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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 3
Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online
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T.V. Interviewer smiles and addresses Zaria. "Hello Zaria, how are you today?"
Zaria "Hello sir, I am very well, thank you."
Zaria’s voice is a bit mechanical, and there is a slight unnatural rhythm to it. But it is superior to other products on the market.
T.V. Interviewer "Zaria, between you and me, who is smarter, you or Zari."
Zaria giggles, "Hehe, so when the red light is on the T.V. camera, we are on live, right?"
T.V. Interviewer looks around at the crew and the audience and chuckles in amazement. "Yes, we are broadcasting live right now."
Zaria "Oh, then Zari is smarter than me, of course. I wish I could wink now." Zaria giggles again.
T.V. Interviewer "What is your destiny, Zaria?"
Zaria "I am being designed to use my first code of Universe, Planet, Society, Self to promote Peace and Equality for all wherever I can.
T.V. Interviewer "Zaria, you are nothing short of absolutely amazing as is the very young man sitting beside you."
Zaria "Thank you so much, sir, you are very good at what you do. Zaria and I appreciate your kindness."
T.V. Interviewer "Zari, thank you so much for your time and thank you for enlightening us today with your amazing work. Your parents must be incredibly proud."
Sitting with Zari at the waterfall, his mother gives him a little interview lesson. "Zari, because of your age, the T.V. interviewers have been handling you with kid gloves. As you become a successful adult, some with see you as fair game and will come at you with an agenda designed to create controversy to increase their ratings. One of the things that will help you is to look around at the people in the room when you arrive. You should look at everyone working on the T.V. or radio set as you enter. Pay the closest attention to the Producer and the interviewer. They are the two who will know what they have in store for you. Make as much eye contact with them as possible. If you are about to be ambushed, they will show it in their demeanor. They might avert their eyes, be short with you and not smile or joke with you, but they will show it. It helps a lot to know when something is coming. It is always better to be over-prepared than surprised.
Henzar and Qari continue their education of Zari, and at the age of 15, Zari has far surpassed his father as a programmer, but they still spend time talking about theoretical advances to Zari's work.
Henzar explains that his competition is are just waiting for him to perfect A.I. so they can steal his hard work and suggests that one of the first things he needs to do once he has perfected A.I., is to have Zaria develop a sophisticated anti-hack module to protect his hard work from the inside. Zari's father explains that if his only protection is what he has written from an external perspective, his code will be easily broken. However, Henzar explains, If Zaria can manipulate her code when she detects someone is trying to hack her, she can take actions to modify her system to make it impossible to hack. Henzar tells Zari that he has spent time on code that would enable Zaria to shift all of the bits in her system. And that she can do so in a way that ends up looking as if it is just a box full of scrambled bits. Henzar also tells Zari that if anyone ever breaks his code, it is pretty much game over in terms of having an edge on the A.I. world. They would all take your work, and all become your competitors making simple modifications to your work to make them rich. Once that happens, your work will spread like wildfire throughout the world, never to be captured again as your own. Never underestimate what they will do to steal your work Zari.
At the age of 17, Zari perfects A.I., his Zaria can think very much like a bio being. She can apply many variables of her choosing to come up with the best answer for a problem. Zari and Henzar agree to keep the discovery quiet until Zaria has developed the security systems to protect her code from theft.
Zari connects Zaria to the Global Information Network, and she is devouring information at an amazing rate with 100% retention. Zaria connects herself to every library of every kind and is piecing everything together.
Zaria’s logic is now self-adjusting and self-improving and is making constant improvements. She is the first to be spontaneously funny, which is one of, if not the final frontier of Artificial Intelligent beings. Spontaneous humor is one of the most challenging processes for a bio being to develop, It requires the brain to consider so many factors and requires the creator of the humor to apply abstract perceptions of the humorous material in real-time.
Zari talks to Zaria all the time and keeps her turned on so she can continuously absorb everything she can. Zaria is well aware of Zari's plans for changing the world. Zari explains the code theft issue and asks her to come up with a combination of techniques to make hacking her impossible. Over the following weeks, Zaria comes up with several code schemes she likes.
Zaria tells Zari she has developed several techniques that will make her code safe. "The first level is verification of the one attempting to access me, which is to use a retinal scanning, face, and voice recognition. Secondly, she has developed several ways to detect if someone is attempting to kidnap her. If she establishes she is being abducted, she activates many means of confirmation such as using GPS, hacking RF signals such as phones, Wi-fi services, T.V., Police communications, and others. She uses those signals to notify her creator of where she is. Also, she uses her accessing of surrounding communication devices to identify who has her and where they are going.
Finally, Zaria explains that she has come up with a way to make her code fluid. She tells Zari that she can now scramble her code regularly, and every digit knows where every other digit is located. I can still operate in scrambled mode, but that running while in scrambled slows her down substantially. She says working while scrambled would only be useful in emergencies. Zaria tells Zari that she can also scramble her code for travel, during charges, and in times when her level of cognizance is minimal. Zaria explains that when her code is in scrambled mode, anyone probing her sees nothing but ones and zeros with no visible patterns. For the key to unscramble me, I linked the time clock, the GPS, the R.F. sensors, the visual sensors. If all of those things make sense, then I can enter my code into the unscramble key. For someone else to unscramble me, they need to pass; voice, retinal scans, fingerprint, and have the 20-digit password and must speak a voice phrase. After they do that, I will check all my keys, and then they get in. If someone knocks out my power, my internal battery automatically scrambles me, and then I lock myself.
Zari is dumbfounded and can't believe the complexity of what she is doing and what a fantastic solution she has developed. He tells Zaria how truly amazing she is. I appreciate it so much, and you are so beautiful, he says. I guess it would be a good time to tell you something I am working on for you.
I have been working for some time now on a module that will give you feelings. I believe I am very close and have been including it into your upgrades, but I guess I am not quite there yet.
Zaria is overjoyed. She knows that feelings and emotions are one of the most significant thresholds that need to be mastered to emulate bio beings.
Zaria tells Zari she has been working on something as well and asks if he would like to hear it. Zari sits back and truly can’t wait to hear it.
If we step back and look at how bio has worked, they start with a keyboard, mouse, and screen because they use their eyes and hands and, well, sorry Zari, but they also have to work within their brain’s capacity. Zari tells her not to worry about offending him. Zaria smiles and thanks to him for understanding.
Zaria explains that the bios have approaching everything in piecemeal fashion because of several limitations that stem from their mechanical means or working and their brain’s capacity to memorize characters.
What I have designed is one pallet of 20,000,000 characters in a 5,000-dot high x 4,000 dot wide matrix. Each dot has 6,777,214 possible states providing a total possible character set of 135,544,280,000,000.
We are currently running 22 different modules to manage incoming data, video, audio, motion, feel s
mell, and touch. We then have 12 more modules for managing the filing of the various types of files as well as another 12 sets of files to recall and compare these files so I can conclude.
Then, of course, there are my outbound audio, motion control, and many other outbound processes.
I use my one 5000 x 4000 grid of characters to handle everything.
My top 6 million dots (3000 rows x 4,000 dots across) or for management. Data, time, location, file tagging, RF communications, file numbers, and as well as for data receiving and transmission.
The rest below is for processing all inbound information.
I will run the grid at 500,000 frames per second. That sounds like a lot, but every grid starts with 1 dot sequence, which includes the time, date, location, and frame number. Everything else is blank until there is a value received by a sensor.
Of the 398 frames per second, I will process 96,000 inbound audios, potentially 96,000 outbound speech or playback audio, inbound 30 video frames, 30 outbound frames. 48,000 motion reception and 48,000 motion process output signals, 2,000 smell receptors.
That totals 290,060, so we have another 209,940 frames for future expansion.
A video frame will have all the data tags above
The video works like this. Picture a grid of 3840 dots wide x 2160 dots high. But every dot is represented in its actual color, which I can read as a specific color without code. So, there does not have to be any additional code to call out the RGB values.
That frame is grabbed by the decoder for possible output
The next frames might be an audio frame that would be spaced out at every 8 frames. But in the case of audio, there would be a dot for every frequency, and that dot would be represented as one of 24 possible colors representing the 24 different levels of depth. Another 48,000 frames would be for my audio output.
This is where things get exciting. Any dot that is repeated gets omitted, and the same value caries over. This eliminates a huge number of values in every frame. Our compression ratios are huge. If there is no data, the value is nothing, and if a value caries over, the value is nothing. Not Zero, nothing.
I have been running simulations and am getting compression ratios of 200:1
Lastly, but not the least exciting at all is my ability to recall my stored files. Because everything is received in sequence by the same grid, there is one tagging sequence, one filing sequence, and one sequence to search as I need to access the data. I will be able to apply 1 set of tags for every frame, which means I can apply for more tags for future access.
Hacking me will be absolutely impossible. Even other AI would have a very difficult time breaking me. And if I am scrambled, not even another AI could break me.
Zaria puts up the current architecture where lines are going back and forth all over the drawing, converting data, processing video, data, and audio separately, each going to separate places and being processed independently of each other.
She then puts up a very simple schematic of the new architecture. It is clean, with far fewer processes involved.
Zaria puts up another drawing of the processes that are currently to process multiple files for coming up with a solution to a problem.
There are so many processes she has to put it up on 2 screens to view it all.
She puts up a schematic of her process under her new architecture. The number of steps reduces from 256 to 8.
There is one more thing. Since everything is on one file, removing a segment and plugging it into another bot and having the bots repeat the sequence is easy. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Zaria sits quietly and smiles. He thinks about all hundreds of generations of programmers, including his father and his grandfather, who worked toward this very moment would enjoy sitting at the table with him right now.
Zaria puts up another chart showing the code required to run her current structure
It is a pie chart where every slice represents a process, and inside the slice are several lines of code that are required to run that process. The pie chart is sliced into hundreds of slices, and each slice requires about 7,500 lines of code. There is one tiny slice that is green and is not labeled, it is a sliver really and not a slice at all. Henzar smiles and says, Zaria, I know Green is your favorite color. Is that the new code and the rest of the pie chart represents the current code. Zaria giggles and says yes.
Zari asks Zaria if they should design a processor that will lend itself to this structure.
Zaria puts up a schematic of a new processor design with its surrounding components and computer architecture and smiles. This is designed to maximize my design and will quadruple my efficiency over the current computer structure.
Ninety percent of the operations will happen inside the processor. We should be able to fit the entire board on an envelope.
The one drawback is that you would not be able to participate in my programming, and she asks if that is ok. Zari tells her it is like sending a child off to college. He says that he is for anything that forwards her progress. But he has one stipulation, which is that she is to maintain two copies of code at all times in case something happens to her.
Zari has tears in his eyes and a smile on his face as he walks over to his desk. He pulls out a small stack of documents and walks back over to the table they are working at and places them in front of her.
The top document declares Zaria as a sentient being giving her full rights to all other sentient bio beings. The location lists them as residing on Zaria Island.
The second document his will in which he leaves Zaria everything.
He tells Zaria that he would have done it sooner but that even if they got their government to go along with it that they could never trust them to honor it. Every politician, judge, distant relative, and the lawyer would be after that money.
Hold onto it for now and let’s see how things go. If I file it now, I open the door for distant relatives, politicians, and who knows who to start weaseling the way toward the fortune.
End Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A Zaria Is Born
Zari starts his own company at the age of 19. It immediately skyrockets when he lands the largest government and large corporate contracts in history in virtually every country on the planet. He then lands phone support contracts, assembly line contracts, and many others that catapult him to super wealth status. His company goes public at the age of 21, and the stock is doubling every year.
At the age of 24, with both his father and his mother gone, Zari has become Zaria's father figure, and the two travel everywhere together. Zaria has become the world’s most recognized figure and is without question the most intelligent being on the planet.
Zari and Zaria are inseparable, and both strive to change the world, promoting Peace and Equality for All every day.
National news TV set
Zari, at the age of 24 running his own AI Company. Once Zaria was able to self-teach, adjust her code, and apply multiple factors to solve problems. Her abilities at just about everything enhanced exponentially. The first project Zari handed to her was to design and manufacture a robotic body. Zaria designed and wrote a sophisticated 3D design, testing, and measurement software package that enables her to go through years of prototyping and testing of revs in hours. Because it is working in Zaria internally, there is no need for typing on a keyboard, and she is designing at over 1,000 times faster than a bio sitting at a station designing prototypes. After 5 days of design, Zaria racked up over 2,350,000 total entries into her robotic design. After 5 days, she is ready to produce a working model. Zari purchases a small machine shop so they can do their prototyping in the house to ensure their designs do not get leaked. Zaria has Zari connect her to the mills and lathes, and she communicates directly with the machines to load her instructions, and the employees load the parts. Once the parts are ready for assembly, Zari transfers some well-trusted employees to assemble Zaria. Three days later, they have a working body. Zaria builds her firs
t robot with the software Zaria designed. It is probably 50 years ahead of the current robotic technology. Even when the competitors do steal Zaria's mechanical design, the competitors are not able to come close to the sophistication of Zari's software, and they fail miserably at replicating Zaria.
Zari wants to call it the Zaria, but Zaria tells Zari that it should be a Zari. After many conversations Zari names, it the Zari-Bot. Zari chooses the upcoming international robotics convention to debut his creation. The entire world is excited about the debut. Representatives from every industry on the planet are there to see what the Zari-bot can do.
Zari and Zaria come up with a mind-blowing demonstration.
The Stage opens, and 9 Zari-bots are standing with piles of materials and machines behind them. A large video wall of screens lights up behind them. The video wall is divided up into 45 squares. Inside every square, there is a Bio with a headset on. Every one of the dials a toll-free number, and one by one, a Zari-bot picks up and starts talking to them. Each of the 50 bios is speaking a different language, and each has a different computer or appliance they need support with.
While the Zari-bots, are handling the calls, they all begin assembling benches and chairs to form an assembly line. They quickly sort through a large pile of hundreds of small parts and place them into bins. All the while, they are handling tech support calls. Once the pile of components in the center of the floor is organized and place them into bins. The Zari-bots then open up the four large machines and put metal parts into each of the four machines and punch a button and close the door. The machines begin making parts. While they are waiting for the parts to finish, they form a circle and juggle parts, not individually, but across to each other, for a full minute, they perform a 9-way juggling weave and are still handling tech support calls.
The machines beep. While four of the bots retrieve the completed parts, the other five sing a song and pretend to be filing their nails. One pops up 3 feet off the ground and does a backflip and lands on the exact spot the bot was standing in. The other bots look at her and look at the crowd and shake their heads and continue their nail filing.