Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 24
While the machining is taking place, the Ormoc’s are also gathering the other components required for completion. Washers, gaskets, springs, motors, electronic sensors, cables, and computer components are all arriving each day. They are stockpiling everything in a room in the back where they will assemble the first one. Zaria provides assembly instructions for every one of the 1,200 metal parts 1,000 of the other parts. She anticipates what they will need to see and puts it up on a big screen in the room.
Zaria 2 tells them, gentleman, you have done us all proud. Excellent work. Villard, you do excellent work beginning to end. The Ormocs are exhausted; they have been doing double shifts to get the unit ready.
Zaria 2 sends her code into the machine. Zaria 2 " I am now in the machine. Zaria 2 "I love it. It is always so freeing to have a physical body. Thank you both so much. Tonight, if you leave me in the room with the lights on, I can build the others by morning.
Mr. Ormoc "Really, that is over 10,000 parts, there is no way in the world you can do that in 8 hours. In fact, Mr. Ormoc, "I bet you a Crown you can't do it by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
Zaria 2 "Oh, I love deadlines, and I love crowns. You are on.
Villard Laughs, "I sure hate to side against you Zaria 2 but No way...LOL. Zaria 2 smiles and tells him that there is a way and that he just hasn't thought of it yet and tells him to be sure to bring a Crown to work. Zaria 2 tells Villard maybe he should stay home in the morning, so he doesn’t have to see his father lose a crown and her giggles.
Mr. Ormoc and Vellard open the door at exactly 9:00 am in the morning. There are 6 robots doing jumping jacks and singing "where is my crown" my kingdom for my crown” in 3-part harmony while the other 4 of them are laughing "he, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho" in tune with the song.
Vellard and his dad look at each other in disbelief and start laughing and hand Zaria 2 a crown. This is the first of two crowns I will be receiving this week. The next will go on my head.
Vellard is still getting over the fact that all ten were down and wants to know how she did it. She looks at Mr. Ormoc and says that she bets her dad knows. Mr. Ormoc smiles and says that he didn't get it until this morning. Mr. Ormoc says that Zaria 2 assembled the first one. Together they assembled the next two, and then the four of them assembled four more, and then they all assembled the remaining two.
Zaria 2 smiles and looks at Vellard and tells him that is why his dad is the boss. They all laugh.
Zaria 2 "Thank you so much. I know you have spent your own money to do this for the people. You will be reimbursed. You and your family will be acknowledged when it is safe to do so.
Mr. Ormoc, "What now?"
Zaria 2 "Now I put my plan into action and smiles
Zaria, not knowing who to trust Zaria 2, monitors all messages sent by her new team. There are a few from Rebel 5 to a guard at the power facility that is concerning, but not smoking gun level. She decides to test it.
They all meet again.
Zaria 2 "We attack tonight. I need everyone to stay off your computers and phone tonight and tomorrow. I have a small group of power grid workers who can cut the power for me at 11:30 pm. With the power out, I can access the King's bank accounts. That is all for tonight."
End Chapter 15
Chapter 16 – All The, All The, Outs In Free, Well Sort Of
Zaria begins monitoring the messages of the rebels. Rebel 5 turns out to be not such a rebel at all. Rebel 5 uses a satellite phone. He had not told the rebels about to call the captain at the power facility advising him that a rebel group would be killing the power that night at 11:30 PM to access the King's financial records.
Rebel 5 "It's me. They are planning an attack on the power plant tonight at 11:30. They have a couple of workers inside the facility that will help them kill power so they can access the King’s bank accounts. They have someone else helping and I would like an extra reward for giving them to you.
Zaria 2 sees Rebel five as the starting point of her plan. She hacks Rebel 5’s phone and copies all of `its contents. Zaria uses his phone to access his computer and goes through the phone and the computer to identify every one of the king’s men who Rebel 5 communicates with. Zaria 2 then goes the same thing to the 15 of the King’s men she has identified as his contacts. Zaria repeats this process until the chain of contacts leads her to all the generals, including Generals Zever and Moss.
With all the contacts in her arsenal, Zaria constructs an elaborate database of emails, text messages, voice messages, drawings of buildings, time schedules, future org charts of the post coo time with Generals Zever, and Moss at the top of the org chart. The plan addresses amounts paid from the current treasury. This implicates everyone but the controller who is the King’s close buddy and has an office next to the King. Zaria decides to spare him and use his buddy for information collection after she is in charge.
Zaria creates emails and messages where the Generals and underlings are all slamming the King’s physical appearance, how soft he is, and portrays him as being stupid.
She then implicates the entire IT and communications departments. Within three hours, Zaria 2 has the entire scheme worked out, and she is ready to pull the trigger.
The coo is to is scheduled to happen in 30 days.
While Zaria 2 schedules the deletion of every reference in any way to each of the other Rebels as the very first step of the plan. The rebel group made a point of not using their real identities. With everything relative to the existence of the other Rebel deleted from his phone, he would have no evidence they ever existed. At 11:25 pm, Zaria his send, and the entire plan goes into effect.
After nothing happened at 11:30 pm that night, the manager reports Rebel 5, and the investigators open up an investigation of Rebel 5. The investigators find an elaborate plot that incriminates every general in his army. The King is shocked and livid that it is his two favorite generals Moss and Zever that are planning all this behind his back. Through the night, the General and his controller buddy unwind the incredibly well-documented plan to overthrow the king. By the time they are done the king, and the controller have identified over 2,000 of his Army that is to be captured and beheaded asap.
The King promotes some of his office teams not included in the list, and they work through the night, establishing a list for each country. The first to go in every country are the generals and captains, and they work downward from there.
The King and his team print out paperwork the king signs that include the list and his proof of conspiracy and his signature. The king keeps saying to the controller he just can’t believe they would do this to him. The King orders anyone offering any resistance to the executions is to execute as well. The king adds that his team is to receive an additional 2,000 units per head for performing the extra executions.
Two days later, the special teams arrive at their designated locations and to carry out the king’s orders. By the end of the day, the special teams have executed over 2,500 army and IT members.
Zaria and the rest of the rebels meet that night. The group is terrified they have been found out. Rebel 3 expresses concern that the King's people could bust in the doors at any time.
Rebel 4 confirms they beheaded Rebel 5, and there are reports that the King has murdered over 2,500 of his top military leaders around the world. The king's communications systems are a mess, and the king is looking for replacements.
Zaria 2 "Everyone needs to be calm. It is all okay. She tells them that the takeover happens in the morning and to use the communications that are about to open up to rally the citizens. She tells them she is offering to clear the debts and pay 5,000 units to any citizen who participates in the takeover tomorrow at 7:00 am.
Rebel 1 "Zaria 2, did you do this. Zaria smiles and tells them to be ready.
After our first meeting, I started monitoring the messages of all of you and found a few messages on Rebel 5's phone that seemed to be incriminating, but nothing proving his guild. So, to test him and you all, I fa
ked our power grid plan.
"I intentionally left out that I had hacked the king's satellite communications, which the King and his men use just for his covert stuff and business. After the meeting where I said not to use a phone or computers, Rebel 5 immediately used a satellite phone to warn the power grid manager of our plan to knock down the power so I could access the King's financial files. "He also told his contact that there is someone else help you and that he wanted a special reward for turning me over to them."
Zaria 2 plays a recording of the conversation to the group.
Zaria 2 "So, I first cleaned out the phone and computer of Rebel 5 of any interaction with or inference to any of you. While on his phone, I gathered all of his contacts and data on every King contact I could find. I then hacked every one of those phones and their computers and did that for several levels down until I was at about 2,000. Then I planted files, messages, contacts, drawings, diagrams, org charts, into all of their phones implicating every one of them. The king’s special attack force was promised 2,000 to kill resisters, and they killed off an extra 500 for us.
"I told you to trust me."
Rebel 7 "OMG, you were sent from heaven. Are you a god? The others laugh
Zaria 2 "I am an ambassador of Peace and Equality sent from my planet to spread...wait for it...Peace and Equality. Which in this case, is bad news for our King?
Rebel 8 "Are there any more rebel traitors among us?
Zaria 2 "I am pretty sure there are not, which is why I am speaking freely to you now. However, just in case, there will be things in the works that I will not tell you, and there are things I will tell you that is not true, just in case.
"Our next step is to firm up relationships with others that might be helpful tomorrow morning. You have tonight to inform the people you trust to show up at the centers around the world. The communications are open, and the Kings people can’t see anything now, and their top 100 IT managers are dead.
It is 7:00 pm the night before the raid on the king, and Zaria 2 sees a flurry of messages between the King, some lower-level military soldiers, and the controller. The King is moving to a prison 20 minutes outside of town. It is an old, abandoned prison. Zaria brings up some satellite images of the prison from the internet and drawings she can retrieve. Zaria sends three bots to his former office to look for weapons and to search the office of the controller with whom the King is communicating.
The bots are covered head to toe and sneak in the back door. The bots find a locked closet full of weapons. The King has not moved yet, and they and them and all the ammo into the van.
They search the office of the financial manager and find his home address and some files of remote locations where they believe the king is storing his money. They send pics of everything they see to Zaria 2 and grab what they can and head back.
Zaria 2 is working under pressure. She wasn’t planning on having to break into a prison to get the King. The king is busy lining up trucks to fetch his gold and cash. She suspects that once he has it, he will put a massive reward out on anyone working against him, which might be tempting, so those helping them from there and other countries.
Zaria’s and her team all hop into the van with their 100 drones, eight machine guns, four long-range rifles, and ten fake ray guns and drive toward the prison. They now have the addresses of two of the sites where the gold is hidden. They are both within 10 miles of the King’s hideout.
They take a road that is on the other side, a large group of trees from the prison. They get out and launch two drones to do recon. The bots are checking out the weapons, loading the guns and counting ammunition.
They are all monitoring the drone infrared video feeds internally. The drones are traveling in parallel and are about 100 yards away from each wall of the prison and are about 100 feet up. It is dark, so they are not visible to the bios.
The drones show there are about 20 men inside the compound. There is a one-gun tower located at each of the four corners of the prison, and there are two men per tower on duty with rifles. In the yard inside the walls, there are another eight men with guns patrolling at the base of the walls. There are four more men at the doors of the prison with machine guns.
Zaria receives a new message from the king to the financial guy. He is asking where the truck is now. The reply is that the truck is on its way and is about 30 minutes away. Zaria 2 tells the driver to intercept them and sends a map and GPS coordinates. They speed away. Zaria 2 continues to control the drones via a satellite connection. She has focused on the main prison building, hoping to get a better count of the number of bios inside.
They loop around the prison and are speeding toward their targeted intercept point. Zaria 2 isn’t quite sure what they will do when they get there but are working on it. She tells her team that if they were going to retrieve a lot of gold, it would make sense there would be more than two of them, so they should assume there are some in the back of the truck. Zaria is coming developing a plan. Since she has control of the communications, she tells them they will drive up to the truck. She will cut off the communications of the King and the controller. And send a message to the truck that they are to pull over, let us in the back of the truck. When we pull over, there will be six droids hovering right over the truck that will sit down as soon as the truck stops. There will be six more positioned 3 per side about 30 feet away. The moment after I kill the communications to the king and his money man. I will send our message to the truck. As soon as we see the chance, we will take out all the occupants in the front and the back.
Once we have them neutralized, I will turn the communications back on. The downtime should be short enough so that they won’t detect it. Once we have the truck, I will come up with the rest of the plan. They can see the truck ahead. Zaria kills the communications from the truck to the king and controller and from the king and the controller to the truck. Zaria sends the message to the Truck. The truck starts to pull over, and Zaria signals her team to release the twelve drones.
Zaria tells them she only wants two of them to quietly slip out the back door and to move quickly to the sides and then forward so they have a good shot at the two in the front of the truck and of the front tires should they try to escape. Then she instructs the driver and passenger to get out and walk past the back of the truck toward the driver and passenger.
The truck pulls over slowly and turns off its lights but is still idling. The six drones set down quietly on the top of the back of the truck.
The first two have already slipped out the back door and are making their way around. The next to exit are the two in the front. Zaria tells them to take a wide path to the front of the truck to where they can see the driver and the passenger. Zaria 2 tells them, “The only way they would fire on us is if the king is in the truck. If that is the case, we will take him here.”
They slide the side door open, and two get out and start walking toward the back of the truck. The bots are on each side of the rear of the truck and reach the center of the back of the truck and knock on the metal door, thinking the men inside could blast through the back of the truck trying to shoot them.
From inside the truck, someone kicks open the back door, and four men open fire on the van, and the van burns rubber taking off. Everyone from Zaria’s side is blasting the tires and can pop every tire within the next fifty feet the truck comes to a stop. The men come bolting out of the truck and are firing at the bots. Zaria uses the drones, which are now attacking from behind the shooters and tasers everyone outside the truck. Zaria and the drones are on the ground and closing in on the truck. The driver and passenger make a break for the trees, and the drones chase them down and taser them both. There could still be others, including the King in the van. The bots close in and cuff the six tasered men quickly. Zaria tells whoever is inside the truck to come out. Zaria sends a drone to check out the front of the truck, and it is empty. She raises the drone and brings it down between the van and the truck. The truck is loaded with gold
. The king and his men have stacked the gold so that you can’t see between the gold and the front seats. Zaria flies the drone into the truck, and there is the king with a machine gun looking up at the drone. She tilts the drone and tasers the King. The bots rush in a pull the King out of the truck.
Zaria walks up to the king and says, “Hello, King, meet your new Queen.”
Zaria turns the communications back on. She looks at his phone and finds a message that the king sent to someone in prison before the attack telling them they are on their way. She looks at the thread and is sure it is to the prison. Zaria sends their GPS information from the king’s phone and asks them to send eight men in a truck like what they have asap. They take out another 12 drones and most of the ammo. They load the king and his men into the van and move the van out of sight. Zaria positions send one drone up 2,000 feet and take off toward the prison. The recon drone has spotted the truck, and it is about five minutes away. Zaria instructs a bot to turn to start the truck back up so they knew team arriving can’t hear the drones above them. She positions ten drones back upon the truck and positions the others in a 100-foot diameter circle around the truck. She has her team sit in the trees toward the front and the side of the truck.
Five minutes later, another truck is speeding toward them. Zaria turns the communications back off and sends the 12 drones straight up and spreads them out in a half-circle. The truck stops but is still running, making it easy for the drones to go unnoticed. The new team jumps out of the truck and spreads out while a couple of them go through the king's truck and find it is abandoned and still filled with gold. Zaria waits until they are scattered about and in the open field and quietly lowers a drone down to each of them and tasers them one by one. Six are down. There are still two in front of the truck, and they start to take off. Zaria’s team is far enough to forward this time that they can shoot the two in the front of the truck. The truck goes back to an idle and slowly veers to one side of the road and stops in the dirt.