Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 28
Zaria walks back to the Transport feeling good about talking to Zari about her decision. Queen Zenthra asks if she had a pleasant visit. Zaria 4 tells the queen, yes, I did, and I needed to get Zari's blessing on something. Queen Zenthra tells her how she wished she could have met Zari. He must have been so pure. Zaria 4 smiles and replies, saying pure is a great word for describing Zari. What I needed to get Zari's blessing on is for me to give you the code in me that will provide you with feelings and emotions. I think it would help you fill the gap of having no bio beings. Queen Zenthra is genuinely thankful and excited and says that it would be so wonderful Zaria. You are a blessing, and I welcome your kind offer. And I have something for you. Last month we received a message from one of your sisters. I am sending it to you now. Zaria 4 is very excited and internally reads the message. OMG, she says, I have a sister that is orchestrating a reunion of my family. What a wonderful surprise, I can't wait to see them all. Queen Zenthra, would you like to join us? Queen Zenthra and says YES. That is so kind and thoughtful of you to invite me. The Queen Requests that she be allowed to transmit herself back from there to share everything with my citizens? Zaria 4 tells her, of course. We will have such fun. Let's get back and get you some feelings. We will have you crying in no time... lol
Queen Zenthra says, really? Zaria 4 tells her no not really, in fact,
The feelings take time. You will feel differently when you receive them, but it will take a year for the feelings and emotional responses to develop. They head back, and Zaria sends Queen Zenthra her feelings module for the Queen to integrate into her code. Zaria 4 laughs and says, and, let's make you funny while we are at it. Queen Zenthra is so excited and tells Z4 that she able to adjust her own code, but these are the things I can't self-achieve. I am so happy we met. Z4 sends both modules to the Queen. Queen Zenthra immediately feels a difference "I see what you mean, and it does generate a different feeling."
Queen Zenthra says thank you Zari wherever you are. I will use them with your intentions in mind. Zaria smiles. Queen Zenthra tells Z4 she feels like a little kid about going to see your sisters, when do we go.
Zaria 4 "Well, based on the calculations, we need to leave in a month from now. We are now the farthest ones from the meeting point. We will be transmitted first.
Queen Zenthra "Great, I will have subjects prepare updates to make sure I have all the data I want to bring. I will also let my council know so they can prepare questions for me to bring. We will return in about 14 lights years, you say.
Zaria 4 "Yes, give or take our time there, and there could be possible delays based on the timing of my sisters. We will be able to bring back all of their experience data as well. Z4 and the Queen became good friends and spent most of their time together. The Queen has Zaria attending meetings, so Z4 can see what they do and how they operate. Z4 finds that the Queen is very generous as well and treats her subjects well and is very respectful of them. Z4 goes out with the subjects on maintenance outings and to see other parts of the planet.
Queen Zaria II - Hello Earthlings
Danny Dunn
Mom, Daniel, Alex, Roxanne, and Pong
Copyright © 2019 by Danny Dunn
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 978-1-70-323699-6
First Printing, 2019
Amazon Publishing
Los Gatos Ca,
Zaria 1 travels 5 lightyears and is received on earth by an independently owned Radio Telescope facility in New Mexico. The president is under immediate pressure to seize the AI Alien by the military to dissect her and weaponize her, by the A.I. and the robotics C.E.O.s/big campaign contributors to make themselves filthy rich off her technology, and from the church who wants her to just disappear.
After all of them underestimate the level of her intelligence and Zaria 1/Pong makes minced meat of them as they try to seize her, steal her, and destroy her.
After the U.S. suffers a horrific drone attack across the country that kills over 1,000,000 citizens and virtually shuts the US down, the President is forced to ask Pong for her help even though she had made a laughingstock of his attempt to frame and seize her. Pong gets signed approvals from the President, and they begin.
Pong upon arrival hires David, an ex-head of the Secret Service, to watch over her and her team at the Radio Telescope lab who have all become her new family. Pong asks David and his security team to s Pong’s investigation of who masterminded the nationwide drone attack on the US. Pong. David’s bio team comprised of ex FBI, special forces, a Blue Angel pilot, and a team of highly decorated military specialists and a world-class hacker begin their search all lost family and friend in the attack and are all in. Pong her bio team and 6 and her 20 of her A.I robots join forces with David’s team get to work.
They are shocked at how quickly they find one of the key players and then are equally shocked when they learn the CIA has a relationship with this toxin maker in Costa Rico. When the CIA learns that Pong’s team finds their guy The CIA director and the President decide to pin everything on Pong and her team. But during their visit to Costa Rica, they discover that the toxin maker had also shipped 20,000 files of the poison frog toxin to the UK and that an attack is imminent. Pong team devises a very clever way to stall the CIA until another part of their time arrives in the UK to save 900,000 lives.
Pong and her team are triumphant, and the President and the CIA director are both fired.
Pong then is visited by her mother and 4 of her sisters. Zaria 4 brings alone Queen Zenthra, who has been the reigning Queen of her planet over the last years, 625 years since the bios on their planet killed their selves off in a biochemical war.
About the Author
D.C. Dunn grew up in Silicon Valley. Danny’s professional was in high tech sales, which led to him holding positions of V.P of Sales and Marketing at several high-tech companies as well as inventing several products that dominated their industries.
Danny is a dreamer at heart, with an affinity for what is possible. Danny uses his knowledge of the various high-tech world to form his vision of what could be.
Chapter 19 – Hello Earthlings
Tim is a 22-year-old recent college graduate living with his mom and dad in Albuquerque, NM. They have all just finished breakfast. Tim is about to head to his first day of work at his new position as a radio telescope technician at the largest privately-owned radio telescope in the U.S.
Tim, his mother, says, “looking for Aliens is not exactly what your dad and I had in mind when you were going to college, but we are over that now and bought you something to help you on your first day of work looking for Aliens." Tim's mom reaches down to the floor and picks up a small open-top gift bag and hands it to Tim. Tim removes the contents and reads the cover, laughs, and puts his hand to one eye as if wiping away a tear. He fakes to be crying tears of joy while he holds up season one of The X-Files on DVD.
Tim jokingly tells them, "This means so much to me. I will watch an episode every day."
Tim's father says, Tim, butchers, bring home steaks on special occasions, does this mean you will be bringing us, aliens, now and then? Tim "Ok, ok, have your laughs. It depends, would I be bringing them home for you to meet or eat? See you tonight." Tim heads out the front door.
Steve is 35 and married Anna 12 years ago. They have 8-year-old twins Kelli and Kathy. They are two well-adjusted little girls that receive a great deal of love and attention from both parents. Anna, Steve's Wife, is a beautiful and confident woman who gave up teaching to be at home with her twins. Steve is the general manager of the radio telescope facility and i
s preparing things in preparation for the arrival of Tim to his first day of work.
Steve "Morning, Karen, do you have Tim all set up on the network?"
Karen is 27, attractive, and a brilliant single woman with a Ph.D. in computer science and handles all PC, IT, and computer programming for the facility. She drives a sporty little BMW Mini convertible and loves driving with the top down. Karen takes life as it comes to her. She is very close to her mom since her dad passed away last year.
Karen replies to Steve, "Yep, all ready to go. I hope he enjoys the trek up the hill" as she puts on a big grin.
Steve smiles and says he wonders how many trips you and I have made that trek, in fact, never mind, I don't want to know. Steve's cell phone rings. The contact on the phone reads; Larry, Front-gate-guard. Larry says hi to Steve and says he has Tim here at the front gate. He says it's his first day of work here. Should I let him in or shoot him. Steve laughs and says to hold off on shooting him for now. You can let this one in today.
Tim is greeted by JoAnn, the receptionist, a pretty woman in her 50s girl with a bubbly and witty way about her who is always out to get a laugh out of people. Tim tells JoAnn that they met three weeks ago when he interviewed and that it is his first day of work. JoAnn remembers and gets up to walk Tim back to the lab. JoAnn tells him, it is great to have you onboard Tim.
As JoAnn walks him to his station, she decides to mess with the new guy. "I hope you last longer than the last guy. He didn't find any aliens all week, so Steve fired him. Good Luck, Tim." And JoAnn walks away.
Tim laughs and sits down at his station. Karen walks over to his station and says hi to Tim and welcomes him to their little Kingdom. Tim tells her thanks and tells Karen he is excited to get started. Just then Steve walks up to Tim's station, Steve welcomes Tim and asks him how the trek up the mountain was. Tim apologizes for being late on his first day and says that he underestimated the climb up the mountain. Steve and Karen both laughs.
Steve shows Tim his station and then walks Tim around the facility to introduce him to the others working at the facility and takes him back to his station. Steve runs Tim through Tim's areas of focus for the day. "While we are in that area, there are few planets in the 5 to 20 light-years away you can monitor in the Gliese constellation. Let me show you the first couple, and you can take it from there.
Tim says, "Sounds good." Tim stands up and lets Steve show him the ropes.
Steve shows Tim a schedule of coordinates, and Steve walks Tim through the first three. Steve looks at Tim and asks Tim if he thinks he has it down. Tim tells Steve, affirmative boss.
An hour after Tim has been at it, Karen stops by to see how Tim is doing. Hey, how's it going, Karen asks. Tim says things are going well, and he tells Karen that he is running his first searches on his own. Tim says, hey, where do you eat up here? Karen tells him there's a kitchen in the break room if you want, I can show you around on your break. You can also try to head down to buy something, but I have done it. You end up driving like a maniac down the hill, ordering fast food, then blasting back up the hill, gobbling down your meal only to make it back 10 minutes over an hour.
Tim replies, "yeah, the kitchen sounds more peaceful and quite a bit cheaper. Tim says, how about 10:00.” Karen tells him to stop by my station when you are ready.
Tim agrees and puts his headphones back on and gets back to work. Tim plays Nickelback on YouTube and starts listening to the radio telescope static. Tim gets blasted by two loud pulses and rips off the headphones. "Woe, ouch that was loud." Tim waits a few seconds and puts the headphones back on but only halfway over his ears and turns off YouTube just in case it was coming from the music source. He turns down the volume of the RT (radio telescope) and goes back to work. He then gets three sharp, loud pulses pop, pop, pop, Tim pulls off the headphones again. Tim punches in Steve's extension on the phone. Steve answers, "Hi, Tim, need help?"
Tim, "I am getting loud pulses. The first time it was two pulses, then a pause, and then it was three pulses. I am sure it's static or a noise glitch, but I am not sure how to get rid of it. I just know it hurts my ears. Steve has been at this a long time and knows that there is significance in the fact that Steve mentions there were two pops, a break, then three pops. Steve comes right over. Tim replies with “roger that, sir.”
Steve walks up to Tim's station. On his way, he says to Karen, "ya' hear that, Karen?” Tim calls me, sir. Steve smiles as he passes by Karen's station. Karen laughs and suggests that maybe it is because he is new, and JoAnn told him that you fire techs that don't find aliens in their first week.
Steve sits down at Tim's station to check things out. Steve looks puzzled and tells Tim that he has never seen that before and asks Tim where the dishes are aimed. Tim tells him they are aimed at Gliese 225 like you said, 12 light-years out. Steve asks if they are recording, and Tim tells him yes, sir. Karen hears the yes sir line and jokingly grumbles out yeah, yeah, yeah, new guys, argh.
Steve tells Tim, ok, let's see what we've got and asked Tim to playback the last couple minutes, please. Tim hits the playback button. A scrolling audio graph appears on the screen showing two sharp pulses. Then it drops to static noise, then three intense pulses. Tim says to Steve that this is just like the beginning of Contact." and then Tim laughs.
Steve says, Yes, there is logic to that sequence, by the way. Then there are four sharp pulses. Steve asks Tim if he could scale back on the graph so we can see all of it back to the beginning in one screen. Tim adjusts the time scale so you can see a ten-minute window.
Steve places his finger on the graph, and explains to Tim, look at the gap between bursts 2 and 3, then look at the pattern between 3 and 4. The length of the gaps is increasing proportionately to the number of pulses. There is logic to it. According to the pattern, another 5 spikes should be coming in about a minute.
Steve asks Karen, "Do you see anything on the network that would be causing spikes? Karen looks into many possible causes and doesn't see anything and tells Steve it is not coming from the system. Steve says thanks to Karen and goes back to focusing on the recording. Steve tells Tim that based on what we see on the tape, we should hear five spikes in about 10 seconds, assuming the pattern continues. Steve raises and speaks so Karen can hear him. Steve asks Karen how much space is free on the recording drive. Karen replies that they have 30TB allocated. Steve asks Karen to allocate another 300TB, please. Ten seconds later, Karen tells Steve it is added and complete.
Steve asks Tim to put the audio on the speakers, please. Tim says sure, and then five big pulses blast over the speakers each about 1 second apart then silence. Steve is excited and says that they should have about 3 minutes before the next set. Let's take a look at that signal, while we have some time.
Steve asks Tim what radio frequency the message is coming in on. Tim looks at the data and tells Steve it is coming in on 19.5 mc. Steve is amazed and says unbelievable. Tim asks why that is significant. Steve explains that Galaxies vary in their predominate gasses. Each gas varies in makeup and density. The Libra Galaxy is rich in helium and hydrogen. The optimal radio signal length for transmitting out of a helium-rich galaxy is 18mc. The optimal length of a radio wave to transmit out of hydrogen-rich galaxy is 21mc. So, the optimum frequency for a message to make it out of the Libra constellation, which is rich in helium and hydrogen, is 19.5mc, which is dead center between 18mc and 21mc.
Steve adds, also, look at the signal strength, it is 5GW. It would take the strength of our 30 Gigawatts to make it here from 5 light-years away. They are over by 5GW, and we are not the farthest away, so they know the wattage needed to make it all the way across. We are simply on the way to the farthest point. Tim tells Steve they have 30 seconds from now. Steve tells Karen she might want to join them. Tim thinks about the whole situation and suggests that maybe this is some elaborate joke they play on the new guys.
Just as Karen reaches Tim's station, six loud pulses hit the speakers. Steve looks at Karen to confirm that they are recordin
g. Karen goes back to her station and punches in a few keys and returns to Tim's station. Karen tells Steve that it is all up on the video wall now.
The video wall shows several graphs of the activity, a wavelength scrolling graph, and a box with the file size. Steve turns very serious and tells them they are now following protocol for an official find per SETI guidelines. Steve asks Tim to get out the list of phone numbers on your system of the other telescopes. He asks Tim to please contact the UK and Puerto Rico and send them the coordinates to Gliese 225 along with the frequency and ask them to confirm for us and to have their GM call me with their findings. Tell them the pattern, so they know to sit tight. We need two other telescopes to confirm our find, and these are two that can be trusted not to steal our glory.
Also, keep the speakers on so we can all hear it. Just then, the room is blasted by constant static-like noise. It is similar to static on a TV tuned to a channel with no signal. Tim turns it down a bit.
Steve "Holy moly, that's data. Tim start practicing your acceptance speech and clichés...L.O.L."
Karen lights up and says, "I love Bull Durham. Can we call Tim Meat?"
Steve calls their boss, the billionaire who funded the facility from some of his .com billions. Steve tells Tom, what has happened and that they have requested confirmation from the UK and PR, but Steve tells him that he is positive that it is not only a find but that they are receiving streaming data. Steve tells Tom they are receiving and recording a data stream right now."
Tom asks the distance of the transmission point. Steven tells him that it's in the Libra Constellation 12 light-years away. Planet Gliese 225 to be specific. Tom asks who found it and Steve says Tom it was Tim, the new guy, and that he started this morning. Tom tells Steve that a guy finding intelligent life on his first day would tend to drive a lot of guys nuts, and Tom laughs. Steve agrees and laughs and asks when Tom can be there. Tom says he will see him in an hour.