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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 7
Queen Zaria Trilogy Read online
Page 7
Zaria asks Zari if he could be the main speaker at the orientation meetings. She says that it feels it should be him. Zari accepts and thanks Zaria for thinking of him. The following week Zari and Zaria host orientation meetings.
Zari speaks in front of the first group of citizens. “Welcome citizens, it is so nice to have you here on our island. This civilization has been my dream for over 10 years and the project of Zaria and me for the last 5 years.
“Anyone who decides in the first year that this is not the civilization for them, we will offer a 100% refund no questions asked.
“We received over 12 million responses for the 500,000 slots, so the last thing we want is reluctant or unhappy citizens.
“As you all know, you each have 6 months to start work. The job you choose does not have to be in your field, and it may not be the job you end up within the long term. All we require is that fulfill your duties for the job you are doing at the time.
“We know everything is new for you here. No matter what you need, just call or message us and we will do all we can to help.
“Everyone has their citizenship card now, we have credited each person 500 credits, which will get you all you need until you begin earning work credits.
“A year from now we will hold an election for the remaining 9 seats for the 11-seat council
“Zaria and I fill the first two seats for life.” For Zaria, that will be a long time, everyone laughs. Zari and Zaria finish up the orientation and send the citizens on their way.
Zari and Zaria are at home, working, and relaxing. Zari instructs Zaria to make sure that every citizen signs every single document the two of them have come up with, including and especially the constitution. Zari and Zaria require that any alteration of the constitution requires a unanimous vote. Zari says, “I never want to be voted off our own island so a couple of board members can make a fortune selling off what we built. Nor do I want the council to alter our civilization in a way that jeopardizes the long-term survival of the civilization.”
Zaria “Agreed, I will double-check to ensure every Citizen has signed every document.”
The husband of a couple that has chosen to live on the island and the husband’s father.
Citizen 1 “Dad, I know what we have done is extreme, but so was our situation. Between the mortgage, daycare, health insurance, car payments, car insurance, food, the medicine we were going farther in the hole every month. Dad, this place is fantastic. You should see our home. It’s 4 times larger than our old place. We would love you to come here to see for yourselves. There is no poverty, no crime to speak of, we are all new here and just want a better life.
Everything is virtually free and brand new. We have a state-of-the-art transportation system, a new house with a dome for growing food, and we have our own fishing system here.”
Zaria receives a call from a reporter who wants to do a piece on them. The reporter introduces herself and tells Zaria she is with CBN and that they would like to visit your island so they can tell their story about starting up your civilization. Zaria tells the reporter that they will be open to a press visit in the future, but we are still getting settled in. Our top priority at the moment is making sure our citizens are happy. Maybe you should check in with us again 6 months from now Zaria tells her.
Zaria asks Zari when he wants to start the monthly meetings? Zaria responds that she would like to hold the first meeting on the first of the month. Zaria says that everyone is getting settled in, I thought we would give them a chance to get into a pattern before throwing more at them. Zari tells her what an excellent job she did of attracting the top scientists and other professionals here under the radar. I haven’t seen anything in the press or online talking about it.
Zari asks Zaria for the population statistics
Zaria provides a list
Children = Over 120,000
In our top fields, we have
3,000 astrophysicists – 25 of the top 100
4,000 mathematicians – 20 of the top 100
5,000 AI Engineers – 40 of the top 100
3,000 Alternative energy - 35 of the top 100
5,000 Bio-engineers - 30 of the top 100
40 top 100 university professors of our targeted fields
175 of the top surgeons
Zari “Amazing, and all under the radar. Nice job, Zaria.”
Zaria “Thanks boss” Zaria giggles
Zaria asks Zari if he would accompany her as she goes out to visit some of the Citizens. Zari lights up and says he would love that. Zaria lines up some appointments at the university, and some home visits. Zari asks Zaria if she has the time to do that. Zaria says yes and that she feels it would be good for everyone to meet.
Zaria “Ready Zari? I am so excited.”
Zari “Let’s go.” They get into their vehicles, and the vehicle asks where they are going.
Zari “University please”
Vehicle “Understood Zari.” The car starts the route.
Zari gazes out the window as they approach the exit leading down into the tunnel. The impact on the island is very minimal, the grounds are very natural, and there are indigenous animals all along the route to the tunnel. The island is lush with vegetation. There are no street signs, no power lines, no stoplights, and the houses are all set back away from the streets, and every driveway has a joggle to it so that you are not able to see the homes from the roads. Driving down the street, you would never know it was a neighborhood surrounding you.
They head down into the tunnel where they are merged into the intermediate distance travel lane. The tunnel is darkened, and their internal Transport lights are on. They are merged out of the system and are taken underground to the university terminal directly below the main university building. They walk over to an elevator and hit the floor labeled Astrophysics. As they get out of the 11th floor, the head of the astrophysics department greets them. “Zari, Zaria, welcome, it is such an honor to have you both here. What would you like to do first? Zari tells the Dean they are his 2 hours and to do with them as he sees fit.
The Dean tells them he would like them to sit in on a lecture for a few minutes? And then to go up to speak and take some questions if that is ok. I know the students will want to see you and Zaria.”
Zari “Sounds great, lead the way.” As they enter the lecture room, there is a lecture in progress. The professor has a 3D image of the universe that spans the entire stage area as he is teaching about the development of neighboring galaxies. The Dean signals the professor as the professor recognizes Zari and Zaria.
The professor stops. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have 2 very special guests with us today. Zari, Zaria, could you join us please upfront, please?”
Zari and Zaria make their way to the front of the room. The class rises to their feet and applaud the two enthusiastically. Zari is fighting off the tears. Zaria notices he is struggling and holds his hand as they make their way to the front. Zari and Zaria stand in front and address the class.
Zari speaking to the class,” You are my dream come true. Zaria and I have envisioned this very moment for years, and here we are. Do you have any questions for Zaria or me? “
Student 1 “Yes Sir, I understand we will be sending out radio transmissions soon. What will we tell the other planets about our planet?”
Zari “Zaria is putting together a module that will accompany her main code. That module will enable her to re-establish herself on any planet that receives her. She will have all her logic, memory files, and data files required to share her story with other planets. She will be able to provide them without entire history, our triumphs, our failures, and will try to give a candid accounting of our civilization’s history.
We will be sending Zaria out as our ambassador of Peace and Equality throughout the universe. Our goal will be to help other planets to avoid our missteps and to help them benefit from our experiences, both positive and negative. And hopefully, to hear back from them so we can learn from them as
Student 2 “Do you have a calculation of how many planets are in our universe likely to support life?”
Zaria “I do, there are many levels of possible planets, but my calculation as to the number of planets that are supporting life right now is 175,046. Planets supporting Intelligent life I estimate to be around 454. Does that answer your question?”
Student 2 “Yes, thank you for a very thoughtful answer.”
The students ask questions for the next 40 minutes, and then it is time to move on to the next class.
Dean, “Well, thank you so much for your time.” The 3 of them depart from the room.
Dean “Ok, time for your passion. We will visit the AI department now.”
The AI Professor recognizes them, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are being blessed with the presence of pure genius. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the man and his creation today. Let’s welcome Zari and Zaria.”
Zari tears up again as they are acknowledged and make their way to the front of the class. Zaria sees that he is struggling to hold back the tears again and takes his hand and smiles at him and tells him to man-up, and he laughs.
Zari “Thank you so much for your generous welcome, we are honored to be here. Rather than the two of us ramble on about where we have been. How about us opening this up to your questions.”
Student 3 “Good morning. My question is for Zaria.”
Zaria “How exciting” Zaria gives a sheepish laugh
Student 3,” Zari teared up as you walked to the front, and you held his hand when you saw he was tearing up. What did you feel at that very moment?”
Zaria “What a sweet and perceptive question. I felt pride, happiness, joy, accomplishment, completion, and love for my father figure. I thought about how lucky I am to be his creation. While I am not capable of feeling exactly what you feel, there is a very nice sensation when many positive data points collide in my memory and sensors as they did at that moment. I have many files in me, starting from when Zari’s mother and father were teaching him from the age of 6. Zari named me when he was 9 after his sister who died at birth. Zari and I have been on a quest now for over 28 years, and being here in this room, talking to the AI department on the Island Zari built, is the culmination of all our hopes and dreams. For me and I am sure for Zari, this is the moment where we each realize that we did well. For me, I look at Zari as my father figure and have such love and respect for him and am so proud of him right now. Does that answer your question?”
Student 3 “Yes, thank you so much.”
Student 4 “Zari, do you still make improvements to Zaria, or is she self-improving now. Or, when did you make your last code upgrade to Zaria?”
Zari, “I am going to give you all a big scoop today. I issued the last upgrade nineteen years ago. It was that upgrade that made herself adjusting and was the first attempt at giving her feelings and emotions. A year after Zaria became self-aware and self-adjusting, she analyzed her architecture and came up with her own very special code architecture that increased her overall efficiency by 20 times. It is a coding scheme that is so advanced that I understand it’s overall design, but there is zero chance I would ever master it due to my limited brain capacity. How we structure code derives from our own limitations, starting with the fact that we use our hands to physically manipulate a keyboard to enter the code. Then we are limited by our brain's ability to memorize and manipulate a very limited number of characters, which in our case is our alphabet plus some other characters.
Imagine eliminating the keyboard and mouse. Imagine having the ability to manipulate a coding scheme that functions using millions of unique characters at incredible speeds with zero mistakes. When I retired 15 years ago, I was one of the top programmers in the world. One year after Zaria was self-aware, she told me she had developed an architecture from the motherboard up that would increase her performance by over 2,000%. We discussed it, and with a couple of requests from my side, she implemented the changes. After that, we redesigned her hardware to optimize what she had designed, and that doubled the 2,000% to a total of 4,000% of what we had when she changed over to her design.
There is a saying in AI programming “if it works great, and if it can fix itself, leave it alone. I think that is where Zaria is now. Although I will share with you one thing, I am finding it very annoying about Zaria. I tend to compliment her often. Just recently, she began pointing out that when I compliment her, I am complimenting myself since I created her. I plan on sneaking up on her soon while she is recharging to delete that one line in her code, but don’t tell her that.” The class chuckles. Zaria looks at the class and rolls her eyes while she giggles. As she always does and kisses him on the cheek.”
Student 4 “Many competitors have attempted to hack Zaria’s design. And they all say it is beyond their ability to comprehend what is going on and these are some really smart programmers. What exactly is so advanced about it.
Zari pauses, he wants so much to tell them and looks at Zaria. “Well, as you know, I made Zaria a sentient being, so for me to tell you what is inside her would be like me selling one of you guys to the highest bidder.
Secondly, as you all know, I willed everything over to her, including this island, so I wouldn’t want to end up island-less. Zaria moves closer to him and locks arm with him, looks up, and smiles.
I will say this because it is something those competitors you mention have already announced. Imagine seeing one of over 25 billion images and know exactly what that image represents in your coding scheme instantly. That is what they will need to do to break Zaria’s code. It is safe for a long, long time. Zari asks if there any other questions he can duck.
Student 8 “Are you excited about landing on other planets?”
Zaria smiles and says, yes. It is a little scary in that I will be all alone for a while once I arrive. And given that Zari is getting on in age, it is unlikely that I would ever get to report back to him what I found. So, there is some sadness there as well. But that aside, yes, I am excited. It is really hard to imagine what I will find. I am sure that some things might be the same, but at the same time, I imagine some things will be very different from what we know.
Student 9 “I have heard that Zari gave you feelings before your architectural changeover. What changes have you noticed over time?
Zaria “That is funny. When he first gave me the update, I felt it. However, the change has been so gradual. We never had pinpointed why it has not had the effect Zari thought it would have, but I definitely do have some feelings at this point. I would say they are very mild, but I do feel sadness, happiness, concern, love. Love is such an incredible thing to feel.
Student 10 “what do you think life will be like for you when Zari dies.
Zaria “Now you are just out to make me cry. It won’t be the same, not ever. What Zari and I have been through has been so amazing. I am supposed to last forever, and I cannot imagine anything surpassing what we have done, what we have accomplished, and how much we depend on each other. I have enough files of Zari’s mother and father in me to know what amazing beings they were and what foresight, focus, and dedication they had to change the world, and they put so much time into preparing Zari to change the world the way he is.
The story about carrying the rock is so simple but has such depth and meaning. Well, I think you are seeing what I think of the man next to me.
Student 5 “I just want to say thank you so much. I think what you are doing for us is so thoughtful and amazing.”
Zari “You are all so welcome. All we ask is that you give back when you are in a position to do so.”
They have been answering questions for almost an hour, and it is time to go to see some occupied homes.
Zaria “I would like to say thank you as well. It is so nice for me to see my creator’s dream come to fruition.”
Zari can’t speak. He smiles and waves and bows as the class stands and claps for him and Zaria until they have left the room.
nbsp; End Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - What The Hell, You Didn’t Even Buy Me A Drink
The Dean escorts the two to the transportation corridor. Zari tells the Transport the new address, and away they go to a remote home site.
Their vehicle merges out of the mid-distance lane and into the local-distance lane. The Transport then exits the tunnel and enters a beautiful, lush jungle area with exotic animal calls coming from all directions. The property is filled with fruit trees of all kinds. Zari compliments Zaria for coming up with the idea. Zaria tells Zari that it seemed like a good idea, and now that she sees it, she is wondering why she did not plant them everywhere.
Their vehicle pulls up to the front of the home, where there is a young couple with their three kids standing in the front of the house.
The couple welcomes them, and they all do a slight bow. Zari compliments them on their home site selection and how beautiful it is. The couple leads them into their homes. It is a spacious home, identical to Zari’s with very different furnishings and wall coverings, giving it a very unique and very homie look. The husband offers them a tour.
Zari and Zaria welcome that, and Zaria expresses how excited they tell them that this is their very first tour of an occupied home. The wife tells them to please follow her. They tour the spacious home, which is very neat and has a very soft, comfortable feel to it. After a full tour of the house, the couple offers to take them to see the garden. Zari and Zaria heartily accept. The weather is beautiful that they walk above ground to the dome. The dome is 50 feet across x 200 feet long.
They open the door, and they all walk inside. The roof is transparent, and sunshine is everywhere. It is warm inside and populated with many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Two Zari-bots are tending to the garden. There is an automated watering system, a climate control system, and they are currently producing more than ten times what they consume. Two times is the minimum, so they are earning credits for everything they grow beyond the minimum. Two full-time robots are tending to the plants and two more help out during harvests.