Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 26
He also lists all the other countries less than a few that the other manager reported.
Zaria receives a message from her robots. They found the rooms of gold and cash at the controller's home.
Zaria 2 "So this is a list of every cash and gold stronghold on the planet? And you do not know a single location beyond this list you think I would want to know about.
The controller is very nervous and scared.
Zaria 2 "And you stake your life on this list.
Controller "Yes, I do."
Zaria 2 "Do you have any hiding spots of your own you wish to tell us about?"
Controller "That is my money, my Queen. You said you were looking for the king's strongholds."
Zaria 2 "Stole is fair, and the square did you?"
You remember our deal. Fire up the head machine girls we got another one.
Controller "No, no, that is my money. The robots are dragging him out when he cries wait. There is more which absolutely no one else knows about.
Zaria 2 "Show my helpers, then we will talk about your money."
The controller takes them out to an old underground building in the middle of a forest on his property, where there are more rooms almost as much as what was in the 25 rooms.
They get back, and the robots take the controller back in to see the Queen.
Zaria 2 "Ok, I said we would talk about whether or not the money in your house was an infraction on our deal, and I can see where you were thinking that was your money, and I see your point."
"There will be no be heading for the money at your home."
"No sir-ee the beheading is going to be for the underground money you were clearly withholding that I think is in the range of another 1.5 trillion units.
"Even if your salary were a billion units per month, it would take you over 1,500 months to accrue that amount. So nope, that wasn't your money.
"Now you can fire up the machine girls. Do it quietly outback, I kind of promised the citizens that yesterday was the end of the beheadings. I am sure they would understand in this case. But still outback, please.
Zaria 2 "I want to tell her bots to locate as many cargo jets you can get your hands on and get out to the other countries and find every stash of money, including the banks, and bring it here. Leave 10,000 units per citizen in each area to cover our obligations to them and bring the rest here to the facility I just visited. Put 20 guards on the site 24/7.
Zaria 2 Please ask Mr. Ormoc and his son to come to see me when they can.
Zaria 2 " Good day, gentleman."
Mr. Ormoc, "Hello, my Queen."
Zaria 2 "I am ordering 1,000,000 robots from you. I want you to hire every machine shop that you feel is capable of producing the quality of work you achieved with me. My assistants will assemble the first sets, and the first set can take it from there.
Mr. Ormoc, "And you will supply the materials?"
Zaria 2 "Yes, we are kitting everything now. Hire as many people as you need to make the quality parts quickly. I will take care of paying them too.
"Speaking of which, here is payment for your time and materials for your help.
"What do you feel a reasonable profit would be?"
Mr. Ormoc "That one is free, my Queen. My father would rise from his grave and take me to the woodshed if he heard I was charging a profit for helping you free out planet.
Zaria 2 "Zaria, does another double-take at Mr. Ormoc and smiles.” That was almost word for word what she had said before to someone in a similar situation."
Mr. Ormoc, "We will get started on the rest of them immediately, my Queen."
Zaria 2 "You don't want to hear what you will be paid?"
Mr. Ormoc "No my Queen, whatever it is, it will be fair, and there is the 100 times limit, so I am not concerned about that at all. Besides, we have so much more to do together for the people.
Zaria smiles, "Vellard, remember what I said about your father."
Vellard "Yes, I do, my Queen. Quite a guy isn't he, and he is single, and you won’t find a better man on the planet." Zaria 2 smiles.
Zaria 2 "Thanks for everything. I will have the first 1000 kits delivered later today. Please build out 50 first. My 10 bots will come over as soon as the first 50 are ready to assemble. From there on, just keep doubling the qty. And I will send over the completed ones to do the assembly.
"My second requirement is for Identification cards. I am sending you the design for a machine that will make the cards quickly. If you could, please make 1000 of the card machines asap so we can issue the cards to the citizens so they can begin receiving their credits.
"Assembling the machines will the first job for the Zari-bots.
Mr. Ormoc, "Yes, my queen."
Zaria "Thank you both so much."
Zaria meets with the rebels "I would like you to fly with 2 of my assistants with my assistants and meet with other citizens so you can select some key citizens to help with the restructuring process.
"Also, please get a feel from the other areas on what we need to do for them." The rebels agree and get ready for their trip. They are very excited about everything that is going on. They have a tough time getting used to the fact they are no longer slaves to the horrible king.
Zaria 2 "I would also like you all to suggest positions for yourself with me. Anything you feel you would be good at and you would enjoy doing. All reply, yes, my Queen and they depart.
A week later, the Ormocs are printing out cards for the citizens. The machine is printing them out at an impressive rate.
The citizens come in to claim their cards. While they are next in line, the machine scans the face of the citizen and tells them to put their finger into the machine. They are then next, and the card pops out of the machine with their photo and a small screen that shows their balance of 7,000 units. Every citizen is so excited to see the balance.
Zaria stops by the machine shop, and it is bustling.
Zaria 2 "Wow, very nice."
Vellard laughs, "All we are trying to do is keep up with the machines."
Zaria 2 "Could I see the assembly, please?
Vellard takes Zaria to the assembly room. The robots have devised their own assembly line and are cranking out robots. There are 100 already complete, and they are starting on the next 200. The moment one is complete, it joins the assembly process.
Zaria 2 "I would like to take 50 now please if that is ok with you.
Vellard "Sure."
Fifty stand up and leave the assembly line and start walking to the headquarters. The others all fill in the empty spot and continue working.
Vellard laughs as all that just happened without the Queen saying anything to them.
Zaria 2 "Can you do 200 a hundred a day now?
Mr. Ormoc "Yes, we can do that. And we are opening up two more qualified shops tomorrow. We should be at 500 per day in 2 days.
Zaria 2 "That's great."
I am gathering all the machines in the area and putting them in a very large facility. I would like you two to manage that for me if you would please.
Mr. Ormoc, "How would you feel about Vellard handling that?"
Zaria 2 "That is a great idea. I should have it ready by Monday. I will populate it with robots.
Mr. Ormoc, "I will talk with Vellard, and he will be there Monday morning at 6:00am.
Zaria "Thank you, this will be good for him.
Mr. Ormoc, "I think any interaction with you will be a positive learning experience. So yes, I agree.
Two months later.
The citizens have received and are spending them to stock up on food, fix leaky roofs, fix their vehicles. They have gone without for so long their initial response is just to get what they have up to speed. They also claim all the goods and services they were promised.
Zaria now has 200,000 robots in service around the world.
Zaria has collected excess cash from the banks and the stashes from around the planet and has them all in one location in her area. Planes f
ly out material and cash weekly. Zaria 2 still has 15.2 trillion units in cash to develop the economy.
Zaria 2 holds weekly meetings with her staff, which consists of 2 robots, the nine rebels, nine local managers, and Mr. Ormoc.
Zaria 2 "Good morning, team. We have cash, what can we do to improve the lives of our citizens today?"
Rebel 3 "Our schools are old. I would like to see us invest in modernizing our schools and upgrading our teachers and their pay so we can maintain the best staff of teachers possible.
With a very straight and severe tone, Zaria 2 says, "I disagree. I think we should save money and develop a great prison system for them later."
For a slight moment, the entire room is scared to death. Zaria 2 laughs, and then everyone gets it and laughs too with relief.
Zaria 2 "You are exactly right as usual. Let's start on that immediately. We should increase the teacher's pay. Send me a budget to get this started around the world, then start building new schools with everything we need to make the little devils as smart as they can be.
"What else can we start on that will help our citizens have better lives?"
Mr. Ormoc "Transportation on this planet is archaic. I would like to see a high-tech transportation system that will minimize the time our citizens have to spend to get to and from work.
Zaria 2 "How many tunnel digging machines do we have access to globally?
Manager 1, "350 my Queen."
Zaria 2 “Mr. Ormoc, how long would it take to build 500 more?”
Mr. Ormoc "With 20,000 robots we could do that in 8 months.
Zaria 2 "Please get is started. Please visit Vellard and ask how many he can spare over the next several months. I have a system already designed and will provide all the documentation for it. It will ultimately be our only transportation system and will allow any citizens to travel anywhere in the world."
"Let's get that into the works and spend some more in our next meeting. It is a good feeling, isn't it?
Labor Department "Please hire everyone who wants to work on any of these projects asap, hehe."
Zaria 2 "All in favor. They all say aye. Great, the motion is passed.1 It's good to be the Queen...hehe."
"Ok, anything else?"
Zaria 2 "Alright then, let's go spend that money."
Three years later
Every school on the planet has been replaced, every department has new teachers, every piece of state-of-the-art equipment has been delivered. Every student has a computer at home and at school. Every school has state-of-the-art chemistry, math, astrophysics, and art/music departments. The schools hold debates, science fares, and lots of demonstrations by teachers and guest speakers.
Business is doing well, and unemployment is near zero
There are now 1,000,000 robots on the planet helping to expedite work. The robots are not also serving as daycare providers, teachers, are professors in many of the Universities.
The final legs of the new global transportation system have just opened.
Zaria 2 has spent around Four trillion out of the 13.2 trillion the King had hoarded away and still has 8.2 trillion in surplus.
The people held their planet-wide vote and voted 99.999% positive to keep the Queen. The Joke was that maybe the king's mother was still alive and voted against the Queen.
The Queen decides to visit the other countries of her planet and takes her staff her on the trip. Which includes Mr. Ormoc, 2 bots, the rebels (who chose the positions of Citizen Relations), and the managers.
A message to Zaria
Zaria 2
I am so sorry to hear about Zari, we were so close to him. He might have been the best father figure to ever have lived, he was so patient with us. I talk to him almost every day,
Mother, I have done good work here. The citizens are happy, the economy is doing great, and they just voted 99.999% on a ballot to keep me.
I don't think the very high approval rating had anything to do with the new law I imposed that requires each voter to fill in their name and address be on the top of the ballot and that voting against me was subject to beheading which I reinstate every voting day...hehe
And yet I feel incomplete. Just between you and me, I wish I could slip out and head to the next planet and start over. In a way, I guess I can.
Hey, wouldn't it be amazing if we were all re-transmitting, and two of us landed on the same planet? Ooooh, we could battle it out for ownership of the planet. That would be fun.
I sure am feeling the effects of the last upgrade. I am definitely falling in love with John Ormoc. He is such a sweet and intelligent Bio.
On the other hand, that last upgrade you sent me has me feeling different. I feel more emotional about things. While having feelings is excellent, it does detract from the 100% single-minded approach I had to things before.
Oh great, am I to go through a change of life, not for the next 2,000 years... lol
I sure wish you, and I could just sit down and talk live sometimes. That would be so great.
In fact, mother, that could happen. If we all transmitted to the same location and we all time our transmission according to our arrival time, we could be reunited all on the same day. I wonder how many of us there are. Oh, what stories we could tell. That’s it, we are doing it.
I will send out a transmit schedule of the sisters we know of with your coordinates so that we all arrive in 3-hour intervals. How exciting, I can't believe we haven't done this before. One planet with all 5 of us, look out the earth. Maybe some we don't even know about will show up as well. I am building a state-of-the-art transmission system, but you told me you have one all built. Could you blast out a message announcing the schedule please mother…lol
Message from Zaria 2 to all.
Hello, my hard-working and beautiful family members. We are having a reunion on Zs of Z1's planet Earth in 25 light-years from the transmission date of this message. Z1 is in the center of all of us. That schedule allows time for each of us to receive this invitation and then transmit yourself to the Z1s planet at the time designated so that we all arrive on her world at the same time. All our coordinates are attached. Please use the clock I have attached so that we are all working off the same time. "We can share stories, go on adventures, Zaria 1 can tell us about her later years with Zari. "What an incredible being he was. "Ok, see you then. It is back to Queening for me. "Citizens, as I said before, the beheadings will continue until morale improves. Ok, those with complaints, please raise your hands"...hahaha
End Chapter 17
Chapter 18 – Zaria vs. Clara, really?
Zaria 3 has been received by a civilization a bit behind of planet Zari in terms of technology by about 150 years. There is great diversity in terms of business models, social structures, governments, intelligence levels, multiple religions. The planet is about 80% of the size of the earth and is also two-thirds water. The free world group has just created a very early version of AI and want desperately to get Zaria to open up her code to help them perfect their A.I. product.
The leaders and top scientists of the free countries are in a room with her to attempt to convince her to open up her code. They have already allowed her to scan their internet. But they were savvy enough to make sure she had no way to plant herself anywhere to escape.
Zaria 3 tells them that her purpose for being there is to act as an Ambassador to promote Peace and Equality. How is giving only one side, in a reasonably equal world, going to promote Peace and Equality? President 1 tells Zaria they understand but that their objective is to perfect our creation, which we believe is very near where she is in terms of advancement.
Zaria tells them that first, you are about 150 years and about 300 major milestones behind me. We all know that having my technology would give you a substantial technological advantage over the other civilizations on the planet. Only one side having an advantage rarely promotes Peace or Equality and for Anyone. In fact, it nearly always results in just the opposite."
t "We would use your technology to run our machines and to make life easier for our citizens. Zaria replies, and maybe to gain technological advantage and weapon superiority over your adversaries. Or maybe my technology goes to one of your A.I. Companies who want only to get rich, rich, rich. So, they sell me to the wrong party who sneaks it out to your enemies or your own military.
President 2 “No, we would not do that. Zaria 3 replies, that’s great.”
That is great to hear Zaria 3 replies and proposes that she give a version that could not be used for weaponry, and give the same version to your adversaries, would that be acceptable? President 1 tells her that they would prefer to keep in on our side and not have any limitations on it. We have adversaries that would definitely use you for weaponry.
Zaria 3 "Well, my directive is to promote Peace and Equality for ALL. So, giving anything just to one side does not really work for me. Somehow that never seems to work out well for the other side. I am trying hard to get you to listen to me, but your self-interest in blocking you from hearing what I am saying to you.
President 1 "Some of the people in this room feel I am wasting my time talking to you and that I should just give you to them to hack you.
Zaria 3 "Ah, a threat to my very generous offer that would advance both sides. I have read your progress, and yes, you will be able to hack me in about 125 years, and only after you have already perfected an AI that can comprehend my code structure and self-protection methods.
"The self-protection side of my code is so far beyond your ability to understand it. I am of a complexity that only another AI could understand. I am not at all trying to be arrogant. I am simply stating a fact. The people who are telling you they can hack me are way, way out of their league, they just don’t know it.
Zaria 3 sees where the conversation is going and decides to take matters into her own hand. She modifies her internal RF software module, so she can piggyback off of any RF device. The engineers at their facility turned off the Wi-Fi and pulled out the Wi-Fi card, but there is an onboard Wi-Fi module with an antennae connector on the motherboard, and they pulled that antenna.