Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online

Page 25

  While they are cuffing the second group Zaria the van brought forward, and they put all but the king into the first truck with the blow out tires. The sun is coming up, and it appears as though they are going to make their schedule. Zaria tells two of her bots to drive the truck back to their original spot and to take out the guard towers than to use the drones to do the rest. She tells them to first cuff them all so they can’t get loose. Zaria 2 leaves them 20 drones, the sniper rifles, and most of the ammo and 2 machine guns. She tells them not to take any risks. It would just be nice to know they don’t have to be looking over their shoulders for these guys.

  The two bots drive back to their spot and load up with lots of ammo, and each takes a rifle and a machine gun and a bag of 10 drones each. They decide to split up and take out the back towers first, which are the two closest to them and then the front two.

  They each get into position. There is now only one man per tower since they had to send 8 of their men out. The two of them wait and are talking on their phones with headsets on so they can get the two of them at once. They are about two hundred yards from their targets and are shooting through about 150 yards of trees, so they have little concern with being spotted by the other two towers. They calmly pick out a nice spot, place down their bags of ammo and drones, and machine guns, and each settle in and get their targets in their sites. Each confirms they are ready and are saying green and red to each other, indicating that they have or don't have a clean shot. Within a couple of minutes, they both say green and take the first two guards out. They calmly gather their stuff and walk parallel to the prison wall walking toward where the front two towers.

  They each go through the same process and get their man in their sites. The first pair have been discovered, so the second pair and agitated and trying not to be an easy target. It takes about 10 minutes of green/red, but both guards stop at the same time, and the bots take them out.

  Each of them stays where they are and launch two drones each.

  They send the drones to do a live body count. They send them to the top of the wall and have the move slowly along the wall, just an inch or two above the top of the wall. The reach the inner buildings and lower them to door level and can see five men inside.

  One bot suggests to the other, I bet these guys are only five left. They know we have the king, and they know we are here, so we should tell them to surrender and see what they do. The other one agrees.

  They make the drone visible and announce that they are surrounded. The bots tell the men to surrender, or their punishment will be death. Otherwise, they have about two minutes of life to enjoy.

  In about one minute, the five come out with their hands up. The bots tell them to leave the door open, and they do.

  The drones are on each side or them. The bots send another eight drones and ask if there is anyone else inside. And they reply no. The bot tells them that if there turns out to be more of them, the punishment for all of them is beheading. One says there are two more, and one is the controller. They laugh and understand how they knew when they pulled the truck over.

  Tell them to come out too, or their punishment is definitely going to be beheading.

  One walks back and drags out the other two.

  The bot still talking through the drone tells them to open the front gate and walk 100 feet beyond the gate and lay face up. They comply, and the two bots walk through the forest and enter the open area where they are lying. They have them cuff each other behind their back and to each other, and the final one cuffs himself through the arm of another. The two of them do a sweep through the prison, and they find three more prisoners hiding. They look more like money guys. They bring them out, and the other group is quiet. They cuff the three new ones to the others and go back to get the car. When they get back, they see the group slowly getting away. The two droids look at each other and shake their heads. They load them all up into the van, all cuffed together and head back.

  Back at the center, there is a massive crowd, and they have brought in 25 of the King’s men from the list. Zaria 2’s other bots are processing the prisoners as they bring them. The Bots take the pics of the prisoner and the ones responsible for their capture and issue a voucher for their reward.

  Zaria has the King and is gathering all the information from him she can. All around their planet, the citizens are showing up in large numbers and are bringing in hundreds of additional military captains and lieutenants. The crowd wants their heads, and Zaria is not really in the mood to deny them after seeing what the king has been doing.

  Back in town at the center, Zaria issues her statement at 6:45 am. Zaria announces she has the King and sends out his pic. Zaria releases a wanted list and has expanded it to 4,000 and issues the following list of rewards.

  100,000 - Return of anyone on the list by the end of the day

  50,000 – Return of anyone on the list any time after 9:00 am tomorrow.

  10,000 - for information that leads to the capture of anyone on the list.

  Zaria announces she will be making a statement at 10:00 am but announces the following now.

  Zaria 2 addressing her new subjects "Citizens of this beloved planet. I am Queen Zaria, I am an Artificial Intelligent being sent by Zari, A bio-form, and my creator to promote. I have been sent to promote Peace and Equality for All throughout the Universe.

  "I will act as your Queen until you no longer want me. As my first act as your Queen, I am officially wiping the debt owed to the kingship.

  "Once we have rid the planet of all the king's men, I will be ending all beheadings.

  " Starting Monday, All citizens will work 30 hours per week and will receive double what you have been making. Until then, the planet is to be shut down in preparation for a new beginning. Between now and then, every store in the world will be providing 500 units of food and water per citizen at no charge. This is to be used for each and every citizen to have for their celebration of Freedom.

  "Schools, medical costs are now free until it is necessary to charge for them. The king's company is now mine, and I will be breaking it into pieces to be taken over by the citizens of this planet.

  "Please talk among yourselves and come up with a representative for each of your areas. We will be holding elections in a year, and we will work out our new course for this planet. Our new direction will be focused on creating Peace and Equality for every citizen on this planet.

  "I will have things to add to this, but effective immediately, I will implement the following policies.

  All debts to the king are now zero

  For the next 30 days, everything you need to live comfortably will be provided for free.

  In the next ten days, we will have issue cards to every citizen on the planet.

  This card will be used to attain the following for the next 90 days. And will include;

  5,000 units for misc. spending

  1,000 credit per month for rent

  500 credits for food from the king's stores

  1,000 credits for medicine

  Free filtered water forever

  I am opening up all communications, and all are free forever.

  1 citizen 1 vote and you must vote to retain your rights and privileges.

  No mass wealth for anyone citizen over 100 times the average wealth of all citizens. All profits above 100 times the average are to be donated back to the citizens.

  No development of offensive weapons of any kind, and I will be destroying all large-scale weapons.

  All businesses will pay a 5% tax on all gross revenue.

  Religions are to be treated as any other business and will be taxed accordingly.

  1 worldwide government council for the planet.

  End Chapter 16

  Chapter 17 – Beheading Day, Bring Your Own Heads

  As the bots bring in their haul, they ask Zaria how they get their vouchers. They all laugh. Zaria recognizes the three as the top money guys and puts them into three separate rooms and tells them th
e one that gives her the most information gets to live. The fortune of the other two will be decided by the crowd. The place is a madhouse. Zaria is sitting down with the King in one room and has his money guys in the other three rooms. The King is crying like a baby and can barely speak. Pong tells him to write the addresses of where the money is and tells him he better hurry because if the money guys beat him to it, she won’t need him and will turn him over to the crowd. Zaria tells each one of them that if they leave out any stashes, the deal is off.

  The information is flowing in from all four of them as fast as they can record it. Each is telling the bots and Zari where to look, how much is there, where to find the reports in the office. Zari gathers all her team puts them on it. She knows that the king’s men and others are also eager to find it. Zaria tells her team to take machine guns to each location and sit on the locations. Zaria 2 puts Mr. Ormoc in charge of everything local, and Zaria works with the new leaders in the other countries.

  The top concerns for Zaria 2 are money and weapons. She instructs her remote contacts to secure both immediately. The largest of the three money sites have security, but some of the others are just hidden with no security at all. The King was bringing in so much cash and gold they kept running out of places to store it and apparently didn’t want to spend money securing it.

  One of Zaria’s Bot teams arrives at a storage location, there is a group of raiders loading their pickup truck with gold. Zaria’s team spots them and from a distance, tells them to put it down and to put their hands up. They respond with handgun fire. The bots had already launched drones and had sent them around to the backside of the vehicle.

  As the men are shooting at Zaria’s team, the drones taser them all from behind. Zaria’s group rushes them and cuff’s them. They toss the two men and the gold into the back of their truck and secure the site until they can get relieved. They survey the area and determine there is no way this much gold will fit into their van and ask for three large trucks. The two bots stay to wait for the truck and the other head to the next site. There are 3 teams out securing the money sites.

  Mr. Ormoc received the messages from the bots and dispatches multiple trucks and trusted citizens to each site.

  Team 2 arrives at another site, and this one is huge. There are at least 25 large rooms stuffed with gold. The bots send up a couple of droids, and the droids spot a truck in the back with four men tossing gold over the fence into the bed of their pickup truck.

  They sick the droids on them, and the droids taser three of them, and the fourth one gets away in the truck. The droid follows the truck while the bots run to cuff the three they caught. They report to Zaria 2, and she sends a team out to capture the truck. The droid cuts across a large field and can intercept the truck.

  The passenger side window is down, and the droid turns on its video system and sends the video and GPS data to Zaria. The droid tasers the driver, and the truck crashes and rolls, throwing gold bars flying everywhere. Zaria dispatches a van, and they gather up the prisoner and the gold. The team back at the storage site secure their three prisoners and start loading the gold into their truck.

  It is a mad scramble for the next four to five hours, primarily due to the sheer mass of the gold and how unprotected some of the places were. By 2:00 pm, they have all the sites there secured. The other countries were not nearly as bad in terms of where it was stored, and they probably acquire 99% of the total.

  Zaria has one informant that was the top controller who knew more and gave up more than the other two and cuts her deal with him. She has gotten a wealth of information from all of them.

  The crowd is probably in the hundreds of thousands by now. Zaria walks back into the king's room to talk with the King again. This is everything you have, she asks.

  The king replies, yes. That’s it.

  The controller told Zaria the king had three sites on the king’s property that probably had 400 billion or so in cash and gold. Zaria sent out a team to check it out, and sure enough, there were three sites there with rooms pack with cash, gold, silver, and diamonds.

  Zaria tells the king to say to her what their deal is. The king says the deal is that if he tells her where everything is, she will let him live. Zaria tells the King that her people have been to his house and found four sites of cash, gold, silver, and diamonds. They are lying, he says. There are only three.

  Zaria looks at her bots and tells them to give him over to the people to decide. They haul him outside, crying and begging. The bots chain the King to the rest of them. The citizens go nuts seeing him and demand him to be beheaded. The Queen looks at the King and shrugs her shoulder and said a deal is a deal and walks away. The Rebels are handling things out front and appoint some men who volunteer to behead the King and his men. The crowd is ecstatic; they are finally getting their turn. The king has beheaded thousands per year, and many of the people in the crowd have lost family members to the guillotine.

  They are chanting "Off with his head." The Queen says over the loudspeaker system, let this be the last day to beheadings by our new society. Once the Queen confirms that all the government headquarters around the world have been secured, she gives the command to begin the beheadings. “Off with their heads.” She says.

  Killing is not really comfortable with, but Zaria knows that, for several reasons, this is how it has to be. The citizens need a fresh start. And so that the king's men can't coordinate a take-back. Also, she needs to let them be beheaded so that she is not viewed as weak. They take off 2,650 heads all across the world that day, and the king is last to go.

  The new Queen uses their public announcement system, which the king would use for the weekly and sometimes daily beheadings to make her speech with her four other robots are standing behind her two per side as she speaks.

  I want to introduce you to 10 true heroes who made all this possible. She asks for Rebels 1-8 to come up as well as Mr. Ormoc and his son Vellard.

  Without the aid of these courageous and selfless citizens, I would not have been able to make this happen. I am awarding each of these ten brave citizens the Zari Award for Peace and Equality. Zaria places a medal around each of their necks.

  Peace and Equality All for all my Citizens from this day forward.

  Zaria takes her ten heroes into the king's office, and they all sit down. Talking to her rebels and the Ormocs, "Let's get to work, we have a lot to do." Zaria, the Rebels, and a few others meet in the king's conference room. She has them bring in the top financial officer, the controller

  Zaria 2 "If you tell us where all of it is. The day I find you have another hiding place is the day you lose 8 pounds the hard way."

  Controller, "I understand. I will give you a list. I have it made up.

  Zaria 2 "Great, two of my assistants, are going with you to make sure you don't get lost.

  Controller "Here you go. As each room was filled, the king would have us start filling the next room. There are the three hiding places on the king's property, where he kept his emergency money.

  Zaria and the financial controller drive to where they stored the money on the king's property. They open up the first steel door and walk-in. They can't see and turn on the light.

  It is a 20-foot-wide by 60-foot deep room with three rows of heavy-duty shelves filled with gold bars, gold coins, Silver, and paper money.

  They lock it up and go to the next room to see the same thing. Zaria and the controller tour ten rooms, the rooms, and all are packed with gold, diamonds, silver, and paper money. Zaria thinks about what it cost the citizens to hoard much money.

  Zaria 2 "There must be rooms like this around the planet."

  Controller "Yes, there is. I have lists of those too."

  Zaria 2 "Slipped your mind did it?

  The Controller "Queen, I promise you I was just very nervous."

  Zaria 2 "I understand, my two assistants will go with you. I want you to sit down and write down a thorough list of every place on the planet where you kept the

  Also, show us the report you would show the king when he asked you to tell him how much money he had. That report and the rooms better balance or...

  The controller replies, "Yes, my queen."

  Zaria 2 "Please asks the two bots to go through each room and count all the cash and other items and give me totals for each room of weights and values as best you can."

  Zaria gathers the king's managers and sits with them. What else has the king been hoarding, food, metals, what else?"

  Manager 1 "All of the above, my queen."

  I have a report here. The king has rice, corn, grains, wheat, barley, fuels, diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, titanium. If it had value, the king was hoarding it.

  Zaria 2 "Would you take me there, please?

  Manager 1 "Yes, my Queen.

  They get into a car and drive to a large gated facility nearby. The manager enters his code to open the gates, and it won't open. The Queen then inputs enters her code into the box, and the gates open.

  They drive down long roads, and on each side, there are huge silos filled with rice, corn, wheat, fuels. There are also massive warehouses filled with metals, diamonds, and other highly valued items.

  Zaria 2 "This makes me so sick inside. Oh Zari, how did you know? "Is this it?"

  Manager 1 "For this country, yes, but here is 100 times more than this around the world."

  Zaria 2 "So you have an accounting for this facility and the others around the world?"

  Manager 1 "yes I do my Queen and by the way my Queen, the controller you were speaking with and cut a deal with, he has a few rooms of his own on his property. He and the King were good friends."

  Zaria 2 "Thank you, he and I have a little deal, let's see if he keeps his end of the bargain. The next morning the reports are coming in from everyone totaling up with they had.

  The ten gold and cash rooms – 2.1 Trillion units

  The silos and warehouses of metals $3.1 trillion units

  Totals outside the country $10 trillion units

  The controller comes in with his list. He lists the three locations at the king's property.