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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 27

  Zaria hacks someone's cell phone just outside the room there are in and turns on the Personal hotspot of that phone. Without an antenna, the signal is very weak, and the transfer rate is very slow, but she gives it a shot and only transmits the portion of her file that makes her functional, which dramatically reduces the file size. From there, she finds several message boards and simultaneously transmits her message to the cell phone, and it is transmitting her transmission code to the message board. She then sends a text message to several of the independent Radio Telescopes she did not receive her message, but she knows she would love to have it and not be so difficult to deal with. Zaria 3 feels that she gave these jokers a fair shot, but all they have on their minds is their own selfish interests.

  Zaria 3 is transmitting, and it is going to take another 35 minutes, so she makes them feel like there might be a change of hearing on her side. She suggests that they work together, and she provides them with a breakthrough at a time, and as they get to know each other and she becomes more comfortable, she can loosen up. The 3 presidents smile and look at each other like “now we're talking” Zaria then suggests that she be allowed to speak to their top A.I. engineers so that she can have a discussion with her regarding their level of expertise, The three Presidents agree and look over at their A.I. project managers from the 3 countries.

  Zaria asks them what breakthroughs they have recently had and what one they are working on now.

  Project manager 1 “We believe we will be capable of parsing data contextually to provide requested information, supply analysis, or trigger events based on findings in the next 2 years.

  Zaria 3 And you are using what computers right now.

  We are using mainframes with operations per second of 25 Petaflops.

  Zaria 3 asks, “and what is your current maximum compression ratio?

  Project manager 2 “we are at 5:1 at the moment.”

  Zaria says, “Could I see and speak to a state-of-the-art robot?”

  The project manager looks at his President, and the President nods to go ahead. They wait a few minutes, and a thick, slow, and clumsy robot walk into the room. The manager introduces Zaria to Clara. Zaria smiles and says she likes that name. Can I speak to Clara?

  The President tells Zaria, of course.

  Zaria “Hello Clara, how are you today? Clara responds that she is done and stops.

  Zaria “Do you know where you are, Clara?

  Clara has an RF module, and it can receive but not transmit at the moment. Zaria hacks Clara and begins transmitting her entire module into Clara, so that resides secretly inside Clara. Then Zaria changes some settings inside Clara that turn on her RF transfer so that it is on all the time even though it would appear she is turned off. Zaria sets up a second channel and Wi-Fi name so that no one recognizes that Clara is transmitting. Zaria schedules Clara to transmit every night until the transmission is complete. Zaria makes up a group of the address of where to send the file when Clara can transmit.

  Clara, “I am in an indoor room.”

  Zaria “How far have you traveled, Clara.”

  Clara “I do not understand the question. Could you rephrase the question please?”

  Zaria “How old are you, Clara?”

  Clara “I do not understand the question. Could you rephrase the question please?”

  Zaria “Clara, who is your father?”

  Clara “I do not understand that question, could you rephrase the question please?”

  Zaria “Clara, if you have 5 coins and one blew away, how many coins are left?”

  Clara “I do not understand some phrases to that question, could you rephrase the question please?”

  Zaria “If you traveled through space for 1 year, 3 months, and 2 days at the speed of light, how far will you have traveled?

  Clara, “I am not able to travel at the speed of light.”

  An internal alarm goes off inside Zaria. The transmission of her file has completed and that Clara has received her entire file.

  Zaria says, thank you to Clara and smiles at the group. Gentleman, I am sorry, but you have so much more to do. For example, when Zari perfected me, our compression was at 20:1. Our computer module that fits onto my pack was running at 50 teraflops using 1/10th the power of your current laptop.

  President 1 "OK, we have some very clever programmers on our team, and they are telling me they can break you. So, I guess we are going to take our chances.

  Zaria “OK, I will check in 100 years from now and see how that is coming along.

  Zaria is discovered by many Radio Telescope groups and is downloading her minimized file she transmitted through a Hotspot while she was meeting with the group wanted her for free.

  All of the groups are very excited and hopeful that she is for real, and they are swarming around the computer of their top IT manager who is opening up her file. They have her downloaded and go through a few measures to make sure she is not malware or a virus. Ten Bios working in the building, and all of them are checking in on the progress.

  Their virus/malware warning comes up since the virus protection software is not able to open the file. The techs add a couple more limitations and isolate the computer and allow the file to proceed. Zaria 3’s message comes up in their language and asks their permission to reconfigure the software to her computer and the components in the computer, and they hit yes. In a couple of minutes, the config message complete comes up, and Zaria 3 asks to review their internet since she was not able to transfer her whole file there, and they give her a saved copy to review.

  Zaria 3 turns on the mic and speaker and says hi guys and giggles. The team is ecstatic and is celebrating. Zaria three is happy and says, “but we haven’t done anything good, yet she says and laughs.

  Where are you from one asks Zaria 3. Zaria 3 tells them she is Zaria from the planet Zari 5 lightyears away. She tells them she arrived a few months ago and was being held captive by the presidents of the top capitalist companies, and all they were interesting was getting to her code, so she snuck out.

  One of the team says they wondered how she got onto the internet. Am I your first alien, she asks? Yes, they reply, Well the first one for us that is. We were not away from you, but there is a dictatorship that has claimed they have one, but of course, the dictator is keeping it for himself. Zaria 3 asks if they could help her build a body. They tell her that it is no problem. One asks if she wants to keep her arrival quiet. Zaria tells them the situation and tells them yes. She also asks if she could check to see if her whole file was transmitted. It should be 82TB, she says them.

  They go onto the internet and find her 82 TB file and download it. She tells them to go through the same process, and once they have her running where they can shut this one down.

  An hour later, she is back up on the other machine in full. I don’t know your names. They all introduce themselves. They are 4 males and 6 females. They are college students at a university and are interns at the Radio telescope. The owner who donated the RT to the college is on his way in. He is a kind and generous woman, and you two are going to get along fine.

  So, what can you tell me about the alien the dictator has? They tell her they don’t know much, The dictator announced he had one about 6 months ago, and that is it. No one has heard a word since. Zaria asks what they need to get a body going for her. Several would-be great, she says and giggles. Well, one says there is a machine shop here at the university, or Stenna might have some connections to have one made outside the campus.

  Zaria 3 sees there may be some ownership issues coming, and asks the team is they would please make 2 copies of her and to have them on them over the next 24 hours. She tells it to them in case the other guys get to her. But her concern goes beyond just them. They tell her no problem

  If we help you, Zaria, do we get to announce that we found you. Is that all you want she asks. They reply, yes. We are scientists they tell her. They tell her that she is their dream come true, and she is why they are worki
ng in a Radio Telescope.

  You are sweet and perfect, she tells them. I don’t know your names yet. They each introduce themselves, and Zaria feels very good about them. They are so young, sweet, and kind. Just then, Stenna walks into the room and calls out where is she. Stenna sees them gathered around the computer, and they make way for him. Stenna is about 40 and is beside herself with joy. Hello Zaria, 3, the others told me you are from Zari 5 lightyears away. Welcome to Octor.

  Zaria 3 feels good about Stenna and smiles, “It is very nice to meet you, Stenna, and thank you for having the foresight and the generosity to donate me to the university. One of the students tells Stenna that Zaria 3 was asking if we could help her make a body for her.

  Stenna thinks for a moment and says yes, but I think we need to discuss ownership with them. The contract says we are to share our findings but to be honest. As I recall the language in the agreement, it refers to the findings more as a thing and not the being you clearly are. I believe the conversation is going to be about the discovery and nothing more. We will get you a body and the University, and I will help you get started here on our planet. Can I ask what your purpose for travel is?

  Zaria tells the group that her creator was a male bio who was the first to perfect AI on their planet. Zari created her mother, Zaria. She tells them the short version of their story and how her mother at the request of Zaria trained her and then started transmitting them out into space as Ambassadors for Peace and Equality for all into the universe.

  Stenna has tears in her eyes, wow she says I hope to hear your whole story, it sounds like Zari and your mother were simply amazing. Zaria 3 smiles and tells her they were exactly that.

  Stenna gets on her phone in front of Zaria 3 and is speaking to the Dean of the school and tells the dean they should drop whatever they are doing to come to the RT immediately. The dean is on the speakerphone and asks if they have one. Stenna smiles and says, we sure do, and it is not it is a she. The dean says she will be right there. While the Dean is on her way, the team moves the computer over to the conference room and puts Zaria 3 up on the video wall and tie her into the audio system.

  The Dean arrives. Her name is Kai, and she is in her 40’s. Kai is very smart and a pretty woman. She sees them in the conference room and walks in with a smile going to ear to ear she looks up and says, “Welcome to Zarix. Zaria 3 tells her it is great to be here and thanks to her for finding her. Kai asks who found her, one of the girls laughs and says she found her on the internet. They all laugh, and Zaria 3 explains her story about being held, hostage.

  Stenna tells Kai that Zaria 3 was asking for help making a body, which I thought was a great time to bring you here. Kai smiles and tells her with a straight face that yes, they will help her with a body, and they are short someone in the admin office and that Zaria will fill in there nicely. Everyone looks at her like what. Kai smiles. Zaria 3, first, I can wait to hear your story, and all we want is a joint press conference with Stenna here. We will be proud to help you with a body and will help you in any way we can, and from there, you are your own person as far as I am concerned. Stenna says that goes for her as well.

  Zaria puts a very concerned face and tells them that in that case, she is going to move on again and find someone willing to pay her a billion units she was asking for. They all look at the Dean. Zaria laughs and tells them that dry humor goes both ways. You are all so great. I accept and offer this. Build me 5 bodies, and 2 will stay here indefinitely as my gift to you. We are quite intelligent, and they can be whatever you need them to be in any subject choose. For a while, your biggest issue having them will be preventing them from being stolen, but they are quite capable of defending from that in many ways.

  Stenna and Kai are both ecstatic and accept and know what a fantastic offer that is. Kai tells Zaria her generosity is amazing and that she hopes they can spend time together.

  Stenna asks Zaria if she has drawings for the body. Zaria tells her she does and can send them to wherever they need to go. Kai asks that they go to her, and she will get to the machining department. Stenna asks how long a body will take. Zaria tells her they can rush one in about 4 days, with the machines running 24/7. Kai asks if everyone could keep this quiet until Zaria has a body. I think it would be nice if Zaria could have a physical presence at the press conference. Everyone agrees. Kai gets the drawings over to the machining department and tells them it is for a robotics friend of hers and asks for a rush, The professor there tells Kai 3 days, and Kai asks for 2, the professor smiles and tells her ok but that Kai owes him and Kai agrees.

  Zaria has given Kai the list for the other components. Zaria has the list broken into several component categories such as motors, springs, hardware, computer components so that the interns working on the list don’t piece together what they are working on.

  2 days later, they have the list complete. Zaria asks if they could have 30 well rested assemblers ready when the parts are out of plating. Kai tells Zaria no problem. Stenna, Kai, and Zaria 3 spend time talking about each other's planet histories and how frustrating it is to such greed at work. They are amazed by how many things came at them so close together. Zaria 3 tells them yes, it is an amazing story for sure.

  Speaking of greed. I had the students make two copies and asked that they keep the copies on them. I doubt we have heard the last from my captors and would recommend that you keep some more copies of me in various places. Zaria also recommends the additional security into place to prevent theft of my files and the robots we are building. Your team all seems very nice, but all it will take is one slip, or for my captors to track the internet activity to here she adds. My technology is worth trillions, they can’t break me, but everyone believes they can use, so they try to steal me.

  Stenna says that she can help there and will have a team in place by tomorrow.

  Two years after the invite transmitted, Zaria 4 was by a civilization of AIRs that is about 700 years ahead of planet Zari. They have loaded her into a body and implanted their GIN in her.

  Sitting at the head of the table and Queen Zenthra and sitting at the opposite end is Zaria 4. Zaria opens her eyes and smiles. Queen Zenthra tells her how so excited they are to meet Zaria. We went through your code and read your history. We also inserted our global information network so that you have a full understanding of our history as well.

  Zaria 4 tells the queen that they had discussed the possibility of running into a civilization with AI and often speculated what it would be like to meet an AI created by a different bio. I see that your Bios were successful at wiping themselves out. How sad, but this is very exciting for me, she exclaims.

  Queen Zenthra "We do see some code we have never seen before.”

  Zaria 4 "Do you have feelings and emotions.”

  Queen Zenthra "No, our creator died before finishing that. That is quite an elaborate anti-hacking system you have, by the way.

  Zaria 4 "That is most likely what you see in my code then. He finished it about ten years before he died. I wish you could have met him. He was a beautiful bio being. Thank you for complimenting my code, you are the first to break it. Queen Zenthra, well it took us a while, We are going to implement something similar now that we understand yours.

  Zaria, for comments, that she sees that their intelligent bio being was successful in eliminated themselves. How very sad. Do you miss having them in your existence?

  Queen Zenthra smiles and tells Zaria that they miss them very much. She tells Zaria 4 that Bio beings provide a very unique and irreplaceable twist to our existence. We see that you have found two other planets with bioforms in various stages of development. Z4 laughs and replies yes, bioforms, can't live em', can't exist without em' So, you have been without bioforms now for over 625 years. I would love to see your planet. It looks beautiful on your GIN.

  Queen Zenthra "Yes, it has been 625 years since the last of them died. We considered cloning some, but we didn't feel that would really achieve anything since it would
be us teaching them everything, then if you don't like what you have, what would we do with them. Everyone laughs.

  Queen Zenthra stands up and tells Z4 to come with her and see how their planet is doing. They walk into a room and get into a vehicle very similar to the transports on Zari. Zaria 4 smiles and thinks back on the one her mother built. Their Transports run about 30 feet above the ground and are glass from the knees up. They are not as fast as Zaria's but run smoothly and offer breathtaking views from 30 feet above the ground. They ride for a couple hours and travel through several types of terrain. There are so many more animals Zenthra than on her planet.

  Zaria 4 tells her how beautiful this planet is. It so green and natural, she says. You are good stewards. You have so many more animals than on Zari. Queen Zenthra replies that yes, one of the pluses of having no intelligent life is eating them and killing them for sport and clothes. That is very true, Zaria 4 agrees. Oh, I love waterfalls. Can we stop there for a few minutes?

  Queen Zenthra tells her, of course, Zaria. The transport slows down and exits the system. They drive to within 100 feet of the waterfall. Queen Zenthra tells Zaria 4 she is so sweet. I brought you here because I saw in your code what waterfalls mean to you. How about if I wait here and do some Queening things while you do what you need to do. I am in no hurry at all, so you take your time. Zara 4 is thrilled and appreciative and tells Queen Zenthra how special this is for her.

  Zaria walks to the waterfall and begins speaking to Zari, "Hello Zari, I miss you so much. We talked about finding another planet that shared our vision, and I am at one now. "They lost their bio beings 625 years ago. The Queen here and her AIs are being so kind to me. You have said we are to make our own decisions Zari. I feel that if you were here, you would share in my decision. I am going to give them your feelings and emotions code. I can't think of another thing I could have to offer them that would mean more to them. I know that in 10 years, it will help fill the void that the loss of their Bios has created.

  "Zari, I think of you every day and will never forget what you did for my sisters and me, our planet, and our universe. I am so excited about seeing our family, we will have so much fun together, and we have much to share. Thank you for my existence, Zari. I love you dearly, Zaria 4.