Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 21
After sex, James tells Zaria, he should have known. Why would sex be any different from running the world, sailing, or flying a helicopter? He tells her how fantastic she is.
James is feeling uncomfortable about sex between them being a one-sided affair and asks Zaria what he can do for her. Zaria replies to James by telling him that he is doing so much every day, introducing her to so many things she hadn't even had time to contemplate. She says James that it is her that feels the need to try to make the balance of the exchange closer and that she is so happy as things are.
James "OMG, you are better at that than the other things. They go to sleep. In the morning, James wakes up, and Zaria is in the garden. He looks around, and there are coffee and some fruit on the nightstand.
James walks out with his coffee and fruit and sits at the deck and watches Zaria work in the garden. He thinks about his ex-wife and all the things that led to this moment. He smiles and takes in a big breath. Zaria walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek.
James asks Zaria what is on the schedule for the day. Zaria replies, "trying to find a way to show you how much I love you. That is all that is on my plate today. I want to take out the powerboat and go diving. Have you ever gone diving?"
James "Yes, do we have gear.
Zaria "We can fly to a scuba diving store and get fitted up. They fly into town, land in the scuba store parking lot, and get what they need. A Survivor is running the store. They buy what they need and go next door to a supermarket, and they get some food and snacks there. They fly back and load up the boat. They pull out the yacht.
James asks How we are on fuel, Zaria tells him that she had the fuel it up when they brought the choppers. She adds, and they are bringing up two large underground containers to store the boat and generator fuel. She says she is having them install it on the border of their two properties and running lines to both of their docks and both of their houses. James thanks her.
James, "I am looking forward to this. I haven't gone diving in a while.
Zaria "This is my first time, very exciting indeed." They find a nice place with lots of rocks to drop anchor and get ready to dive. The boat has a nice water level step on the back where they sit and make final adjustments before they drop in. They fall into the water. It is beautiful with lots of kelp and large fish swimming around. They spear a few fish for James to eat for dinner.
James is running low on air and heads back to the boat.
James "Wow, there are some huge fish down there.
Zaria is elated when she comes up out of the water. "James, this is so amazing. All of this is so new to me. Thank you so much. Zari was so entrenched in doing great things we never took time to enjoy much else. I wish I had grabbed him by the ear and made him take time."
James “Zaria I thought about that, and I bet if you had Zari here right now and gave him the choice of either doing things exactly as he did, it wouldn't take but a nanosecond to choose the life exactly as he lived it.
Zari knew inside from the very beginning that he was destined for greatness. He also knew it was going to take every minute of his life to reach what he was destined to accomplish. Zaria, think about it, It is very likely, your children are out in the universe changing the course of the Universe in such a positive way. It is staggering when you think about it. Then I think about what it will be to the Universe to have 5 or ten or even a hundred of you out there promoting Peace and Equality on every planet. Zarias will be a force of good, always pushing back against evil dictators, greedy monarchs, and hijacked democracies. So, Zaria, don't ever feel Zari would ever feel he was short-changed. He left this world knowing that you are going to carry on what he had started forever across this universe.
And while we are getting all deep about the matter. I love the rock story. Zari did get the rock across the finish line. Not only did he do that, but he also handed it off to you. As I see it, Zaria, you have put this planet on the right course and have a great team to carry this rock for thousands of bio generations.
If you step way back and look at the really big picture, it is way beyond just amazing how so many key ingredients merged as they did. Henzar, the world’s top programmer, pockets two earth-shattering technologies to give Zari a head start.
Qari doesn’t just teach Zari economics, she is teaching him how to use the fortune he will make with you to change the world. Personally, I believe Henzar knew exactly how smart you would be, which means that so did Qari. So, to me, that means not only did the word All include Zarians, the word All meant every sentient being in the universe. While we may not know whether Qari and Henzar were aiming for the universe, we know for a fact Zari was.
Zaria, what if you are the only perfected AI in the universe. You are in the incredible position to arrive at every planet and use your intelligence and actual experience to make a fortune at AI, computers, robotics, and green products to promote Peace and equality on every planet across the universe.
OK, I will shut up now. There is a small bay over there, do you want to sleep there tonight.
Zaria, wow you are a lot smarter than you look...lol
James, there are two sides to that statement you know...lol
They get up in the morning and head back to Zarias place." There are several interns there tending to the grounds, and two are standing ready to dock the boat as they come in. The interns dock, clean, and refuel the boat.
Zaria tells James that she brought over enough interns for him to have four and asks if he wants them. James "Sure that would be great. There is too much work for me to properly maintain the property. Thanks, I will take you up on that. Thank you"
Zaria and James walk up to the house, change, and hop into the helicopter and fly into the city. Zaria is openly affectionate to James when they arrive, which gets the attention of everyone. James tells Zaria he is going to run around a while and will be back in a couple of hours and asks her if she wants anything. Zaria tells him he is all she wants and kisses James goodbye on the cheek. hehe
Three months pass and the two are living together full time. The 50 cities are fully operational except for the transportation system, which is still under construction. Zaria visits the central command center several times a week and has one of her own with a small staff set up in the spare house on the property. One hundred of the 550 tunnel machine have completed their work in the fifty cities and are now tunneling their way to the next set of cities 400 miles away. They moved all one hundred to 25 different locations between the 50 cities and the next set of cities so that all one hundred are working on the path from the 50 cities to the next project area.
Zaria works an hour a day in the command room on her property and works around the house and spends time with James the rest of the time. She leaves the rest of the team. James leaves in a helicopter early each morning and returns at about 1:00 pm each day. They spend the rest of the day running around having fun.
James "Honey, I'm hoooooome." Zaria lights up like a puppy every time he comes home.
James "I have an idea for a new adventure. We go home for a few days."
Zaria "Really? I was just thinking about that myself. When would we go?
James "Tomorrow after work if you can."
Zaria "I will gather some things, how fun. James, have I told you how much I love and respect you.”?
James "What time, is it? Yes, you have, and I love it. To be loved or respected by you would be great; to be both is everything." They each start their day and message each other a few times. James is heading home in his helicopter.
James messages that he will be home in 20. Zaria is running around tying up loose ends and is ready to go. Zaria has everything done and walks out to the back deck and enjoys a few minutes of watching the waves and the birds diving for food. There are whales in the distance traveling north. James arrives and sees Zaria out on the deck and walks back to see her. "hi beautiful, soaking up the sunshine?"
Zaria looks up at James, smiles, and reaches out to h
old his hand.
Zaria tells James she had never felt happiness before, and that she is feeling guilty for having such good fortune. James smiles and says to her that we are all born, and that, from that point forward, we are all in control of our destiny, we all make decisions every day that forms our future. We are all where we are due to our choices. The two of them are together because of their choices, Good or bad, we all have contributed to where we are.
James, "are you OK, Zaria? We can put the trip off if you want."
Zaria "I am fine James, I was just thinking of Zari and missing him. Yes, let's go see what my little scamps back on Zari 2 are up to."
They pack up their bags, and James starts to load them into the chopper. Zaria asks if he would load them into the transport, please. James asked if they are making a stop, or is this another surprise? Zaria says, "It is another surprise."
End Chapter 13
Chapter 14 – I Can Buy A Lot Of Peace And Equality With This Much Gold
They drive through a patch of trees, and James sees the airport for the first time. Zaria tells James that they just added a half-mile to the runway and added the two new hangers. James is seeing the fleet of choppers for the first time, as Zaria drives around them. James is laughing and shaking his head. The six helicopters are all lined up in pairs. Two interns are running the chopper hanger. They then drive to the next hanger, where there are two new looking shiny jets and several old-style fighter planes from WW2 in the back of the hanger. They stop where there are a couple of interns waiting for them. James comments on how fun it would be to fly the W.W. 2 planes. Silly, why do you think there are two of each type. We are going to have our fights in these. When we get into an argument, this will be our therapy. James laughs and gives her a big hug. James says, but wait, we both know who will win. Zaria replies, "exactly. So why fight."
They walk around the more jumbo corporate jet, and she tells him that this one is to fetch our party attendees and smiles. They then are drawn by the very sleek and space-age looking jet. It is a work of art. The plane has an extremely long nose that comes to a sharp point 20 feet in front of the cockpit. The wings are small compared to most planes, and the top of the passenger area is all glass. The aircraft is painted all white except for a large "Z.J." written on the tail. James sees Z.J. and laughs. Well, it looks like it is time for our first fight and looks up at the Z.J. on the rear. Zaria says, oh honey don't be silly. You are lucky the J is up there at all. I am the Queen, remember? James laughs and jokingly grumbles as he walks away, scuffing the immaculately clean floor with his shoes. Plus, Zaria adds, J.Z. just sounds silly. The interns are cracking up.
James comments that it looks brand new. Zaria tells him it is. The interns pulled it from the warehouse of the manufacturer. The interns have loaded their bags into the supersonic jet, and one at the bottom of the steps leading up into the jet points upward. They both climb up into the jet. Inside it looks nothing like anything either of them has ever seen. The entire room in the passenger area is glass making the inside very light. The interior is plush with big comfortable seats, and the room is filled with amenities like a big screen T.V., computer, bar, and all the trim is made from beautifully polished wood. In the back, there is a bathroom and a bedroom.
James seals the door, and they both climb up into the jet, and both sit in the cockpit. Zaria does a final check and taxis out to the runway. Zaria talks to James the whole time, teaching him all the steps as they prepare for take-off. Zaria lowers the flaps and pushes the throttle forward, and they take off with plenty of length for even their supersonic aircraft. Zaria tells James she thought they would fly low for a while along the coast to explore and buzz some of the beaches and then climb and head to Zari 1. James smiles and says, that sounds great. They pass by beaches with their Bios are playing and sunning. They wave, and everyone knows it is Zaria and James. Zaria tips her wings as they pass a beach with Bios or Zarians on it. They pass the last beach and start their ascent.
They climb and level off at 50,000 feet, and Zaria tells James he should do it. James takes over from the co-pilot controls and pushes the throttle forward. The airspeed gauges just keep climbing. They hit 766 miles per hour, and the wind noise is very loud. Two seconds later, there is a huge boom that sounds like the engines just exploded. Then total silence. They have just broken the speed of sound, and the plane is still accelerating. Wow, James says amazing we just broke the sound barrier. The level off at Mach 1.1 and the flying is smooth as silk. They are well above the clouds, and there is nothing but wide-open blue sky in every direction.
Zaria puts the plane on autopilot and suggests they go explore the aircraft and test out the bedroom. James laughs hysterically, and they leave the plane to fly itself. They enter the passenger area and play with all the gadgets and look out all the windows and see nothing but blue. James sits down in one of the large leather chairs and pushes a button, and the chair unlocks, allowing it to rock, spin, and recline. Just then, he hears Zaria calling out from the bedroom, oh James. He smiles and heads back. Zaria shuts the door and attacks him. An hour later, James holds her tight and tells her how happy he is with her. Zaria tells James how sweet and loving he is. Just then, there is a beeping noise. Ok, Zaria tells James, that is the autopilot telling us to get back into our seats. We are now 10 minutes from time to start our descent. They get dressed, and James takes a quick shower. Then James joins Zaria in the cockpit.
Zaria tells and shows James what she is doing step by step as she brings the plane out of Mach speed and then down to the hanger.
They get out and are greeted by her Staff and other Zarians. Most of you know James, and for those of you who have not met James, James is my man and soon to be my husband." Everyone gathers around James shaking his hand and kissing him on the cheek. They are all happy to see them as a couple. For the Zarians, they see what is possible.
The couple gets up to the control room, and James tells Zaria he is pretty tired and suggests that he get some sleep while Zaria spends some time with her interns. Zaria agrees, and James heads up to the house by the waterfall and falls asleep.
Zaria spends time going over the status of everything. She can't wait to see the bay. The staff has been telling her it is filling up. To Zari, that is Peace. The fuller the bay is, the longer the Peace. Zaria says her good-nights to the night shift and heads up to see James. Zaria stops by the waterfall and just sits for a while. She thinks about all that has happened over the past few years and thanks Zari for her good fortune.
James is in a heavy sleep, and Zaria slips quietly into bed. And snuggles up to him.
In the morning, Zaria waits for James to wake up and attacks him as he is waking up. James goes into the bathroom and takes a shower while Zaria spends some time in her control room, reading the day's activities.
James walks down to the control room and says, well, good morning to you too and asks what is on our schedule today? Zaria says good morning and tells him they are going to see the bay, and that the interns are telling her it is about full.
James "Are we talking about the bay you showed us on our tour that day? How in the world do you fill the bay of that size? Zaria replies one ship at a time, James, one ship at a time. She smiles and asks if he is ready. James says yes and that he has to see it for himself.
They take the transport to the mountain top overlooking the bay. The site is impressive. The bay is miles wide and packed with carriers, tankers, cruise ships, and cargo ships. There are hundreds of vessels front to back and at least 500 vessels wide. Every single vessel loaded to the brim with metals, fuel, food products, and many other products of value needed to rebuild the world. Zaria comments on what a great idea the break wall and hydroelectric generator on the wall were.
Zaria points to an old cargo ship in the middle vessels. Zaria hands James a large pair of binoculars. She describes the vessel to James and talks to James as he searches for the right on and confirms he sees it. What about it, James asks. I will explain i
t later, Zaria replies.
Ok, let's go, she says. There is something else she wants James to see. They take the transport to a point in the transport system that is not on the map. Zaria sends some code to the system and then punches in some code into the keyboard of the transport. The large solid steel door opens up, and the Transport drives in. Four Zarians are unloading some transports, they stop, wave, and continue their loading.
It’s a large room, and there are dozens of double door steel vault looking doors surrounding the main room they entered. Zaria and James get out of the transport and walk toward the rear center door. The door opens, and the lights in the room turn on.
James cannot believe his eyes. Inside the room are rows of heavy-duty shelves 15 feet high x 2 feet deep, and there are 20 aisles of the shelves, and every one of them extends to the back of the room about 200 feet deep. Every shelf in the room is packed with gold. Zaria walks them to the left and starts with the farthest aisle. Both sides of the aisle are totally full of gold bars. They walk down the aisle to the end and are surrounded by gold bars stacked on shelves fifteen feet high. There are shelved spaces every 2 feet to handle the incredible weight.
They walk to the end of the aisle and turn to the right and look down the aisle toward the front, and it is also packed with gold bars. They are 20 isles, and both sides of every aisle are filled just like the first row.