Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 20
Zaria "That is great news. That is on a limited knowledge basis, right?
Staff 5 "Of course my Queen. Can I ask you something, my Queen? I hope I don't upset you by asking."
Queen Zaria "You are about to ask why we need so much gold."
Staff 5 "Yes, my queen."
Queen Zaria " I am buying peace. Let's say I don't gather the gold, and there are 50 big piles of it laying around, and 50 different bio beings or groups claim the 50 piles of gold. There are now 50 different possible enemies that might have more gold than me. Let’s also say that as a result of my not collecting the gold, I am struggling financially and cannot keep the economy of my population happy.
Let's say two of the 50 use their gold to buy their-own machines and start making weapons to use on each other and then on us. That scenario could result in them taking over the planet and possibly taking the dictator's path in ruling the planet.
If I have all the gold, I can use it to feed a thriving and civilization. The more gold I have, the longer I can keep it going. Imagine how much gold will be needed as the population grows from 1 million to 20 million.
I estimate that, including that next large shipment, we have enough to thrive for the next 500 years. As the population grows, the amount of gold needed grows with it substantially. The more gold and other materials we collect, the longer our jobs remain relatively easy.
Staff 5 "Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me, my-Queen. I understand now."
Zaria 5 "You are welcome, my child."
Staff 2: "We are going crazy, but all is going well. I want you guys to spend some time here, could you bring in more interns to cover the two of you and the two of you catch a plane here.
They are all excited. Staff 2 tells Zaria now we're talking.
Zaria "See you two soon."
A few days later, the bulk of the home finders are there. Every town is bustling with activity. Near the hotels, it is difficult to think that the place was recently a ghost town.
In the control room, there is an extensive map up on the video wall showing all the home sites. The green dots represent available homes, and they turn to red once someone claims it. Several dots are turning green to red every minute. Within a few days, 90% of the dots are red. They are spread out across the 50 cities fairly evenly. Agriculture and beach cities are the most popular.
Zaria "James, I am about to finish here. Wanna rematch?"
Zaria "Be prepared to lose."
James, "See you at 2:00."
Zaria "Don't rush honey, save your strength. You are going to need it twice tonight."
End chapter 12
Chapter 13 - If We Marry, Will That Make Me The King? No, It Just Makes You The Nagging Husband
Zaria and James meet at Zaria's. James is happy to see Zaria, and he shows up with some flowers he picked on the way. They get dressed and head down. James declares the rules and says that up and back is a race, and the match and best 2 out of 3. Zaria says you're going' down. Zari told me to take it easy on bio beings at things like this. But Zari wasn't ALWAYS right."
Zaria "James, I love my home. I want to thank you for guiding me here. I will cherish this place forever and will always think of you. James realizes she is talking about after he is gone. He, too, realizes that they have different clocks and that long after he is gone, Zaria will be living. It makes him sad, also for a little while. But then he realizes he is in love with Zaria and knows that will not end as bio couples do. But it can still be something incredible for as long as it lasts.
The score is 1 to 1, and they make their turns at the other side of the bay to head back, Zaria is ahead by about 100 yards, She gets up some speed and looks back just as the mast breaks on James's boat. As it is turning over, a rope gets tangled on his leg and pulls him under as the sailboat capsizes.
Zaria quickly turns around and heads back, she jumps into the water, untangles him, and pulls him out of the water and into her boat. James isn't breathing and is unconscious.
She grabs him by his ankles lifts him over the side of the boat. She raises him and lets him fall as far down as she can and stops him just before his head reaches the water. Then she quickly jerks him back up. Each time she does that, water shoots out of his mouth and nose. After 7 or 8 times of doing that, he coughs. She continues until he is conscious. James is breathing steadily and is fully conscious. Zaria lifts James back into the boat.
Zaria "I thought I lost you, James, I was thinking of what Zari told me about not saying the things that you meant to say.
James "Me too, Zaria. I love you."
Zaria "Line stealer. I just saved your life again, and you steal my line, I love you too, James. I should have dropped you headfirst into the ocean when I had the chance.
James asks if they get married will that make him King James. Zaria replies no, it just makes you my nagging husband. Zaria continues, I did learn one thing today; you will do just about anything to avoid losing a match. Oh, by the way, that was your trade boat. I figure at 10 Zaris per hour it is going to take you five years to earn another racing sailboat like that one.
James "But it was defective really. You traded me a defective boat. Queen, sells an innocent, unsuspecting man defective boat, and he nearly drowns."
Zaria "you are so funny. Wow, that was scary."
James "Nah, I knew you would pull me out and bounce me up and down by my ankles until I came back to life. Let's go home. They go to Zaria's place. There are eight helicopters there all bright and shiny.
Zaria asks James if he wants to learn to fly. James jumps all over it, yes, I have always wanted to know how to fly a helicopter. Zaria says excellent, we will learn together. There is so much for us to do, James. They sit out on the deck at the end of the cove point and feel the breeze as the sun sets and turns the sky into a lovely shade of red.
Zaria "I am not sure what I am supposed to do at this point. James tells her that we each do what we think is in the other’s comfort level.
For example, I am okay with letting the world know we are in love and a couple. But, you are the queen. So, you might have concerns that might make you feel the need to slow down or announce us at a specific time or event. And I would be fine with anything you decide."
Zaria asks what about sex and kids? James laughs and says, yes, there is that. Little Bio Zarians, hm. Sex or no sex is fine, Zaria. Kids, no kids. I am okay with that, too, Zaria. I know I love you, and we can work out everything as it comes. Zaria says, what? No sex, ha, not a chance. I want some action. Do you think I don't watch porn? James spits out his mouth full of wine. Oh my god, who are you? Where is my shy and pure Zaria? Zaria is laughing hard, pretty funny, eh, I'm bringing it tonight.
James "Yes, Zaria, you do catch me by surprise."
Zaria "I hope I always do James."
James "Zaria, I am good with; however, you need to do this. I will follow your lead. I will not say anything to anyone. But if I know you said it, I will go along with it.
James heads out first, and Zaria later fires up a helicopter and flies to the meeting point in the city. James sees a video of Zaria arriving in her bright and shiny purple helicopter and smiles. Zaria's newest control center is complete, and her staff from Zari II are there. They are posting photos of some of the houses up on the video wall, and they vanish as Zaria enters the room. Zaria tells them that it's ok to dream, just make sure the work is getting done first.
Staff 1 "Looking good Zaria. 95% of the arrivals have claimed a home."
They show the map of all the homes. They are being claimed very evenly across the cities. We hear you have claimed a pretty attractive find and maybe two claims. They all giggle
Zaria, "there is quite a view from the helicopters, isn't there my little scamps."
Staff 3 "Yes, there is. We think it is very healthy for the queen to share just about everything with the staff. It helps us to do our job better."
Zaria confesses, well, my secret didn't last long with you little sca
mps around. Yes, I am taking up sailing, and she laughs. Staff 6 asks, so it's true. You and James are in love. Zaria holds her finger to her mouth and tells them to keep it quiet. They all jump out of their seats and bounce around Zaria, and each gives her a big hug. Tell us everything. James is so adorable. We knew the first time he was here, you had something for him.
Staff 5 "You two are such a wonderful pair. He is so honest and thoughtful. We all have crushes on him. We understand that cutting in on that is...well, you know, beheading territory, but he is so cute. We can always sneak on another head if we got caught."
Zaria tells them they are so sweet. Just remember, though. Keep it quiet, and they ask her when they will be announcing it. Zaria says to them well, thanks to you little devils, the timeline just got moved up. So how do we look work-wise?
They show a live transparent view of all the tunnel digger positions. The soil here is very nice, and they are making good time. Zaria asks if all the components are in cue for the lining and tracks. They reply, Yes. It is all in position.
Zaria "This control room is 100%?"
staff 7 "Yes, we are all good."
Zaria "OK then, I am going to take some time off and will check in regularly. If you need anything, just call."
Survivor Family 227 - The mom is watching her kids play with the other kids from houses that are settling around them. Tears are streaming down her face as the kids laugh and play.
Mom 1 "Gary, there were times before the camp, where I thought this moment was impossible and that we would either all die or live out our lives scrounging like rats. We are so blessed, I am having a tough time when I wake up in the morning believing this is our new life."
Gary walks over to his wife and stands behind her to give her a long hug. He holds her tight and tells her how much he loves her. He tells his wife he couldn't find a way to make anything better and that he couldn't imagine a happy end to our lives either. I want to try very hard to appreciate every moment we have throughout the rest of our lives. I will try to be the very best husband and father I can be.
In another city, some Zarians found a nice court to settle in. They are setting up an electronics bench in a garage. There are Bio kids that have wandered in, and the Zarian is teaching the kids about electronics.
Zarian 1 "Then you take the positive wire and group all the positives together. That keeps the voltage the same and increases the volume or AMPS but maintains the same voltage.
In another city, a group of Zari 1 families each have a 128-acre farm in a big farming area and so excited about getting to fulfill their dream.
Zari 1 dad "I have wanted to do this all my life. I hope I am ok at it. Everyone in the group laughs;"
Zari 1 mom #2 "I know one thing. 5:00 am is going to be a rude awakening, literally."
Zari 1 dad #2, "What a dream come true."
Zari 1 Dad says to everyone that if this scenario were to happen 1,000 more times from the beginning, how many times of those 1,000 times would we where we are now? Everyone answers 0. They all say yay Zaria
Zari I mom #4 announces she heard that Zaria and James are a couple. The rest of the reply, "really?"
Zari I mom #2 says that all she knows is that she is not sure how that works but that she wants whatever makes them both happy. If it is each other, then so be it.
James is with the other council members, and they are alone. One of them corners James.
Nancy asks James if it is true, that he and Zaria are in love. James has a sheepish grin on him but isn't volunteering anything. Nancy jumps up and down and blurts out, OMG. It is, oh, I am so, so happy. Nancy asks when they will announce it? James grins and replies well soon now that everyone is finding out on their own. James adds that Zaria's staff delivered some helicopters at her place, and they could see us sailing from the helicopters. Nancy tells James that this makes me cry and tells him that she is so happy for the two of them. Tears are streaming down her face.
The other councilman members say it's true. James "Yes, it is true, we have in-fact taken up sailing and laughs.
Terry asks if that will make him king. James laughs and tells him that he asked Zaria that exact question of Zaria and that she said no. She said it just makes me the nagging husband.
They all laugh, and Barb says that is vintage Zaria. She is so funny.
Nancy still can't get over it and blurts out; you two are a match made in heaven. Soon there will be little BIO Zarian heirs to the throne running around. James laughs again and says, yeah, I'm not sure how all that works, but for now, I know I love being with her, and she loves being with me and that they will take it from there. James tells the group that Zaria brought in some staff members here, and they are up to speed, so they will be handling the logistics with her input. I am going to take some time off to spend with her.
She saved my life two days ago. I would be dead again if it were not for her. The mast on my sailboat broke, the boat capsized, and I was trapped underneath by the ropes and drowned.
She turned her boat around, dove in, and pulled me out. She then got me into her sailboat, grabbed me by the ankles, hung me over the side of the boat, and bounced me up and down until most of the water came out, and I regained consciousness.
Absolutely all true, they all finish up, and James heads home. James sees some flowers on his way home and stops pick a few. He watches as the purple helicopter flies over, and he smiles.
James arrives at Zaria's place and calls out hellooooo. Zaria is out in the garden, hoeing rows for planting. Zaria replies that she is in the garden, and to come on back. James says that he would help, but that looks like hard work. Did I mention I am allergic to hard work? Zaria replies it's ok honey, anytime you are around I will work twice as hard.
James tells her that it was the first time you called me honey. Zaria tells James the word is out on her side. The interns saw us sailing when they dropped off the helicopters. James laughs and says, "Yeah, well, somehow word got to the council members. Secret agents, we are not...lol."
Zaria "I found some diagrams of the electrical grid for the area today. Let's go on a little field trip. I have an idea. Zaria stops hoeing and washes her hands and grabs James by the arm, and they head to the chopper. James asks where they are going, and Zaria tells James that it is a surprise.
James tells Zaria he saw her fly over him today on her way home. Zaria grins and tells him she was checking up on him to make sure he didn't have any 20-year-old little hotties with him. Hehehe. She fires up the chopper, and they zoom away. Zaria speaks into the headset "here is our first stop" it's a school, she lands on the ball field, she has a tool bag with her. They walk over to a big solar array over the parking lot and opens up a box. She says to herself, "Yep, the breakers are off." and flips them on. "Ok, let's go." Zaria takes off and heads to the main power grid switch a few miles away. They jump down out of the purple chopper and walk directly to where the switches are for her area, and she flips two input switches on and one output switch on.
Zaria "Let's go home the long way. They start flying up the coast right above the water. The view is amazing. OK, here is your first flying lesson. She shows him what each control mechanism does. There is a second set of controls in the chopper they are in, and she lets James fly. They fly down the coast for an hour, and James is getting the hang of it, and he looks over at her very nervously and tells her he thinks he gets it. Zaria sees that he has taken his attention away from where he is flying, and she yells out birds, and he moves everything, and the chopper goes crazy, and Zaria takes over and straightens them out again. James says hey, "where are the birds?" Zaria laughs and tells him there were no birds silly. I was waking you up to teach you another lesson.
James laughs and says, I see how it's going to be then. James takes over the controls, and Zaria can't believe how much she is enjoying James. While he is flying, she thinks back when she had no feelings and can't believe how much better her existence is with feelings. Zaria then thinks about a life without Bi
os and realizes just how amazing Bios are. Bios are a beautiful combination of intelligence and are capable of so many great things. They are a bundle of emotions that can procreate and pass on pieces of themselves. She imagines a life with no bio beings and how dull and meaningless the Zarians' existence would be without them. If we could only get them to stop killing themselves, she thought and smiles.
As they fly they she begins to think about Zari II and about what she can do for them. She looks over at James and just enjoys the moment as he is picking up flying the chopper. OK, so I want you to slow it down and hover. James does his best and guesses at what he needs to do and is doing pretty well. They are about 500 feet up so that there is time for Zaria to take over if necessary. Excellent James, Zaria, realizes that Zari taught her how to handle this situation, and she smiles. Ok now James, you are hovering nicely. Now let's make it do a slow clockwise 360. You do that by pushing down slowly with your right foot. Pushing down on your right foot will increase the speed of the tail rotor. The chopper begins to rotate while hovering. Zaria tells James he is doing great. Zaria tells him to change the direction of the rotation and does so. OK, take us home, James. Zaria tells James, "I have been dying to say that." Now play with it on the way home. James laughs and tells her he has been dying to tell her that. They both laugh.
They get near the house, and Zaria takes back the controls. "You did well, James." They land and walk toward the house 50 yards away.
Zaria asks James, "could you turn the transfer switch to the grid and turn off the generator, please.
James walks over to the transfer switch and flips the switch to the grid, and the power stays on. James smiles and shakes his head in amazement as he walks over to turn off the generator.
Zaria "I'm a Geeeennniusssss, buahhhhhhhahahaha.
James " Yes, you are." where is my favorite boat, by the way?
Zaria "It is getting repaired. Wanna watch the sunset?"
James agrees and tells Zaria he will grab some wine and asks if she wants anything. They walk out to the point to sit, talk, and enjoy the sunset. Zaria tells James that after they busted her, she told them she was going to take some time off. James, it was pretty much the same for me. They loved that we are a couple. Terry asked if being with you makes me a king, and I told him your line about the nagging husband. They loved it and said it was so you. Zaria tells James how free she feels here. I love you, the place, the helicopter. I love taking this time just to sit and enjoy the beauty of watching the sun go down. Wow, what you have done for my life is just amazing. James, there are things I cannot do in bed, but I am dying to try out the things I can. Can we go to bed early? James is embarrassed and smiles. They go to bed.