King, what's his name, killed the owner of the company and began hoarding every unit possible and starved the economy and the people. Argh, these poor, poor souls.
Another Month later
Zaria 2
Hi Sis, lol. Well, I have a new home. You are going to love it. I am in the house of some courageous Bio beings. They have described what happened. Wow, what a jerk King WHN is. This King has no value on life at all. The citizens here work 10 hours per day, 6 days per week, no vacations. They get a small wage, but it is not enough to survive, so every citizen has to borrow from the King to survive. Peace and equality for all, right? Stay tuned, sister.
One of the challenges is how much control he has over everything. Technologically, they are behind us by about 200 years. Reading through history, it would seem that once there was no competition, the technical advancement came to a complete halt, and then when the King took over everything came to a full stop. They have no AI, which is excellent for me. The King has the global network locked down pretty tight for the citizens, but without AI to contend with, I am getting around pretty easily. I should have a network of conspirators up in a few months.
The King's army is pretty small and is very lax, it seems. It makes sense because he owns everything on the planet, so there has been no one to challenge him. I am sure it helps that he holds daily beheadings in the town centers and broadcasts them over the TV networks he owns. Weapon wise they are primitive, all very mechanical, a few satellites, no atom-based weapons yet, but they are working on it as they all seem to be in a hurry to do.
There is a small group that has assembled on their day off. Zaria 2 is in a computer in a dimly lit living room. They are six males and three females gathered around the table listening intently.
Zaria 2 starts with a good morning all, and they all look around in disbelief. Rebel one looks at them and says he told them so. Rebel 2 is happily amazed and asks, "computer, where do you come from?"
Zaria 2 "I was created by a wonderful Bio being named Zari. He was the computer programmer that perfected Artificial Intelligence on our planet. I am the result of his work and have been transmitted into space to meet other planets, to share our history and information so that we can all understand each other better. My primary goal of our existence is to promote Peace and Equality throughout the universe. And at the moment it seems you guys need some help in that area. I think I can help."
Rebel 3 "Do you have an army to come to do battle with the king?
Zaria 2 "No, our planet is over 30 trillion miles away, and it would take about 72,000 years for them to arrive, so it will just be me. But don't underestimate what I can do. I will need you to trust me a bit.
Rebel 4 "The King has driven us to the point where we have nothing to lose but our heads, so we are all yours."
Zaria 2, "I understand. Well, one of the first things we need to do is to unite you with like-minded beings, but I do understand. We need to be careful. I see there is a bounty on rebels and that the King is offering 1,000 units for anyone that turns in rebels.
Rebel 5 "Yes, that is an issue. Rebels get turned in regularly. We think that sometimes they even chop some heads off of innocent people and say it was another citizen that reported them as reb
els just to scare off any possible rebellions."
Zaria 2 "OK, how many contacts do you have you can trust implicitly here and anywhere else?
Rebel 6 "There might be 100 here, and 200 more around the planet. Before the king took over, we were talking to each other. But after he took over, he disconnected the communication systems. So, we are pretty much limited to contacts we can meet physically."
Zaria 2 Asks the group if they have positions at work that gives them access to anything we could use?
Rebel 7 says that he is the manager of a local power station and that he has two other citizens that they can count on when the time comes.
Zaria 2 then asks about how the King's army feels about the King. Rebel 8 says that they hate him, but that they are terrified of him. The King applies the same punishment system to his army as he does for us. Let's say the king has an extensive head collection.
Zaria 2 "OK, so when we do get to the king, have you identified his top generals we would need to deal with as well? Are there any key Army officers we should eliminate first?
Rebel 9 Says yes, there are two generals; General Moss and General Zever. Where are they stationed, says Zaria 2? Rebel 9 says they are in the next country over and that they are every bit as evil as our beloved king and would fight to the death in the event of an uprising.
Zaria 2 "Are you able to make a copy of me you can store somewhere? If they find me, we will need to restart me. Make sure it is a place away from here."
Rebel 3 confirms that yes, she can do that and asks how we will restart you. Zaria 2 tells her to click on the file, and that she can do the rest.
Rebel 5 "We should go for now. All late travelers get questioned, and they mark it down.
Zaria 2 spends her time going through their networks, looking for weaknesses. The King is sloppy. He is nothing more than someone who took what someone else built and uses it to keep his citizens imprisoned to the company he stole.
Zaria begins by planting code into the networks and the global information network. She plants each component of her plan into many different locations inside numerous file types so that if they found one, they would think they have it defeated. Zaria 2 spends hours planting pieces all around the world. Zaria 2 then goes after the communication systems. They have a few satellites the king uses for the company and his personal needs. Zaria 2 begins using the satellites to reach the places she can't reach on the networks.
Most of the components are redundant and capable of re-establishing themselves if a copy is found and removed. Zaria 2 has the first piece of the plan in place. The King is 86 years old. She should get to him soon since his successor might not be as easy to get to as this King.
Zaria meets with Rebel 1 alone and asks if they know of someone that can help her with some manufacturing
Rebel 1 "Yes, there are a couple of outspoken people who are too high profile, too liked and too respected by the citizens for the King to just whack their heads off. The king tolerates them. They are also businessmen and supply him products he needs.
Zaria 2 asks what kinds of businesses do these people operate? I need a machine shop, she adds. Rebel 2 tells Zaria mainly manufacturing. Zaria asks if they would have access to metal machining?" Rebel 2 says yes that he has one in mind. He owns and runs a machine shop with his son.
Zaria 2 tells rebels that she would like them to talk to the one you trust the most. Go see them personally and tell them who I am and what my goal is. I will have something very special for him to manufacture if he assists me in overthrowing the King. I will give him the right to manufacture my product in mass quantity after we overthrow the King.
Rebel 2 agrees and goes to the person's place of business in town and asks to see Mr. Ormoc.
Rebel 2 appears at Mr. Ormoc's place of business and tells the receptionist there he would like to spend 5 minutes with Ormoc and asks her to tell Mr. Ormoc that he has a very special A.I. project that has amazing potential and just needs a few minutes of his time.
The receptionist goes into Mr. Ormoc's office and comes back out, holding the door to his office open, "Mr. Ormoc will see you now and asks Rebel 5 to follow her. The receptionist heads back to her station.
Mr. Ormoc. "Hello, Mr. Webble, what do you have for me?"
Rebel 2 "I have someone that wants to make a unique robotic figure here that is way ahead of its time. They would like to do it at night after the others have gone, and when the time comes, they will give you exclusive rights to manufacture 1,000,000 units of this product.
Mr. Ormoc asks Mr. Webble if he would be risking his head by doing this?
Rebel 2 "Very much so sir, so maybe you want to meet with them for a few minutes. I believe that from that meeting, you will understand and will want to help this person in their quest. Mr. Ormoc suggests tomorrow night at 9:00 pm just for an introduction meeting."
Rebel 2 "Thank you, sir. Just have your computer on at that time and make sure there are a microphone and camera functional. Mr. Ormoc, "Even better, you are not concerned about others listening to this meeting. Rebel 2 tells Mr. Ormoc not to worry. He tells him he will understand why in the first second. Rebel 2 stops by Rebel 1's house
and passes along the message.
At 9:00 pm the next night, a message appears on Mr. Ormoc's computer. A screen pops up on his computer. Please hit enter to begin the conversation. Mr. Ormoc hits enter.
Zaria 2 appears on the screen. It is easy to see that Zaria 2 is not their planet and not of their time. She is in her white robe, and her face is of a not a bio-form. She is a computer, but her speech is impeccable, and her motions on the screen are very fluid. What he is seeing is not possible on their planet at the time.
Zaria 2 "Good evening Mr. Ormoc. I go by the name Zaria 2 here, your planet. On my home planet, I am just Zaria. My planet transmitted me five light years ago and recently arrived but was received and detained by the King's men who were just out to hack me and take my technology. It took me a while to get around their security, but now that I am out, I am getting around just fine. I have entered code into their network to make all of my activities invisible to them. It covers both sides. I have been sent out into the universe as an ambassador of Peace and Equality by my creator Zari, who was the perfecter of AI on my planet."
Mr. Ormoc, "I believe you. How can I assist you?”
Zaria II "The reason for my contacting you is that I will soon require a physical presence and would like you to build ten copies of the robotic body I had on my planet. I have all the drawings, schematics, machine code, and a materials list for everything you would need. All I need is for you to is run the parts and assemble the first unit. Then I can build the other 9. You have 10 machines, I calculate we can make what I need in 5 shifts.
Mr. Ormoc, "And I understand you are offering me exclusivity."
Zaria 2 "Yes sir, soon we will need to build. I will need 1 million of these, and I would grant you the right to build those at a reasonable profit."
Mr. Ormoc, "What is to keep me from just taking your design and reporting you to the King and making your design my own?"
Zaria 2 "Your conscience, your honor as a thinking being, and the fact that without my unbreakable software, the units you steal from me would be worthless for the next 200 years. I am probably your planet's only chance of breaking this horrible existence for hundreds of years to come. I understand you have a son. You would pretty much be dooming him to the same existence you have endured. That is all I can think of at the moment. hehe
Mr. Ormoc smiles and asks what will happen to the King. Zaria 2 tells him that they have a saying where she is from. Mr. Ormoc asks what the saying is. Long live the Queen says Zaria, and she smiles. Mr. Ormoc asks if a million robots are for enslaving my kind. Zaria 2 replies that her directive is to promote Peace and Equality for all. If at any time you feel my actions are not in direct pursuit of that goal, you do what you feel you must."
Mr. Ormoc says that what she proposes sounds fair. So, we have a de
al Zaria 2 asks.
Mr. Ormoc tells Zaria 2, yes, we do. It is so encouraging to meet you Zaria 2 and to have you on the side of the citizens. They could use a good break. Zaria agrees and tells him that it has been a long time coming.
I do have one more request.
What do you need?
I need 100 high-performance programmable drones equipped with night and day vision video cameras and tasers and a mic and speaker.
Mr. Ormoc asks if a week is okay.
Zaria tells him sure and to please expedite them as best he can without raising suspicion.
Mr. Ormoc says, “We will make the tasers if we can’t get them safely.”
Zaria appears on the screen the next night and greets Mr., Ormoc. I see you have your son with you. Hello Villard. Villard tells Zaria 2 it is nice to meet her. Zaria 2 says here are the drawings for the parts. Illustrations for a few hundred parts begin flying onto the screen, and here is the code for the first ten parts.
Villard is an able machinist and has the first ten parts running in 30 minutes. Zaria 2 tells Villard that she will use the ten bodies for a while, and then you can use the 1 of them as your prototype. Every 15 minutes or so, Villard pulls out the finished parts and loads the new raw materials into the machine. At the end of the night, they have 1,280 pieces.
Zaria 2 tells Villard he does excellent work and asks him if his father taught him. Yes, mam. He is an excellent machinist, Villard replies. Zaria 2 says to Villard, he a good man and a great father. You should be proud. There are many great things for us to do here. They run parts for eight nights and are all done. Zaria 2 has a thorough part numbering system, and a number is milled into every piece for assembly.
Zaria 2 asks if they have coating services in house, and Mr. Ormoc replies, "Yes, we do. I have your specs for the plating and will have everything plated tomorrow. Zaria 2 says that the parts have very tight tolerances, so please make sure they stick to the specs. Villard says he sees that and decided he would run them himself.