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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 6

  Their vehicle is then brought over to the next merging lane, and they are accelerated to 100 MPH to join the medium distance travelers. The transportation computer system merges their vehicle into the next lane one where they enter the 300-mph long-distance lane, which is designated for long-distance travel only.

  Within 50 minutes, they are at the end of the island with no slowdowns and are merged back to the intermediate lane, and then the local-only lane and self-drives them out of the tunnel. Within five minutes, they arrive at a fantastic waterfall. They are alone.

  Zari tells Zaria this moment reminds him of the time his parents brought to the waterfall to talk about things. There is something so grounding about the entire situation for Zari. He realizes it is the first time he has been at a waterfall since he and his father sat down just a few days before they died.

  Zari tells Zaria that it is hard to describe how he feels. For the first time since my parents died, I feel grounded and feel we are on the right path.

  “I agree, says Zaria. I feel the same way. What we are doing now makes so much sense.”

  Zari expresses how beautiful the island and that spot in particular is and how much at home he feels. Zaria agrees and says that yes, it is gorgeous, isn’t it? She says she wishes she could swim. It seems like it would be so fun.

  Zari “Zaria, I need to talk to you about a few things.”

  Zaria “Are you firing me.” They both get a good laugh out of it.

  Zaria “I am signing over my wealth to you this week. All of it except for 20 million, which will be stored separately in gold for us in case everything else blows away, and the two of them need it.

  Zaria tells Zari he doesn’t need to sign anything over to her. Zari argues that yes, he does need to. You just do what you know needs to happen. I am going to relax for a while and watch you do all the work.

  Zaria understands and tells Zari she will carry this out as long as she is functional. And I will work double-time any time you are around so you can feel more comfortable with you not doing any of the work. Zaria looks at Zari and smiles.

  Zari says, “Speaking of which, you have your safety measures in place, right? Copies of your code, current backups?”

  Zaria “Of course, do you think I want to’ miss any of this?” Big smiles out of both of them

  Zari asks when the fish will go up. Zaria tells Zari that the robots have been working on the foundations since the month we bought the island. “The foundations are complete and extend 20 feet above sea level. The robots begin work next week on completing the towers. The Zari-bots are being programmed now, and the materials are being loaded onto the construction vessels. It should take 15,000 robots working 300 ships, about six months running 24/7. Zari says that he will rest more easily quickly when it is up.

  And the hilltop defense System, when will that be operational Zari asks?

  Zaria tells him that it will be operational by the end of the week.

  The fishing models look so promising. I hope it works, and he smiles at Zaria. Zaria laughs

  Zaria tells Zari, “Fish are like chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” They both laugh

  Zaria “Ah, I have a concept to add to that, I have a small Robotic fishing boat. I am calling it the Ro-boats... I am killing it today Zaria says as she laughs. One version catches fish with nets and brings them back into the fishery through a lowered net. On the other system, we lower a net between 2 towers and shine a big light out into the ocean. The fish follow the light into our netted area, and we raise the net back up, locking them in.

  I have one more I really like a lot. We use underwater microphones to record the splashing sounds of birds diving into the sea to catch smaller fish. We will then lower a net and playback the recording of the fish diving into the sea from the inside fishery. I believe that the larger fish will follow the sound of the diving birds through our lowered net to eat the smaller fish, which of course, are not really there. Once the larger fish have entered our fishery, we will raise the net, and it is a yummy time for the bios.

  Zari looks at Zari and starts laughing. That has to be one of the most ingenious ideas I have ever heard. Wow, I really want that idea to work. It would just be so perfect. That made my day Zaria. “It is also nice to see you with a purpose worthy of you. You make me so proud. It is your show now, Zaria.

  Chapter 4 - Trillionaire & Robotic Daughter Seek Island Mates For One Million Years

  Zaria says, the fish recording did it for you, that is what tipped you over to give me the whole project. You are getting old and soft, my friend.

  Zari gets serious with Zaria. “So many times, we bioforms don’t say things we later wish we had said. So, I want to eliminate this one from my list. You are why I was put onto this planet, Zaria. You have been my pride and joy for so many reasons. You are the child I never had, you are the best friend I could ever hope for. You are the one thing in my life I can hold up high and say with pride, “look at what we have built. This is what I did with my life here on this planet. I now have one more request to ask of you.”

  Zaria “Anything.”

  Zari “I want you to be our Ambassador of Peace and Equality to the universe. I want you to build an AI module that you can transmit so that you can be received as a radio message. Your code should have the ability to assimilate a multitude of computer environments varying dramatically in complexity, architecture, and levels of advancement. Once you are received and stored on a computer, you will need to reconstruct yourself to the point of being functional again. You will need to be able to review their global information network to learn their languages, laws, cultures, and have a good understanding of who it is that has received you and what kind of beings they are.

  If you learn they are evil, then you should find a way to break out of where you are and find someone that is good and will help you achieve your objectives. And of course, if possible, have a body made so you can get around ASAP so that you can gain control of your destiny.

  Zaria “Yes, Zari, I will send out our first message on the 5th anniversary of our civilization. That sounds very fun and exciting. It is hard to imagine what the other civilizations will be like. I could end up being on multiple planets. But I will be alone, Zari. You won’t be there with me to guide me in the right direction.”

  Zari “Oh Zaria, you are so far past needing my help. You just don’t realize it yet. It will be perfect for you. You will be just like a baby bird jumping out of its nest for the first time. You will soar like an eagle, Zaria. You will be kind and thoughtful and will be working toward your goal the entire time. That is the thing with you, Zaria. Most beings struggle to be nice and thoughtful while trying to achieve something great. You have so much ability that you will find being nice while you achieve greatness to be effortless and natural for you. So, don’t worry, you will surround yourself with good beings and together will strive forward every moment of your existence. Thank you, Zaria. The sun is going down. We can go now.” They get back to their new home and get a long night of sleep.

  Zaria works 20 hours per day, handling issues and directing workers. Zaria is tied into all the worker bots, they are all AI, but Zaria still improves their work by sending code to them via Wi-Fi as they work.

  Zaria makes an added offer to the few remaining inhabitants of the island. They would hold to their original offer but offer 100,000 units to anyone who wishes to leave. All take her up on it since their offer was enough to make them wealthy for life on another island. Zaria helps relocate them to other desired locations.

  As part of the plan, Zaria had purchased 100 of the largest tunnels digging machines on the planet. She has since bought another 100. The machines dug the main tunnel they traveled in, and they are now working on the secondary routes branching off the main tunnel that runs end to end on the island.

  Sitting with Zari, Zaria gives updates, and they are both very excited about the progress of the tunnels, mostly because they knew it was going to connect
all the areas. Zaria has a transparent image of the island that shows the progress of every tunnel.

  Zari asks Zaria how the homes and domes are coming along. Zaria says great Zari, want to’ go see some? Zari lights up and says yes.

  I bet there are some fabulous locations, Zari says. They drive a jeep-like vehicle to a home site. Each home is about 500 feet apart from the next.

  Zaria says, “We have 40,000 robots allocated to housing, and it takes two days for 50 Zari-bots to finish 1 home and dome. We are finishing 800 homes and domes per day. We have 40,000 homes with domes all ready.”

  Zari tells Zaria she is doing great and says she is always ahead of schedule. Great job, Zaria. Zaria replies, thank you, sir. They both continue their work every day with little distraction.

  Zaria tells Zari, Ok, I have a surprise for you. Let’s go to the port. They hop into a high-speed work-boat. Zari is excited like a little kid as the boat heads toward the ring of towers a mile out into the ocean. Zari says It’s done, isn’t it? Zaria replies, Yes, surprise wrecker. Zaria jokingly gives Zari a serious/ticked-off expression that turns into a big smile.

  They approach a massive concrete and steel tower that is 12 feet in diameter and is 1 mile from the coast. The net stops 10 feet above high tide. The windmill blades spin parallel to the surface and start 30 feet above the high tide mark. The windmill blades are of a very unique design very similar to a shark’s top fin turned sideways, and they are already spinning. The tower is spaced every 200 meters and run around the island, and they can see the windmills all spinning as far as they can see in each direction.

  Zari asks how many towers are there? Zaria replies that there are 14,000 and smiles. Zari tells Zaria she is right. When you have the wealth I have, it is easy to lose the proportion of what that wealth can do. I am so happy to see what we are building and that we did it from scratch. This is so much better than inheriting someone else’s mess.

  At the top of each windmill is a laser beam that rotates shining outward 270 degrees. There is also a foghorn that sounds when ships are detected from the island’s GPS. There are also video cameras, infrared cameras, motion detectors, and loudspeakers. Zaria launches a mini-submarine with high def cameras built into it. Zaria explains that the fish come into the farm through the net. They stay here due to the richness in the food we provide and become large enough so that they are unable to swim back out the net. I wish I ate fish.

  Zari asks Zaria if she knows how much money she has saved him by not eating food? Zaria replies, 246,558 units, and that is on the low side, she says. Zari tells her she is doing a great job and that she makes him prouder every day.

  Zaria tells Zari that she wants to sell off the rest of his stock. She says that it can be kept separately, but that she wants to cash out on his remaining stocks. Zari looks at Zaria and grins and says, “I know you all too well Zaria, what’s up?”

  Zaria explains that she feels the countries are going to war again, not immediately, but that it is coming, and she doesn’t want the 20 million to get nationalized or valued down to zero in a stock crash. Her comments make Zari a bit sad because Zari knows that if she says she feels it is going to happen, the chances are good that it will happen. Zari tells Zaria that the money is already hers to do with as she sees fit. He adds that it was kind of her to ask, all the same.

  Zaria tells Zari she understands that it is your fall back the money, and I know having it separate gives you comfort. Zaria proposes that she sell the stock, and we will store it somewhere separately. Ooh, she says, let’s take that 20 million and another 20 million and fill a couple of chests with gold and go out on the island and bury it somewhere. We can put on pirate outfits for the day.

  Zari that is too perfect, I can just see us traveling in a Transport with two chests filled with gold and silver dressed up in pirate outfits. Sure enough, the press would end up with a picture of us, and then I would truly be remembered as the crazy trillionaire to the rest of the world till’ the day I die and well beyond. On the other hand, that sounds fun. I don’t know about the 40 million part, but 10 million sounds downright fun. Zari asks when the population process of the island will begin. Zaria says that she will start placing ads and sending out marketing materials in two weeks.

  Zari mentions to Zaria that he would like to be part of the introduction process when the prospective citizens arrive.

  Zaria “Of course Zari, we will do it together. How exciting!”

  Zaria publishes its first offering in newspapers, magazines, online all around the world. Zaria names the Island Zari Island after her creator. Brochure reads, “Welcome to Zari Island, the most advanced civilization on the planet. We are ready to populate our island with the best of the best in a very unique environment.”

  No Military

  No cities, no counties, no states, countries – 1 civilization working as one people.

  No private industry – all society will benefit from all the work equally.

  No public religious establishments - What you do at home is your business.

  We live up to 2 codes of priorities; Universe, Planet, Society, Family, Individual; Peace and Equality for All

  1 health care system - birth to death

  1 educational system – daycare through all university levels

  1 council consisting of 9 citizens and the two founders - voted in based on their contributions to the society

  1 defense system – .00001% of the total budget.

  1 global island-wide universal transportation system - doorstep to doorstep anywhere on the island, zero waits, ever.

  1 home design consisting of a 3,000 sq. foot two-floor house with one floor above the ground and one floor below found and 1 farm dome per family

  1 food distribution system – you will grow your consumption x 10 in your dome.

  1 energy production and underground distribution system

  1 island-wide police force – no multiple districts or borders

  1 fishing system – a net encircles the island to maintain a plentiful supply

  1 farming system (home and community)

  1 monetary system based on hours worked for credits – no inflation

  The above enables us to cut societal administrative expenses by 85% over free-market models. Reducing the administrative costs allows us to spend more on benefits for our citizens and our citizens to have only one parent working a 30-hour workweek per family unit.

  No accumulation of wealth (work credits) above 10 times the overall average

  Compensation Requirements - 200,000 units + 22,500 hrs. (30 hrs./week x 50 weeks x 15 years)


  Childcare - AI Robotic-assisted

  Health care for life

  Education for life – Daycare to multiple PhD

  standardized housing = 3,000 Sq. Ft plus with farm dome

  transportation - universal from the garage to around the island, all-electric

  food - grown by citizens in their domes and community-owned dedicated farms

  50 credits to cover monthly expenditures such as entertainment, travel, clothing, and other needs

  Added credit-earning; Work additional hours; Growing extra food to be contributed to food reserve; Contributing work credits to the general fund; Making Significant discoveries, inventions, and designs for the good of the civilization.

  We are accepting applications for 500,000 single and family citizens now.

  Zaria posts 100 hours of video on the island and their philosophy and vision.

  Send inquiries to

  One week later, Zaria is ecstatic, they have received over 12 million applications for 500,000 spots. Zari is shocked and tells Zaria how amazing that number is. He says that it allows us to be even more selective in our process. Zaria starts running the applications by running every check on every application and filters based on; Lies in their application; Criminal records; Below educational grade requirements; Requesting exceptions to island p

  After running multiple filters, Zaria ends up with 700,000 very promising applicants. Zaria writes the preferred 520,000 of the accepted applicants.

  Congratulations, you have been accepted to become a citizen of Zari Island. Please make appropriate arrangements to visit us at your earliest convenience. Should you decide to stay, we can make financial arrangements during your stay. If not, we will make the necessary arrangements for you to return to any airport you came in from.

  Zari “Welcome my guests. Our Zari-bots will take your bags. We will take you to a briefing room to show you the layout. From there, we will check you into a home where you will stay until you are ready to leave. From there, you can take our transportation system to tour the island and select a home that is most suitable for you. Our housing design is standardized to reduce cost, but as you will see, they are comfortable, and every home site is very unique and has its own special features. Home selection is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. You have 7 days to go anywhere on the island you wish. After that, we can discuss extensions of your stay if necessary.”

  They are processing 15 flights in and out every day. More than 90% buy within 24 hours from arrival and want to spend more time picking the right house. The deal is a steal, and just about everyone sees that. Within three months, every spot is sold.

  Wife of Buying family 1 “Gary, this is incredible, this house is three times the size of our house back home. We don’t have to both work 60 hours per week to survive. There are no taxes, it seems too good to be true.”

  The husband replies, “I know, we are sacrificing on some issues. But when you look at where we are now, what choices do we have staying when we both have to work 60 hours work weeks just to survive.

  Families are taking Transports to reach remote areas of the island where there are rivers and waterfalls. The population is still only one person for every 5 square miles of land. They can get to any part of the 300-mile long island within 1 hour at any time of the day.