Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online

Page 5

  Zari “That is a wonderful idea.”

  Zaria “Great, I will start with 50 on the plan and save the land for another 50 to be completed after we are fully operational.”

  Zari “I will start saving my credits.” They both laugh

  Zaria says she feels that there should be only one educational system. Our savings in other areas will enable us to provide a world-class educational system. My models show that spending money on our youth will give us the best return on our investment by far. If we focus on the kids early, we will save on juvenile establishments, policing, prison systems, prison reform, and unemployment support. Zari agrees and adds that spending on education today will save dramatically down the road. The same thing applies to health care and dietary teaching and exercise.

  Zaria smiles and tells Zaria they are now getting into some very touchy and very “sacred” areas for bio beings...hehe.

  Religion has been the instigator of over 100,000,000 deaths since its inception. To allow religion in our society would be paramount to handing everyone a gun and hoping no one gets shot and being surprised when civil war breaks out.

  Zari tells Zaria she is 100% right, that is a touchy area. He says that he never realized religion caused that much conflict and death. I remember my mother telling me that religion was a significant factor when it comes to problems, but I don’t recall ever hearing that number. If religion causes that much death and turmoil, it has to go. Ok, no public religious gatherings or establishments. I can’t believe I am saying that. I have nothing against religion, but we have one goal in doing this, and that is to ensure the long-term sustainability of our civilization. Religion is a category we are going to have to pay very close attention to in processing our applications. Applicants can be religious. And we should have nothing that discourages people from exercising whatever religion they wish to practice and gathering in their homes should be fine. But we should not provide for religious gatherings and definitely will not subsidize religion in any way. We need to make sure applicants are made well aware of the fact that we will never bend on allowing religious establishments to take root here. I recommend that we reject applicants who push for exceptions to our stand on religion immediately.

  Zari tells Zaria that no matter how substantial our evidence is and how emphatic we are about there being no public religion, we are still going to have to defend our position. Please put together a history of the problems religion has caused, so we have it when the time comes. I am not against religion at all. But I am not willing to lose a single life over it. Our number one rule is survival at all costs, and if religion is a threat, then there will be no religion. The citizens can do what they want in their homes, but we will not allow buildings for worship and no subsidization of any kind.”

  Zaria adds no military to the list. Instead, she says, we will develop and implement one robust defense system. The island concept is so great when it comes to defense.

  Zari “Yes, the military budget in our country is now over 40% of our total spending and grows every year. But we will have to have a way to defend ourselves? I guess that you are describing the laser-based system you have mentioned in the past. That is a considerable saving over our country’s 40% budget.

  Zaria replies yes sir, I have completed the laser system design that will fend off substantial attacks. It works online of sight. Many of our mountain tops are around 4,000 ft elevation. Firing from the top will cover 72 miles out along the horizon in all directions. Our range for targets flying at above the horizon is infinite. We can hit any target of any kind with extreme accuracy, and our targets per second are currently at 500 per second with only 100 towers.

  Zari is happy to hear the numbers and asks Zaria if she would provide him with the specs and drawings. He tells her that they will be placing their lives in the hands of this system. Zaria puts up a CGI model of the island that appears on the screen. On every mountain top is a circle flush with the ground and has fake foliage covering the solid 12” thick cover. The CGI turns transparent and shows and how the bulk of the working parts are five stories underground. The lid opens up a mirror that pops up. A laser beam shines up to the mirror, and the mirror rotates very quickly and changes its horizontal and vertical angles by rotating and tilting, sending the laser beam to the hit its designated target. We will drill the holes at the same time we drill the transportation system and will drill up to just short of the surface and will finish off the tops at night, so no one catches what we are doing with plane or satellite images. As we complete each one, the top cover will be completely camouflaged.

  A 3D map of the 200-mile long island with a 140-mile diameter circle around each of the 100 towers demonstrates the range for each of the 100 firing points is displayed on the video wall. A video shows attacks from warships, bombers, missiles, rockets, satellites, submarines, and Zaria’s system neutralizing all of them in seconds.

  I have plans to increase it to 100 more towers to be safe. Many drone carriers launching tens of thousands of drones each could exceed our 500 per second capacity. It takes more hits to neutralize larger targets Zaria says. We have to hit larger targets several times with several towers to destroy them. So, the right combination of lots of small targets combined with larger targets could overload our current design.

  Zaria adds that mathematically, I have it working at 30 Giga Jules with .2 second recharge. Our 100 towers can destroy up to 500 small targets per second. Larger vessels and aircraft are more like 10 per second.

  The bulk of each tower is 40 stories underground. Every tower communicates in 2 ways to the others. One is via Radio-frequency, and the other is by cable. Every tower possesses all of the electronics to run the entire system and can act independently, so the system cannot be knocked out by hitting any central area. The attacker has to knock out every tower to defeat it.”

  Zari “Very nice Zaria, I have to say I am resting more at ease. Let’s put up another 100 towers asap.”

  Zaria “The society should be governed by one panel of 11 members and operate from a single document used to guide them through generations.”

  Zari “Agreed, you and I are to have permanent seats, you and I need to write a constitution, which would require a unanimous vote to alter the constitution. Also, I will be passing on my vote to you when I am gone. Be prepared for someone in the group to suggest that my will is not valid and that you are not sentient and that you do not have a standing in the community. Deal with them harshly, Zaria. Whoever does this is trying to steal from you, and you need to squash it quickly and get them off the island. Allowing the attackers to stay on the island provides them the opportunity to come at you again in different ways.”

  “Later descendants of the current generation will want to sell their houses for a profit. Some will want to secede or turn the whole project into for sale by owners. We covered all these items in your original buy-in documentation, but we should also have it in our constitution.

  “Also, while we are on the subject of descent, please make sure we spell out the grounds for exile. Any citizen who tries to steal the island or causes an uprising is going to be exiled. I am not delivering the most incredible bargain in the history of the planet only to have it stolen from us by profiteers. Anyone trying that is out for good.

  “Zari adds that the Zari-bots, the defense system, and any control systems are never to be accessed by anyone but us. The first act in a coup would be to turn our robots against us. Zaria agrees and says that she will enter it into the constitution.

  For housing, we need to have a two-story house design. Zaria Explains that to remain functional and to survive significant events such as super-volcano eruptions, asteroid strikes, ice ages, we will need our transportation system to be underground. Zaria adds that all homes should have one floor above ground and one level below ground. Every home should have a greenhouse with a grow light system for thriving in extended darkness to grow vegetation for food. We can start the home elevation at 50 feet above sea level
. If we get hit by a tsunami, we will lose very few houses if that is our starting point.

  Each family will grow their needs, plus 5 times their consumption rate is to be contributed to the storage facility and stored for long term survival. If they exceed the required amount can earn credits.

  For protein, we will build a net 1 mile the island and develop a fishery around the island. I have some ideas for drawing the fish in where they can live and mature for harvesting within our farming system. A CGI appears of the towers with the net and windmills spinning. The towers will double as windmill towers, fog horns, and will be equipped with video cameras and infrared sensors. The netting between the towers to keep in the fish will double as a security net against invaders.

  Power needs to be 100% self-sustaining made up of systems capable of generating 150% earth core heat conversion, 150% wave and tide, 50% hydroelectric, 50% wind, and 50% solar. In the event of an asteroid strike, a super-volcano eruption, or an ice age, we will need to depend more on the earth’s core heat to get us through years and even decades without sun and wind power. We have enough for now, but we are already doubling the ECHC and Tide/wave systems now.

  The population needs to include top scientists, mathematicians, energy system engineers, astrophysicists. Our long-term survival will be determined by our ability to develop technology that is ahead of the rest of the world. We need to ensure we always have the best brains possible working on new solutions. Zaria adds that, if they can attract the smartest minds, Zari Island will become a global think tank. If that happens, we will be extremely profitable, she says.

  Zari is looking at the overhead cost to run the island and is very surprised. That is impressive Zaria, 85% reduction seems so high, but I have learned better than to question your numbers. “Very nice, Zaria. Let’s get started.

  Zaria “Yes sir, for several reasons, we need to try to keep this under the Radar. I will set up 30 stock trading companies to use to sell off stocks. I will also open up import/export companies to purchase the materials we will need. We will buy two cargo ships and buy a few warehouses near the port to use while we move everything. We can sell them when we are all moved out of the country. Zaria says she will tell the seller of the island it’s a go and will get things into motion to prepare the island for receiving our shipments.

  “We will purchase 100 of the tunnels digging machines. We can start on drilling the tunnels for the transportation system the moment we own the island.”

  Zari tells Zaria, this is so exciting. I feel alive again. Me too, Zaria says. Zaria changes the video wall to a screen listing key materials for building a civilization

  Zaria presents her purchase list to Zari, which includes; two cargo ships; precious metals; robots and drones; components for infrastructure; seeds; stored food; food processing equipment; water processing systems and equipment; desalination equipment; renewable energy equipment.

  Zari “I am so, so happy. I feel like a little kid inside. Thank you for all your effort, Zaria. We have so much to do.

  Zari tells Zaria that now that they have their civilization, you are now a sentient being with full and equal rights of any other living being in our society. Zaria thanks Zari and tells him that he is truly the best father figure any being one could ever hope for. She promises that she will continue his work as long as she exists.

  Zari “smiles and says to Zaria, I know you will, It makes me rest at ease knowing that when I am gone, you will be continuing my work to make this a better planet and universe.”

  Zaria “If I could cry, I would be doing that right now, but since I can’t.”

  Zari “I am working on that Zaria, I am still working on a module to give you feelings and emotions, but it still needs more input. I should have it for you soon. It should have worked already, actually. I can’t find where I am going wrong. You already had the code in you when you switched over to your new architecture have the code in you an early revision of the module, but for some reason, it isn’t providing the results I expected.”

  Zaria goes to work selling off Zari’s stocks and converting it to metals and components for building their new civilization. Images appear on the big screen of Zaria selling off stocks online, selling one million shares at 550 units per share. Zaria enters the information online for the proceeds to be deposited into account “A.” The image on the big screen clears, and the next screen appears. Zaria is logged in under a new account and is now selling 2 million shares at 540 units per share and enters the information for the proceeds to be deposited into account “B.”

  Zaria has over 20 different stock account under Zari’s name and is quietly selling off Zari’s stock and depositing the proceeds into 30 bank accounts. Zaria also has 30 different import-export companies which she uses to purchase assets using the bank accounts.

  Message from Trading@Zari-industries.com. Zaria calls one of her vendors, “Hello Vander, I would like to buy 10,000 units of gold, 20,000 units of Copper, and 300,000 units of titanium.

  Zaria “We will pick the units up when they are ready as usual. Hi Paula, yes we are doing well, thank you. We will take another 20,000 K5 robots this month. Yes, please have them delivered to the trading company’s warehouse. We will ship to our customers from there. We had some leakage on the last shipment. Can you make sure they seal them tightly, please? Thank you.

  Zaria sells off Zari’s stock, has it deposited into 20 different accounts, uses 30 different trading accounts to purchase what they need. She has her Zari-bots pick up the products, and they bring the products back to their warehouses where the products are repackaged for transportation. Zaria has an elaborate system worked out where all of the precious metals and other expensive materials are boxed and labeled as nuts, bolts, and washers. They then use their robots to load the cargo ships they own. Once on their island, the same Zari-bots place the products into warehouses on their island. Zaria disguises the products so that no one on the outside knows where the products they buy are going, especially the gold, silver, platinum, titanium, and large diamonds.

  Zaria and Zari meet daily and are meeting again. Zaria puts up the latest status chart up on the video screen. It shows their progress in selling off stocks and purchasing each component on their list. Zaria tells Zari that it is so lovely to see him happy again. Your level of frustration dealing with the politicians was showing more and more on you every day.

  Zari agrees and tells Zaria that yes, he feels so much better now knowing we are doing something to change the world for the better. He adds that it also makes him feel good knowing you will be carrying on after I am gone and that you have something worthy of your time.

  Zari, asks how they are looking at the relocation? Zaria tells him that they will be ready. Zaria works 15 hours per day, making hundreds of transactions per day selling stocks, making purchases, managing the bots performing the construction on the island. Zaria has all goods picked up at the vendor's facilities and bringing the goods to their own warehouses where they repacked the goods and crate the goods for loading onto their own ships.

  Zaria has had increase the volume of shares she sells several times. She would sell off a bunch of stock one day, and because the stock price per share increased overnight, Zari’s net worth has increased even after selling off the thousands of shares the day before.

  Zaria continues selling stocks, buying components every day. There is a steady flow of equipment arriving at the trading companies. Zaria and Zari meet one last time before leaving.

  Zaria shows Zari their progress in chart form. Zaria “This is it, sir, we are receiving and repackaging the last materials of the recent purchases. They will be at the warehouse and onto the boat in the next few days.”

  Zaria shows their progress as they walk down the status reports. “We are 90% done selling off stocks and purchasing goods with cash. Shipping the goods with our own cargo ships is so helpful in keeping our activities under the radar.”

  On the cargo vessel, Zaria has converted the sle
eping rooms into a beautiful apartment where they stay during their trips to the island and back. They spend the time talking and planning what needs to happen next when they get to the island. They are going through checklists and timelines.

  As they approach the port, Zaria comments that is all seems so surreal. But that it is far more satisfying than what they have been doing for the five years before they started this. Zari agrees and tells Zaria that he feels like a kid on a great day.

  There is a small port where they dock. The worker robots begin offloading the equipment immediately and are moving it to warehouses. Zaria connects herself to the drone security system. The security system has been feeding her live video of the entire area to their offices in their home country since they had purchased the island.

  Zaria has an entire labeling system for valuable commodities they have been shipping to the island.

  Gold bars = bolts

  copper = washers

  Diamonds are mixed in with the gold and silver and marked as bolts of a specific type. Anything with a high value has been coded in under a cheap commodity alias.

  The Zari bots have constructed the first group of homes with domes to live in while they built their first city. They ride in an electric cart to see a finished home. Zari tells Zaria how beautiful everything is and thankful to her for all she has done. You have helped me fulfill my dreams, Zaria, he says to her.

  Zaria tells Zari to stop it. You are just trying to make me cry, she says. We have so much more to do. She tells him! “Come on. I have a treat for you.” They hop into a five-person rounded electric vehicle with a glass top that has auto tinting. The self-navigating vehicle drives to a road that heads underground. As they enter the well-lit underground tunnel, their vehicle is brought up to the speed of 50 MPH pace. The system then merges them into the local traffic lane.